Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 7 007 The Deadly Hero!

Chapter 7 007 The Deadly Hero!

If it is placed in the later stage of the novel, it would be quite difficult for Lin Mo to destroy the relationship between the two, but it is just the beginning.

As long as Lin Mo used some hand-cutting, Chen Xinyu's favorability for Ye Yan could plummet.

Sure enough, before Lin Mo could do anything, Ye Yan started to kill himself, and Chen Xinyu couldn't stand him anymore.

"You wait, I'll call grandpa right now!"

Chen Xinyu looked at Ye Yan coldly, took out his mobile phone and called his grandfather Chen Guoxiong.

No matter what, she had to make it clear to her grandfather that she didn't need Ye Yan's doggy plaster to stick to her all the time.

As for Ye Yan, he looked at Chen Xinyu calmly, and even sat down to drink the milk tea that Chen Xinyu hadn't finished just now.


"The taste is really bad. It's not as good as the plain water I drank abroad!"

After Ye Yan took a sip, he quickly spat it out in disgust, as if he was deliberately showing off to Lin Mo.

Of course, Lin Mo saw all of this. Not only did his actions not make Lin Mo angry, but he also had to thank Ye Yanzhen for thinking of him.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host for completing the task!

Mission reward: Bajiquan!

It's so funny, Lin Mo didn't do anything, just watched Ye Yan's performance quietly, and ended up completing the task by himself!
Just great!
"What do you mean!"

"Did I let you drink?"

Chen Xinyu was on the verge of breaking out at this time. If it wasn't for Lin Mo's presence, she would have cursed Ye Yan a long time ago.

She has always had a good temper, but she can be so angry that she can yell at her, which shows how deep Chen Xinyu's complaints towards Ye Yan are.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

Before Ye Yan could speak, someone connected to Chen Xinyu's phone, and soon an old and deep voice came from the other side.

"Grandpa, hurry up and get that bastard away from me!"

"I don't want to see him again!"

After hearing the voice of her grandfather Chen Guoxiong, Chen Xinyu couldn't suppress the grievance in her heart anymore, and almost complained to Chen Guoxiong with tears.

I really don't understand why my grandfather loved her so much before, why he sent someone like Ye Yan to be his bodyguard.

"Did Xiao Yeyan bully you?"

Chen Guoxiong smiled after hearing Chen Xinyu's words.

"Grandpa, he's already like this, you can still laugh!"

Chen Xinyu felt even more aggrieved after hearing Chen Guoxiong's laughter. She originally wanted to sue her grandfather, but now she finally understood why Ye Yan was so calm.

It turned out that Ye Yan and her grandfather had already united the front, and she was the only one who foolishly thought that Chen Guoxiong could help her vent her anger and teach Ye Yan a lesson.

"Master, I didn't do anything!"

At this time, Ye Yan also casually said a word to Chen Guoxiong on the phone.

"Xiao Yu, give Ye Yan your phone, and I'll have a few words with him."

When Chen Guoxiong heard Ye Yan's voice, he immediately told Chen Xinyu to give Ye Yan the phone.

At this time, Chen Xinyu clenched her phone tightly, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

"Give you!"

Feeling very wronged in her heart, Chen Xinyu threw the phone at Ye Yan vigorously.

But it's a pity that Ye Yan, who responded very quickly, took Chen Xinyu's phone steadily, and then started chatting with Chen Guoxiong.

As for Chen Xinyu, she just felt uncomfortable.

It seems that among the three of her, grandfather and Ye Yan, she is the outsider.

Without a sense of belonging, she felt very much like Lin Mo, the one who was abandoned by the family.

While Ye Yan was still chatting with Chen Guoxiong, Chen Xinyu walked to the bar again and looked at Lin Mo pitifully.

As a white lotus, she not only likes to overflow with sympathy, but pretending to be pitiful and sympathetic is also one of the methods.

Sometimes, it's not that Chen Xinyu pretends to be pitiful on purpose, but the temperament she exudes is particularly easy to be sympathized by others.

"Lin Mo, I made you laugh!"

In order to ease the embarrassment between the two, Chen Xinyu spoke first.

"It's okay, I understand!"

Lin Mo nodded to Chen Xinyu understandingly.

As a time traveler, how could Lin Mo not know about the family affairs.

The reason why Chen Guoxiong has been facing Ye Yan is that the family behind Ye Yan is powerful and cannot be provoked.

In the end, Lin Mo sympathized with Chen Xinyu, and it was not because of her white lotus attribute.

In the novel, Chen Xinyu is an extremely sentimental woman. Although sometimes the attributes of white lotus are flooded, she is kind-hearted and doesn't have too many eyes. She and Jiang Li are two extreme women.

If it wasn't for Chen Guoxiong's efforts to match her up, and Ye Yan saved her from danger several times, Chen Xinyu would not have liked Ye Yan.

In other words, Chen Xinyu didn't like Ye Yan at all.

But there was no other way. Facing Ye Yan, who had saved himself from danger many times, and Chen Guoxiong's matchmaking, he had no choice but to be with Ye Yan!

With familial interests, love doesn't seem to be that important!
"Lin Mo, sometimes I really envy you!"

Chen Xinyu felt more and more like a victim of family interests.

Although she didn't understand what was in Ye Yan that grandpa valued.

"Envy me?"

"There's nothing in me to envy!"

Lin Mo laughed at himself after hearing Chen Xinyu's words. Of course, this was also deliberately pretending to show Chen Xinyu.

"For example, you can do whatever you want without restraint!"

Chen Xinyu said seriously.


Lin Mo nodded in agreement after listening, and glanced at Ye Yan consciously.

It happened that Ye Yan was also on the phone while looking at him and Chen Xinyu.

"Your grandfather told you to go back, and I have something to tell you!"

Before the two could speak again, Ye Yan hung up the phone and walked to Chen Xinyu's side to say something.


Chen Xinyu naturally didn't give Ye Yan a good look, and after snorting coldly, he took out his wallet from the LV bag.

"Here, this is milk tea money!"

"No, I'll treat you to a drink today!"

Lin Mo smiled and refused to accept Chen Xinyu's milk tea money.

"Brother, I advise you to change your career as soon as possible because of the taste of milk tea!"

At this moment, Ye Yan was also eager to make fun of Lin Mo, and at the same time, he was full of gunpowder.

Maybe it was because he saw Chen Xinyu walking too close to Lin Mo that he felt unbalanced and said so.

But that's right, even though Ye Yan is the protagonist in the novel, he is narrow-minded, not only will revenge, but also will have hatred for all men who have had contact with Chen Xinyu.

"Shut up, can you not talk!"

Chen Xinyu frowned and said to Ye Yan, she was getting more and more annoyed by this fly-like Ye Yan.

What does it have to do with Lin Mo opening a milk tea shop? When will it be his turn to cry and pretend to be merciful?

Besides, the milk tea made by Lin Mo is delicious. For someone as jealous as Ye Yan, I really don't know when Grandpa's vision became so bad.

Compared with Lin Mo, Ye Yan really couldn't compare to one ten thousandth.

(End of this chapter)

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