Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 64 064 Investigate Chen Zhou!

Chapter 64 064 Investigate Chen Zhou!

Tick ​​tick
The wall clock on the wall rotated second by second, and the time slowly reached the afternoon as time went by.

Looking at the sunset outside the milk tea shop, Lin Mo personally made a cup of summer tea for himself.

"The taste is not bad, there is progress!"

After taking a sip, Lin Mo couldn't help smiling when he looked at his small milk tea shop.

In order to conceal his identity, he found someone to decorate the milk tea shop, and worked as the boss and employee in the milk tea shop for a month.

Now the e-commerce system of Yuntao and Hungry Bar is about to take shape, and the opportunities in the era of big data are within his grasp.

When Hungry Bar goes online, he will reappear in everyone's eyes as a businessman.

At that time, this milk tea shop should officially retire with honor.

In the future, who would have thought that he, a once-impressive business boss, would have a background in selling milk tea? It's unbelievable to think about it!

After drinking a full cup of milk tea, Lin Mo glanced at the wall clock, and it happened to be the time for Chen Xinyu to get off work.

"There shouldn't be any problems, just wait, if you still don't come, go find her!"

Lin Mo thought to himself.

With his means, he could have helped Chen Xinyu get rid of Ye Yan at any time.

It's a pity, Chen Xinyu was probably afraid of hurting him, so she flatly refused. This stupid girl is too stupid, she will always only think about others.

He suddenly remembered Chen Xinyu's situation in the group, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as besieged from all sides.

"Zhang Ming, go and investigate someone for me."

"Investigate who?"

"Chen Zhou of the Chen Group."

"No problem, wait for my message!"

After hanging up the call with Zhang Ming, Lin Mo called Qiangwei again.

The purpose of calling Zhang Ming is to get to know this Chen Zhou. As for how to solve this trouble, it depends on Qiangwei.


In the Clover bar box.

Qiangwei, who was acting like a big boss, was still scolding her younger brother, when suddenly the phone rang.

"It's him?"

After seeing the notes on the phone, she was stunned for a moment, quickly connected the phone, and then waved away those younger brothers.

"Mr. Lin, are you looking for me?"

Her tone was extremely respectful, compared to when she scolded the younger brother just now, she seemed to be a different person.

"How are you doing with what I ordered you?"

Lin Mo did not directly tell Qiangwei about Chen Zhou, but first asked about what he had told her before.

That is to monitor Jiang Li, Jiang Rong, and Ye Yan.

"I have sent someone to monitor them all the time. As for Ye Yan, he hasn't been found on the site of the Small Knife Club yet."

Qiangwei quickly said something to Lin Mo, and suddenly thought of something, and then said: "The woman named Jiang Rong has been to a coffee shop recently."

"Okay, let's ignore her business for the time being, and let your people focus on the other one."

Lin Mo reacted after hearing Qiangwei's words.

The time Jiang Rong went to the coffee shop was to meet with herself, and there was no need to continue monitoring her by the Knife Society.

The two have reached a cooperation and may meet frequently, there is no need to send someone to keep an eye on her.

But Jiang Li was different. This was a depth bomb that could explode at any time, and someone needed to keep an eye on it all the time.

Lin Mo still hasn't forgotten the way Jiang Li looked at him when he was leaving that day.

It is reasonable to find someone to take revenge on me when I go back, but I haven't done anything recently, and I don't know what I'm busy with.

"Understood, what else does Mr. Lin want to order?" Qiangwei nodded and asked.

"Chen Zhou from the Chen Group, do you know him?"

"never heard of that."

"Help me find someone to watch him, you should understand what I mean when necessary."

Lin Mo then slowly preached to Qiangwei, but he didn't speak too carefully.


Qiangwei naturally understood what Lin Mo meant in an instant, and at the same time, she became interested in Chen Zhou again.

Lin Mo felt too mysterious to her.

She thought about finding someone to investigate Lin Mo as well, but this idea was quickly dismissed as soon as it came up.

She is afraid, or it is more accurate to say that she is afraid.

Therefore, she would find someone to investigate the names Lin Mo gave her first, and this Chen Zhou was no exception.

"That's it for now."

Without chatting with Qiangwei any more, Lin Mo quickly hung up the phone.

As for why Qiangwei was not allowed to solve Chen Zhou's trouble directly, it was because the time had not yet come.

It would not be a good thing for Chen Xinyu if Chen Zhou received the lunch box so soon.

Inside the Chen Group, Chen Zhou is more like a sharp sword to check and balance those shareholders, and the person holding the sword is Chen Guoxiong.

Although the two have been at odds, it is undeniable that this is the truth.

The two quarreled constantly, but the reason why they didn't break their skins was that there was such a delicate relationship.

If one day Chen Guoxiong really dies, he will definitely find a way to solve Chen Zhou's trouble together.

Compared with those shareholders who are not successful, Chen Zhou poses a greater threat to Chen Xinyu.

While Chen Zhou was holding the sword, he was also guarding against Chen Guoxiong's disadvantages at any time.

I have to say that the two father and son are really interesting, and they can only be described as wonderful.

Both of them are not good at each other, as long as there is an opportunity, they will give each other the heaviest fatal blow.

While cooperating, they also guard against each other.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo couldn't help becoming interested in the internal structure of the Chen Group.

Now Chen Guoxiong is old and sick, and has lost much prestige in the group, so if he wants to support Chen Xinyu, he must rely on Chen Zhou to check and balance other shareholders.

And if Chen Zhou wants to rise to the top, he must act honestly as the sword and remove obstacles for Chen Xinyu.

When all the obstacles are resolved one day, he can only wait to be killed by Chen Guoxiong.

But can Chen Guoxiong really wait until that time?

This is also the reason why Chen Zhou has been willing to be this pawn.

As long as he keeps not doing anything to the shareholders, turns a blind eye and closes one eye, and helps Chen Xinyu remove some obstacles when the time is right, Chen Guoxiong will not do anything to him.

They were both foxes, an old fox and a young fox.

As for who will win, the two are betting.

Chen Guoxiong obviously put his treasure on Ye Yan, while Chen Zhou put his bet on time.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Lin Mo didn't think about the trivial matters of the Chen Group, but looked up at the time again.

I began to worry about Chen Xinyu in my heart.

He remembered that before he left, he told Chen Xinyu to call him if there was any trouble that he couldn't solve.

But the phone didn't ring, which proved that Chen Xinyu didn't encounter any trouble. As for why he didn't come to the milk tea shop, it's unknown.

Just when Lin Mo was about to go to the Chen Group to find Chen Xinyu, the door of the milk tea shop creaked, and it was Chen Xinyu who pushed the door in.

Here she is, wearing a black half-lace dress and a pair of shiny high heels.

Once she changed her normal state, it didn't look like her at all.

To be continued

ps: Thank you for Qiu Feng's sadness, Xian'er, and Yan Moji's rewards, the boss is awesome!

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(End of this chapter)

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