Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 62 062 Overhead CEO!

Chapter 62 062 Overhead CEO!

"It seems that some people in your group don't work very hard. As the president, you should take good care of it."

After playing around for a while, Lin Mo gradually became more serious, and said something seriously to Chen Xinyu in his arms.

What he was talking about was naturally the woman who had been talking on the phone with the rich second generation just now.

"I warned you."

Chen Xinyu rolled her eyes resentfully when she heard Lin Mo's words, to show her dissatisfaction with what she just said.

"If you don't repent after warning, you can just fire him." Lin Mo reminded Chen Xinyu with a slight frown.

Although the Chen Group does not belong to him yet.

But Chen Xinyu is the president of the group, he is obliged to help Chen Xinyu solve the moths of these companies.

"Can't fire!"

"They are all capable, but"

Chen Xinyu shook his head, and said to Lin Mo with a little frustration after thinking about it: "It's just that they all listen to my second uncle."

"Listen to your second uncle?"

Only then did Lin Mo come to his senses. No wonder those people didn't pay much attention to Chen Xinyu, the president's warning. It turns out that the master is someone else!
"Your second uncle is very popular in the company, so many employees only listen to him."

Lin Mo snorted. It seems that Chen Xinyu, the president, is not very popular. He is just the boss in name, and his rights are actually emptied.

"He is the veteran of the group. When my father disappeared, everyone supported him to be the president. Unfortunately, my grandfather insisted on letting me be the president despite all the arguments."

Chen Xinyu told Lin Mo about the past events one by one.

If it wasn't for Chen Guoxiong's decision, maybe Chen Zhou, as Chen Xinyu's second uncle, would have naturally taken the position of group president.

It's a pity that Chen Guoxiong didn't like Chen Zhou's character and behavior very much.

After Chen Xinyu's father disappeared, not only did he not give him the position of president, but gave it to Chen Xinyu who was still studying.

This also led to Chen Xinyu being ordered to return to the Chen Group as the president before he finished his studies.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is the president with infinite glory, and the huge Chen's enterprise is under her control.

But few people know that the relationship within the group is intricate.

Not only is Chen Zhou, the second in command of the group, controlling the actual power of the group, but also a small number of shareholders are eyeing Chen Xinyu, the position of president.

The reason why everyone can get along so peacefully, without tearing their faces.

The main reason is because of Chen Guoxiong, the lion who founded the Chen Group.

As long as he is still alive, even Chen Zhou does not dare to express his dissatisfaction easily, and can only show a generous and diligent attitude of working for the group at all times.

Even if he is like this, those shareholders naturally dare not have any opinions.

On the surface, they only listen to Chen Xinyu's words, but secretly they listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement. As for the employees under him, they even despise Chen Xinyu, the president.

"Then you haven't thought about firing two people to establish your dignity?"

"Continuing to be weak will only make them bully you even more!"

Knowing that Chen Xinyu's situation in the group was so miserable, Lin Mo began to feel sorry for this girl.

At her age, other girls should have their own careers and families, a husband who loves her very much, a boss who is considerate of her subordinates, and well-behaved and obedient children.

But at this prime age, she had to face such a situation.

It's no less than the ancient new king's ascension to the throne. What he faces is not those virtuous ministers and good ministers, but powerful ministers and generals who are eyeing.

"My father once said that if you want to get someone's approval, you should try to be yourself, and you can't use your power to make them submit!"

At this time, Chen Xinyu was obediently like a child in Lin Mo's arms. When he mentioned his father, his eyes were full of tears:
"If he hadn't disappeared, everyone would have supported him to be the president, and the group wouldn't be what it is now!"

"Don't be sad, at least you still have me!"

Wiping the tears from the corners of Chen Xinyu's eyes, he felt for the first time how helpless this girl was.

His father disappeared, and his mother passed away early.

Except for her grandfather who loves her and cares about her, no one in the family seems to take her seriously.

"Don't worry, I know the reason for the disagreement in the group, wait for grandpa... I will return the position of president to my second uncle, and then go back to the milk tea shop with you, and be a carefree proprietress!"

Chen Xinyu nodded, and looked at Lin Mo with a tearful smile after speaking, showing a heart-warming smile.


Lin Mo also smiled, and gently rubbed her little head.

"kiss Me."

Chen Xinyu didn't talk to Lin Mo about the group's trivial matters any more, and closed his eyes and pouted his mouth when he finished speaking, showing a gesture of asking for a kiss.

Regarding Chen Xinyu's initiative to ask, Lin Mo naturally lowered his head and kissed her without hesitation.

His hands began to move involuntarily.

People outside the office were busy with work and personal affairs, while the two were making out in the office.

If someone pushes the door and enters, the scene must be very exciting.

Bang bang bang!
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Xinyu came back to his senses, and said to Lin Mo with a flustered expression: "Someone is coming, hurry up and hide!"

As he spoke, he shouted to the people outside the door: "Later, I'm changing clothes."

It is only in this way that outsiders will not immediately push the door and enter.

Of course, if someone who doesn't know what's interesting wants to open the door to have a look, the end will be very miserable.

"Where to hide, there seems to be no place to hide in your office."

Lin Mo was also stunned, and after glancing at Chen Xinyu's office, he froze in embarrassment.

"What should I do?"

Chen Xinyu waved her flustered little hands and looked at Lin Mo helplessly.

"It's okay, I'm wearing the clothes of the water delivery man, so I shouldn't suspect anything."

Lin Mo suddenly remembered that he was a water delivery worker, and it was reasonable to appear in Chen Xinyu's office.

Even if people outside came in and saw Lin Mo, they probably wouldn't say anything.

"No, just now I said I was changing clothes. If I came in and saw you, I wouldn't be able to explain it clearly!"

Although Chen Xinyu was flustered, his IQ was obviously still online, and he immediately discovered the loophole.

"Yes, under the table, quickly hide in!"

Suddenly she found an excellent place to hide people, that is under the desk where she usually works, and immediately pushed Lin Mo to hide in.

"Shh, feel wronged, don't make a sound!"

Sitting on the chair, bent over to remind Lin Mo, she straightened her clothes and shouted to the people outside the door: "Okay, come in."

Hearing Chen Xinyu's permission, the people outside slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Second Uncle, why are you here?"

Chen Xinyu was stunned, it was Chen Zhou who walked into the office.

"I'll come see you."

Chen Zhou is a middle-aged man in his forties, about the same age as Jiang Rong.

There are some wrinkles from the years at the corners of the eyes, and wearing custom-made gold-rimmed glasses, he looks like a gentle and elegant gentleman.

To be continued

ps: Thank you Baixue, Zangdian, and Feng for your rewards, the boss is so generous!
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(End of this chapter)

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