Chapter 61 061 Office!
An idea slowly took shape in his mind.

He wanted Chen Xinyu to regret being with Lin Mo, and Lin Mo to regret prying his corner!

"Boss, the machine seems to be broken by you."

At this time, although Fatty Wang lamented Ye Yan's strength, he quickly reacted and reminded him.

At this time, the monitoring equipment was smashed by Ye Yan's two punches, and white smoke is still rising upwards.

"Just get someone to fix it."

Ye Yan frowned, and took a displeased look at the instrument that had been smashed by him, then got up and went to the technical department to repair it.

"How can you bother Boss with this kind of thing, just let me come, I know everyone in the technical department!"

Fatty Wang immediately stopped Ye Yan and said courteously.

If you want to get along comfortably in the Chen Group, you have to rely on Ye Yan to take care of it, so such small things are basically done by him.

At least his existence value is to help Ye Yan do these trivial things.

"Okay, you go find someone to fix it."

Seeing this, Ye Yan didn't compete with Fatty Wang. He returned to his seat and leaned back, closed his eyes and began to meditate.


Inside the Chen Group.

Fatty Wang came to the employee-only elevator and waited for the elevator to arrive, when he suddenly found a young man wearing a mask and pure water distribution suit beside him.

"what is your job?"

Fatty Wang looked at it recklessly, and asked with a slightly contemptuous tone.

"The pure water supply center of the Municipal Bureau, the company asked me to replace the pure water for your president's office."

Lin Mo glanced at Fatty Wang and replied self-consciously.

He snatched this suit from the real delivery man, and the delivery man is still lying naked among the flowers of the Chen Group.

"Then why do I think you are a bit unfamiliar?"

Fatty Wang asked suspiciously after hearing Lin Mo's answer.

As a security officer of the Chen Group, although he is not very capable, he is dedicated to his duties and will interrogate all external personnel who enter and leave the group.

"I am new here."

Lin Mo didn't show any panic, and answered Fatty Wang's question very easily.

"No wonder, do you have an employee card?"

Fatty Wang nodded, looked up and down the clothes on Lin Mo's chest, and found that there was no employee card on it, so he asked directly.

"Yes, here is my employee card."

Lin Mo took out the delivery man's employee card from his pocket and handed it to Fatty Wang.

"Take off the mask and let me see."

After receiving the employee card, Fatty Wang frowned and said.

Because Lin Mo was wearing a mask, he couldn't see the specific face clearly.

Just when Lin Mo pretended to take off his mask, but actually wanted to knock Fatty Wang unconscious, the sound of the elevator arriving at the station rang.

"Here you are, this is the exclusive elevator for employees, you can go up the stairs."

Seeing the elevator arrive at the station, Fatty Wang lost the will to continue to question him. After returning the employee card to Lin Mo, he walked into the elevator humming a little song.

Looking at his embarrassing look, he almost put on his face the words of looking down on Lin Mo, a pure water delivery man.

Ignoring such a thing, Lin Mo turned around and came to the president's exclusive elevator, which led directly to the top floor of Chen Xinyu's office.

"Where is the president's office?"

After reaching the top floor, Lin Mo still pretended to be a delivery man delivering purified water, and asked a woman passing by him.

"It's right there."

"Thank you!"

After the woman pointed in one direction, she ignored Lin Mo, the water delivery worker, and returned to work on her own.

"Young Master Li, do you have time tonight? Let's have a meal together!"

The woman didn't work seriously when she returned to her seat, but made a phone call with the rich second generation. She didn't look like a working person at all, and she was very leisurely.

Perhaps whether it is a small business or a large group, there will always be one or two employees who love to go to work and fish.

The woman in front of her was obviously the one who didn't work hard during working hours and went to call and chat with the rich second generation.

It must be because Chen Xinyu has a good temper and won't punish her, otherwise she wouldn't be so arrogant.

If Jiang Li tried this, he would be expelled without saying a word, and the entire industry would be banned.

After sighing for Chen Xinyu, Lin Mo didn't mind his own business, and when he came to the CEO's office, he gently opened the door and slipped in.

The movement was so light that no one noticed it.

Compared with the outside, the office is obviously much quieter, and there is no noisy sound at all, which shows that the sound insulation protection is very good.

"Didn't you find me?"

Looking at Chen Xinyu who was still processing the documents with her head down, Lin Mo then quietly walked around behind her, and then suddenly attacked and hugged her from behind.


Chen Xinyu struggled with a pale face, and panic rose in her heart.

"Shh, it's me."

Lin Mo quickly covered her mouth, and if she kept shouting like this, no matter how soundproof the office was, it would inevitably startle people outside.

"Bastard, you scared me to death!"

After hearing Lin Mo's voice, Chen Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief and did not continue to struggle.

She was almost scared to death just now, thinking that some kind of gangster really broke into the office.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said to Lin Mo in a resentful tone, "Didn't you tell me to wait for me obediently at the milk tea shop?"

"It's not because I miss you so much!"

Lin Mo hugged Chen Xinyu tightly involuntarily, and took a deep breath through his nose.

The body is very soft and the hair is very fragrant, giving people a feeling of walking by the sea in hot summer and drinking summer tea.

"Come on, it's over if someone finds out!"

Chen Xinyu said again in dissatisfaction, that angry look was beyond description's cuteness, and he had to grab it with his hands.

"Don't worry, no one should have found out so far."

Lin Mo smiled. In order to conceal his identity, he deliberately knocked out a real water delivery worker.


Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly, then slipped out of Lin Mo's embrace.

"Pfft, why are you dressed like this?"

When she saw the work clothes on Lin Mo, she couldn't help but covered her mouth and started to laugh.

"Isn't it to see you?"

Lin Mo shrugged, and then hugged Chen Xinyu again, but this time he didn't hug her from behind, but sat her directly on his lap.

As for him, he was sitting on Chen Xinyu's office chair.

"I hate it, let me go quickly, this is the company!" Chen Xinyu blushed shyly and said to Lin Mo.

After speaking, he twisted his body slightly and struggled, but it was not so much a struggle as a refusal, deliberately catering to Lin Mo.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, this is your office." Lin Mo replied to Chen Xinyu without paying much attention.

Gradually becoming more courageous, he slowly stretched out his hand towards
To be continued

ps: Thank you Xianer, Miss Baicha for your rewards, the boss is so generous!
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(End of this chapter)

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