Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 65 065 If you get pregnant, get married!

Chapter 65 065 If you get pregnant, get married!

Perhaps because of some indescribable reason, her walking posture still gave people a strange feeling.

As for the indescribable reason, it is still the same sentence, everyone who understands it understands it.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Chen Xinyu walked slowly in front of Lin Mo stepping on stilettos.

I don't know where she got the courage to wear such wow high heels even though she is in poor health.

It's nothing more than looking away from her.

"Did you change clothes on purpose when you went back?" Lin Mo squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xinyu, and smiled involuntarily.

"How is it, does it look good?"

Chen Xinyu nodded, and then took the initiative to turn in a circle to show Lin Mo her figure and dress.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but can you really stand such a thin heel?" Lin Mo touched his chin and said to Chen Xinyu admiringly.

But soon another problem was considered.

That was the pair of high-heeled shoes under her beautiful feet. The heels were so thin that it was ridiculous. I don't know how Chen Xinyu insisted on wearing them.

"Well, it's okay, it's just a little bit of grinding."

Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo indifferently.

The main reason why she put on such a pair of high heels was to please Lin Mo.

There are only a few things that attract men to this woman. Apart from her figure and appearance, she has stockings, jeans and high heels.

Although she has just experienced the relationship between men and women, she knows a lot about it, after all, in today's age of indulgence.

There are really few people who can be pure and consistent, or none at all.

Even Chen Xinyu is no exception, she is definitely considered innocent among girls, but she is not ignorant of these things.

It can be seen from what he said to Lin Mo on the phone today.

"I don't know how to feel sorry for myself when I grind my feet and wear them."

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, walked out of the bar and came to Chen Xinyu, grabbed her waist and carried her to the sofa.

"What do you want, the milk tea shop is still open!"

Chen Xinyu blushed, bit her lip shyly, and patted his chest lightly as she spoke.


Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chen Xinyu in embarrassment.

It seemed as if Chen Xinyu had misunderstood him.

"Where are you thinking, I just rubbed your feet for you."

Thinking about it, Lin Mo flicked Chen Xinyu's head angrily.

Just what she said just now almost confused Lin Mo.

Is he so hungry and thirsty? The sun hasn't set yet, no matter how anxious he is, he can't be so anxious that he doesn't even close the door!


After being flicked on the forehead, Chen Xinyu stared at Lin Mo with watery eyes.

She also realized that it seemed that she was thinking wrongly, her flushed face became even more rosy, and she pursed her lips in embarrassment and dissatisfaction at the same time.

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, and after slowly helping Chen Xinyu take off the pair of high heels, he took her jade feet in his hands and began to press them.

"Don't be stupid next time, don't you know what's wrong with your body?"

Lin Mo reminded Chen Xinyu while pressing down.

"I want to show you how to wear it!"

Chen Xinyu couldn't help but tremble slightly and said to Lin Mo, feeling the numbness from the soles of his feet, and the roots of his ears gradually turned red.

"Then you have to wait until your body recovers before wearing it. I don't know that you are just now."


When Lin Mo was about to continue, Chen Xinyu couldn't sit still, and immediately covered his mouth in shame and anger.

"feel better now?"

Lin Mo shook his head self-consciously, and no longer entangled with the topic just now, he looked at Chen Xinyu's feet and asked.


Chen Xinyu nodded lightly, then looked at Lin Mo shyly, as if he was struggling in his heart.

"Mr. Lin, can you close your eyes and rub them at the same time?"


Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously and asked.

"I won't tell you, just shut it up!"

Chen Xinyu didn't tell Lin Mo the specific reason, but urged him to close his eyes quickly.

"I really can't help you."

Lin Mo had no choice but to close his eyes and help Chen Xinyu press his feet by feeling.

In the next second, he felt the roots of his ears wet.
"Wait, I'm going to close the store."


Eight o'clock in the evening.

The two of them walked hand in hand on the spacious street, feeling the summer evening breeze blowing her hair from the temples.

"Mr. Lin, what should I do if I am pregnant?"

At this time, Chen Xinyu was a little distressed, holding Lin Mo's arm at a loss, or it could be described as helpless.

"Then we'll get married!"

Without hesitation, Lin Mo quickly answered Chen Xinyu's question.

He is not a person who is always reckless. If Chen Xinyu is really pregnant, the two will get married.

I believe Chen Xinyu will be satisfied with this answer.

In fact, she was indeed moved by Lin Mo's lack of hesitation.

Marriage is such a simple word, but for many people, these two words carry more responsibility!

"What if grandpa doesn't agree to our marriage?"

Although Chen Xinyu was moved, she couldn't help feeling sad, and her mood gradually became depressed.

She knew that Chen Guoxiong had always wanted to match Ye Yan with herself, but unfortunately she had no feelings for Ye Yan at all, and even felt a little disgusted with him.

She didn't understand why grandpa had to match herself and Ye Yan.

Although Lin Mo in front of him was kicked out of the Lin family, he was still excellent. Even if Ye Yan was riding a horse, he couldn't catch up with the shining points on his body.

Compared with Lin Mo, Ye Yan seemed to have nothing to attract her.

If she had to choose one person, she would definitely choose Lin Mo.

"If your grandpa doesn't agree, we'll elope!"

Lin Mo also saw the disappointment in Chen Xinyu's heart, and immediately grabbed her hand tightly, giving her a sense of trust and security, and at the same time said something jokingly.

"Cut, I don't want to elope with you!"

Chen Xinyu smiled, very happily, but also hummed softly.

It was a good choice to elope with Lin Mo, but it's a pity that she didn't have the courage after all. Of course, Lin Mo was just joking.

Whether Chen Guoxiong agrees or not, Chen Xinyu is his woman, as far as Ye Yan goes.

"By the way, how did you get rid of that follower?"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo suddenly looked at Chen Xinyu in surprise.

According to Ye Yan's pissing nature, he should always follow behind Chen Xinyu's buttocks, the kind who can't leave every step.

How did Chen Xinyu get rid of him, which aroused Lin Mo's curiosity.

"you guess!"

Chen Xinyu pretended to be mysterious and smiled at Lin Mo. She was able to get rid of Ye Yan because of one person.

To be continued

ps: Thanks to Jianlai and God Clan for their rewards, the boss is so generous!
Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for recommendation.

I heard that on rainy days, it is easier to meet the girl paper you like with one button and four matches.

The current embarrassing new book number five has big bosses in front, and Xiao Pujie can only shiver in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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