Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 6 006 officially triggers the plot!

Chapter 6 006 officially triggers the plot!

"What a coincidence, it's you!"

Lin Mo pretended to be surprised and said something to Chen Xinyu.

"Yeah, you...really broke off the engagement with Jiang Li?"

Chen Xinyu also replied with embarrassment, and at the same time looked at Lin Mo with a little curiosity.


Lin Mo nodded to Chen Xinyu without any emotional fluctuations.

"Didn't you always like her?"

"Why did you take the initiative to cancel the engagement?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in confusion and asked, everyone in this circle knew that Lin Mo liked Jiang Li.

This is why when Lin Mo took the initiative to dissolve the engagement between the two, it caused such a big commotion.

"Like and marriage are two different concepts, and Jiang Li doesn't like me, so why destroy the other party's happiness for the sake of the so-called family marriage?"

Lin Mo smiled bitterly. Of course, he deliberately pretended to show Chen Xinyu.

"Then don't you regret it?"

Chen Xinyu glanced at the work clothes Lin Mo was wearing, and she began to feel a little sympathetic to Lin Mo now, who was full of the heart of the Virgin.

Although the two had never met before, they were both in the same circle after all.

Seeing that the other party just didn't want to sacrifice love because of the family marriage, I couldn't help but feel a little admiration.

Born in such a family business, personal emotions are not important, and Chen Xinyu also understands this. Compared with the development of the family, what is love?

She knew that Lin Mo was no longer the heir of the Lin Group. After all, it was no secret.

"Regret, maybe, don't talk about these unhappy things, what do you want to drink?"

Lin Mo smiled, and then pointed to the name of the milk tea shop to Chen Xinyu.

The name of the milk tea shop is also very simple, it is called: Forget Unhappy Milk Tea Shop!

"makes sense!"

Only then did Chen Xinyu realize that she saw the name of the shop and thought it was very interesting. Since it was a milk tea shop for forgetting unhappiness, it was natural to forget all unhappiness.

She also stopped thinking about Ye Yan, and asked Lin Mo jokingly with a smile:

"Excuse me, Young Master Lin, do you have any better milk tea in your milk tea shop?"

"Dear Miss Chen, the milk tea in our milk tea shop is delicious!"

Lin Mo also said something to Chen Xinyu not to be outdone.

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other speechlessly, and then laughed tacitly.

"All right, bring me the best drink, if it's not good, I won't give you money!"

After Chen Xinyu finished speaking, she went to sit and rest on the sofa in the milk tea shop.

Lin Mo started to concentrate on making milk tea.

Chen Xinyu, who was resting on the sofa, didn't know what to do, so she looked at Lin Mo out of boredom.

Seeing Lin Mo concentrating on making milk tea, she was a little fascinated.

Among other things, Lin Mo's appearance is absolutely outstanding, with a sharp jaw line, revealing a trace of determination.

If Lin Mo hadn't made it clear that he only liked Jiang Li, how many suitors would want to pursue him.

Thinking of this, Chen Xinyu felt a pity.

"Delicious milk tea is here!"

After making the milk tea, Lin Mo came to Chen Xinyu with the milk tea and a straw.

"Let's say it first, if it's not good to drink, I won't give you money!"

Seeing this, Chen Xinyu joked to Lin Mo after taking the milk tea.

"Okay, it's not good, no money!"

Lin Mo also followed Chen Xinyu's words, and he was quite confident in his skills.

After hearing this, Chen Xinyu smiled, inserted the straw into the milk tea, and took a sip gently.

"How is it, is it good to drink?"

Lin Mo also looked at Chen Xinyu nervously at the moment, although he didn't pay much attention to the money for that cup of milk tea.

Chen Xinyu blinked, then hiccupped and looked at Lin Mo.

After a long time, she slowly said to Lin Mo:

"a bit sweet!"

Lin Mo was slightly taken aback after hearing Chen Xinyu's evaluation, but soon found that Chen Xinyu was laughing.

"Miss Chen, you are not good!"

Lin Mo then pouted and said to Chen Xinyu.


Chen Xinyu stuck out her tongue at Lin Mo mischievously.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host for gaining the favorability of the other party!

mission accomplished!

Get a reward: 1% of the personal shares of the Chen Group!
Just as the system announced the completion of the task, the door of the milk tea shop was pushed open, and a young man walked in from the outside.

After the man walked into the milk tea shop, he saw Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo chatting intimately, which made him jealous.

That's right, the man found Ye Yan from the milk tea shop through location.

"How did you find this?"

Chen Xinyu immediately looked in the direction of the door after hearing the movement, and when he found out that the other party was Ye Yan, his originally relaxed expression suddenly became serious again.

"Do you know each other?"

Lin Mo, who saw Ye Yan appearing at the same time, naturally recognized that Ye Yan was the male protagonist in the novel.

"do not know!"


Chen Xinyu and Ye Yan said something to Lin Mo at the same time.

Chen Xinyu naturally didn't want to show that she knew Ye Yan in front of Lin Mo.

"We are a couple."

But Ye Yan deliberately walked up to Chen Xinyu and said something, and at the same time began to look Lin Mo up and down.

"Ye, who is a lover with you, can you stop being so affectionate, you are just a bodyguard sent by my grandfather!"

If it was in the past, she would definitely ignore Ye Yan with disdain.

But for some reason, in front of Lin Mo, Chen Xinyu wanted to break up with Ye Yan eagerly.

"Since we know each other, let's chat!"

Lin Mo smiled faintly, and was very calm about Ye Yan's sudden appearance.

He knew that Ye Yan had placed a tracker on Chen Xinyu's phone earlier.

So his arrival has long been expected.

After speaking, he returned to the bar in a sensible manner.

"Ye, are you installing a tracker on me?"

After Lin Mo left, Chen Xinyu looked at Ye Yan with a cold face and asked.

She is not a fool, she naturally knew that Ye Yan could find her, she must have installed a tracker on her body.

"This is what your grandfather ordered!"

Ye Yan didn't hide the existence of the tracker, he just admitted it openly.

"Hmph, where did you put the tracker?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Ye Yan with a very cold gaze and asked.

She didn't care if it was Grandpa who asked Ye Yan to install the tracker.

"Sorry, no comment!"

Ye Yan shrugged his shoulders and said something to Chen Xinyu with an expression that deserved a beating.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the plot!

Mission: Destroy the relationship between the hero and heroine!

Completion reward: Bajiquan!

Just as Lin Mo was standing at the bar and intending to watch the show all the time, the system's task reminder suddenly came to mind.

Isn't it just a reward for destroying the relationship between Chen Xinyu and Ye Yan?

You must know that in the early stage of the novel, Chen Xinyu never waited to see Ye Yan.

It was only after more things happened that Chen Xinyu slowly changed his view of Ye Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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