Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 72 072 Want to betray?

Chapter 72 072 Want to betray?
"What are these things on the forehead, good. It smells bad."

Lin Mo, who was still full of vigor and fighting spirit just now, couldn't help but gag immediately after smelling the unpleasant stench on his body.

"Let's take a shower first."

Really unable to bear the sticky and unpleasant smell on his body, Lin Mo took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After cleaning the black stains all over his body, Lin Mo suddenly found that his skin had become much fairer and tenderer.

Like a newborn baby without any impurities.

Maybe this is the change of stepping into the dark energy. After the I Ching washes the marrow, the medicinal power of the Yuanyuan Pill has removed all the impurities in Lin Mo's body.

Those black spot stains are the impurities in Lin Mo's body before.

Without these impurities, Lin Mo felt that his body became much more flexible and lighter, not as bulky as before. After wiping off the wet water stains on his body, he went back to the bedroom to rest.

The next day.

The sun shines three poles, and the morning sun and red clouds fall into the living room of the seaside villa at the same time.

The summer wind blows gently.
The phone rang, and Lin Mo, who was still eating breakfast, connected the phone.

"what's up?"

"I want to see you."

"when and where?"

"At ten o'clock in the morning, see you in the coffee shop."

A few very concise sentences, without any muddled redundant dialogue.

After speaking, the other party hung up the call.

Lin Mo threw the phone on the table casually, and after An Xin finished his breakfast, he changed his clothes and went to the agreed coffee shop.


10:00 in the morning, inside the coffee shop.

"This is the share you want!"

Jiang Rong threw the sealed file bag in front of Lin Mo.

"Is the shares of all the minority shareholders of the Jiang Group here?"

Picking up the document bag, Lin Mo slowly unbuttoned it, and asked Jiang Rong while flipping through the equity transfer document.

"You think too much, this is the shares that can be recovered at present, with your little funds, you can only buy so much!"

Jiang Rong rolled her eyes at Lin Mo.

At any rate, the Jiang Group is a large group with a market value of nearly [-] billion. With the little funds in Lin Mo's hands, at most, he can recover some unremarkable odd stocks.

"Don't forget that we are a cooperative relationship. If you want the shares of Yunfeng Technology, what can you do without blood!"

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Rong after receiving the equity transfer letter.

The woman in front of her is not simple. She has developed in private for so many years by relying on the identity of the executive director of the Jiang Group, and her assets are at least tens of billions.

Since the two are in a cooperative relationship, Lin Mo can't keep paying.

"But I suddenly found a problem."

Jiang Rong looked at Lin Mo with a sneer, not caring whether the two were in a cooperative relationship or not.

"what is the problem?"

Lin Mo shrugged and leaned slightly on the sofa.

"Jiang Li owns 39% of the group's shares and is currently Jiang's largest shareholder."

Jiang Rong spoke slowly, and then looked at Lin Mo with a very questioning look:

"Even if you buy all the shares held by the minority shareholders, it still won't reach 39%. How can I believe that you can control the Jiang Corporation!"

She went back and thought for a long time, and finally found this problem.

In fact, with Jiang Li's 39% absolute holding, Lin Mo has no chance to control Jiang's Group at all.

"So you're planning to break your promise?"

Lin Mo finally understood why Jiang Rong was looking for him today, and raised the corners of his mouth in disdain.

"It's not considered treachery, it's because you don't have that strength yourself, I'm just playing it safe!"

Jiang Rong smiled.

Blame all the responsibility for the breakdown of cooperation on Lin Mo.

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of coffee leisurely, looking very elegant.

"I'm curious, aren't you afraid that Jiang Li will suddenly receive those photos?"

Sure enough, the photos are always her weakness, she paused when she heard Lin Mo's words, her expression became ugly,
"Jiang's group has already found that ghost, and your photos can no longer threaten me!"

After a while, Jiang Rong said something to Lin Mo with a cold face.

"Interesting, have you found a substitute for the dead ghost?"

"I can not understand what you say!"

Jiang Rong began to look at Lin Mo pretending to be stupid, or else, women are born performers, and it only takes a second to enter the show.

"Excellent acting!"

Lin Mo quietly watched Jiang Rong performing in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Mo seemed to have nothing to do with him, Jiang Rong smiled triumphantly and was very happy.

This was the first time she felt the joy of a winner in front of Lin Mo.

"It's a pity, have you thought about a question?"

Just as Jiang Rong was getting carried away, Lin Mo interrupted her again and laughed, even happier than her.

"what is the problem?"

Jiang Rong was taken aback for a moment, then stopped smiling and looked at Lin Mo.

Seeing Lin Mo smiling so happily, an ominous premonition emerged in her heart.

"You are so stupid, when is it stipulated that Jiang's group can only have one insider!"

"Look, these photos are not enough to prove that you are another ghost?"

Lin Mo said to Jiang Rong slightly mockingly.

As she spoke, she put the photo of Jiang Rong stealing the bidding document in front of her eyes.

"Hmph, what do you want?"

Just glanced at the photo, Jiang Rong lost the complacency just now, and asked Lin Mo with a gloomy face.

She still wanted to win in front of Lin Mo too much, otherwise she wouldn't be so smug.

"What do you say?"

"Even if you buy all the shares held by the minority shareholders, it's not enough to hold absolute control. You should give up on that."

Jiang Rong understood what Lin Mo meant, but Jiang Li had too many shares.

The total number of shares in the hands of small shareholders is only a few points, not to mention controlling Jiang's group, even threats may not be able to threaten Jiang Li.

As for the shares in the hands of those major shareholders, they would not dilute their own shares in any case until there was any crisis in the Jiang Group.

"That's why I need you!"

Lin Mo smiled, and looked at Jiang Rong in front of him with burning eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Jiang Rong frowned and looked at him.

"You are Jiang Li's aunt. It shouldn't be a problem to get some shares from her, right?"

Lin Mo then slowly spoke out his thoughts.

With Jiang Li's trust in Jiang Rong, even if she gave her a little share, she wouldn't doubt anything.

What's more, Lin Mo already has shares in Jiang's Group rewarded to him by the system. He only needs to dilute a small part of Jiang Li's shares, which is enough for him to control Jiang's Group.

"Impossible, Jiang Li will never give me shares." Jiang Rong refused without thinking.

But she was like this every time, she refused and followed suit.

This is not a problem for Lin Mo, as long as she has Jiang Rong's handle, she can only be obedient.

Just like that.
"How do you know if you don't try."

"I'm not negotiating with you to get 10% of the shares from Jiang Li, and you don't have the right to bargain."

Lin Mo sneered, not giving Jiang Rong a chance to refute at all, and planned to leave the coffee shop with the file bag.

How could it be so easy to betray the water!

To be continued

ps: Thank you Wuji, Xingyu, Lishou, God's Clan, book friends 854xxxx, and passing through the world for their rewards, the boss is so generous!
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I heard that on rainy days, chocolate and music go together better~
 There is also a reward that will eventually become yours. Since the background of the starting point is not displayed, I cannot thank you in time, sorry! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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