Chapter 63 063 Messed Up!
Regarding Chen Zhou's appearance, Chen Xinyu originally wanted to stand up to greet him and show his respect, but thought that Lin Mo was still under the table and resisted the urge.

"Second Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

She could only look at Chen Zhou pretending to be calm, trying to make herself look the same as usual, but the next second her body suddenly trembled.

The soles of the feet felt itchy.
It's Lin Mo, he's the one doing the trick, hiding under the table and tickling secretly.

"It's okay, I heard from the people below that your grandpa has come to the group, I'll come and have a look."

Chen Zhou smiled faintly. Out of the corner of his eye, he happened to notice this detail, but he slowly approached Chen Xinyu without thinking too much.

At this time, he and Lin Mo were still far away from Chen Xinyu, only a desk away.

Without the cover of the desk, Chen Zhou would find Lin Mo's presence at any time.

But it is precisely because of the existence of the desk that Lin Mo can play with Chen Xinyu's feet unscrupulously in front of Chen Zhou.

"Grandpa, his old man has already gone back, second uncle, you are late."

Chen Xinyu blushed slightly, and lightly kicked Lin Mo with the other foot, warning him not to continue, but unfortunately not only was not stopped.

On the contrary, it made Lin Mo even more rampant, and even...

Finally, Chen Xinyu couldn't hold back and groaned softly, and the whole office seemed very quiet in an instant.

Chen Zhou frowned uncomfortably, looked at Chen Xinyu with some doubts and asked, "Xiao Yu, are you feeling unwell? Why is your face so red?"

"It's okay, second uncle, maybe I have a cold, no, don't worry!"

Chen Xinyu lowered his head and explained, trying to behave normally so that Chen Zhou would not see any clues.

"Do you need Uncle Er to send someone to bring you some medicine?"

After hearing Chen Xinyu's words, Chen Zhou asked hypocritically.

"No, it's just a cold, no need to take medicine!"

Chen Xinyu shook his head quickly, then pouted dissatisfiedly, taking advantage of the time when Chen Zhou was not paying attention, he gave Lin Mo under the table a hard look.

That appearance can only be described in four words, "It's so cute."

It's not so much a warning as a show of cuteness to Lin Mo.

He also gradually understood why the people in the group didn't listen to her anymore, and they felt that they were acting cute with such an angry look, which had no deterrent effect at all.

But Lin Mo also knew enough was enough, he stopped teasing Chen Xinyu, and after helping her put on her shoes, he quietly hid under the table and waited for Chen Zhou to leave.

"Okay, remember to pay more attention to your health. You are the president of the group. If your body breaks down, the group will have no leader, and it is easy for others to take advantage of it!"

Chen Zhou nodded, stopped talking about delivering the medicine, and asked Chen Xinyu to take care of his health.

"Well, I know Second Uncle."

Chen Xinyu nodded, seeing that Lin Mo stopped teasing her, her tense body relaxed a lot.

She almost scared her to death just now, and it didn't arouse Chen Zhou's suspicion, otherwise it would be bad.

"By the way, when your grandfather came to the group this morning, did he say anything to you?" Chen Zhou stopped changing the subject and asked Chen Xinyu with a sly look.

The reason why he came to Chen Xinyu was to find out if Chen Guoxiong had said anything to her when he came to the group today.

"No, grandpa told me to go to the police station to release Ye Yan on bail."

Chen Xinyu shook his head, and told Chen Zhou why Chen Guoxiong came.

"Just for that kid, he will come to the group himself?"

Chen Zhou frowned after hearing this, obviously not believing what she just said.

Chen Xinyu nodded, "Well, that's all grandpa told me."

"Okay, the second uncle will go back first, you should work hard!"

Although Chen Zhou was skeptical, he didn't continue to pester him. He knew how to advance and retreat. He was a man with a deep sense of security. No wonder Chen Guoxiong was so guarded against him.

"I'll send you off!"


Seeing that Chen Zhou was about to leave, Chen Xinyu was naturally overjoyed, and without any scruples, got up and sent him out of the office.

"Second uncle, go slowly!"

After waving goodbye and closing the door, Chen Xinyu returned to his seat with a sigh of relief.

"Bad guy, who told you to play tricks on me just now!"

She bent down, supported the table with one hand, and grabbed Lin Mo's handsome face with the other.

I'm so ashamed that I made that sound in front of Chen Zhou just now, it's all Lin Mo's fault.

"Emmm, I was wrong!"

Knowing that he was wrong, Lin Mo immediately apologized to Chen Xinyu.

"Hmph, I don't accept your apology, this fairy is really angry!"

Chen Xinyu pursed her lips and snorted, folded her hands on her chest and puffed out her cheeks angrily. It really seemed that she was angry, and she couldn't be coaxed well.

But for Lin Mo, it's a piece of cake!
He has a trump card, which can make the angry Chen Xinyu break his skills in a second.


Lin Mo stood up slowly, and walked to Chen Xinyu's waist with his hands to scratch.


In the next second, Chen Xinyu suppressed a smile and rolled her eyes at Lin Mo to show her dissatisfaction.


"Hate it, stop making trouble!"

Chen Xinyu didn't hold back this time, and said something to Lin Mo angrily.

"Are you still angry?"

Lin Mo smiled, held her in his arms and asked gently.

"I'm angry, I don't plan to talk to you anymore!" Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly.

Usually at this time, they are telling Lin Mo to coax her quickly, and the anger will disappear after coaxing her, and the best way to coax her is to
After an hour and a half.

Chen Xinyu straightened her clothes, said to Lin Mo with a ruddy face, "Hurry up and go back to the milk tea shop, I'll look for you again in the evening!"

"Do you need me to help you get rid of that annoying fly?"

Lin Mo nodded, but after thinking that Ye Yan was with Chen Xinyu, he took the initiative to ask.

"No, I have a solution!"

Chen Xinyu shook his head and smiled slyly.

She had already figured out how to get rid of Ye Yan, so to be on the safe side, she didn't need Lin Mo to help her.

"If something happens, remember to call me in time."


After Lin Mo gave Chen Xinyu a last word of advice, he kissed deeply before parting, opened the office door and walked out.

The people outside were still concerned about their own affairs, and they didn't notice him as a water delivery worker at all, and they left the Chen Group smoothly not long after.

Back at the milk tea shop, he changed his clothes and waited for Chen Xinyu's arrival. He threw the plumber's clothes into the trash can outside.

The next time he goes to the Chen Group, he doesn't need to wear the clothes of the water worker.

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: 1% personal shares of Chen Group!
Soon Lin Mo's mind sounded the system's task completion notification sound.

He now owns a lot of shares in the Chen and Jiang groups, and it won't be long before he can completely control the two groups.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to those who are wise, rule the world, and don't give up if you don't give up, the boss is so generous!
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(End of this chapter)

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