Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 73 073 "Good" News from Chen Xinyu!

Chapter 73 073 "Good" News from Chen Xinyu!
Seeing Lin Mo walk out of the coffee shop completely, Jiang Rong angrily threw the coffee in her hand on the floor.

There was a lot of movement.

It attracted a burst of surprised eyes from the people around the cafe.

"Ma'am, is our coffee not to your taste?"

The waiter at the coffee shop quickly walked up to Jiang Rong and asked.

"Here's the money for the coffee, plus the broken cup!"

Jiang Rong ignored the waiter, took out a few red tickets from her wallet and threw them on the table.


The waiter wanted to say something, but Jiang Rong didn't give him a chance to speak, and walked out of the cafe with a dark face.

10% of the shares, Lin Mo dared to open his mouth like a lion.

No matter how close the relationship between Jiang Rong and Jiang Li is, it is almost one-third of the personal shares, how can they give it as they please.

Besides, even if Jiang Li is willing to give her so many shares, how can she ask for it?
In other words, Jiang Rong had to use some reason to get 10% of the shares from Jiang Li without being suspected.

Even though Jiang Li trusts Jiang Rong, there is one person who always doubts her.

And as long as she arouses that person's suspicion, it will be difficult for her to continue lurking in Jiang's group.

As for these, Lin Mo doesn't care, it's Jiang Rong's business not to be suspected, and he only needs the result, just like the equity transfer letter in his hand.

Including the shares of these small shareholders, Lin Mo has already controlled 15% of the personal shares of the Jiang Group. Judging from his personal holdings, he should be regarded as the second largest shareholder of the Jiang Group.

Except for the 39% held by Jiang Li, none of Jiang's shareholders can exceed Lin Mo's 15%.

Now just wait for Jiang Rong to come to Jiang Li's shares, as long as he controls more than 20% of his personal shares.

There is enough confidence to completely take Jiang into his pocket.

Complacent, Lin Mo returned to the milk tea shop and locked the file bag in the safe.

Now he is like a hunter lurking in the dark, he just needs to wait quietly for the opportunity to let the prey fall into the trap he set up step by step.

Compared to the Jiang Group, Lin Mo is more looking forward to how to control the Chen Group. The best way to break into the Chen Group is to use Chen Xinyu's identity.

Lin Mo was really interested in the intricate relationship within the Chen Group.

Different from Jiang Li's promises, Chen Xinyu's role in the group is more of a decoration, and few people listen to her. The one who really controls the right to speak in the group is Chen Zhou.

He could already foresee Chen Zhou's wolfish ambition, as long as Chen Guoxiong died, he would immediately reveal his true nature.

In the novel, it was with Ye Yan's help that Chen Xinyu gradually controlled the group's voice, but now the reality can no longer follow the direction of the plot.

Lin Mo is the only one who can help Chen Xinyu deal with Chen Zhou.

As long as Chen Xinyu is allowed to completely control the Chen Group, and it is no longer a decoration, it is equivalent to Lin Mo controlling the Chen Group.

At that time, as long as Lin Mo returns to the Lin family, even the Ye family in Jingdu should be afraid of his influence.

Lin Mo may still not be able to threaten these old families in Kyoto, but no one will be able to threaten him in Shanghai.

As for Ye Yan, it's time to meet the leading actor sometime.

Chen Guoxiong has been matching him with Chen Xinyu, and if he doesn't drive him away, it's hard for Lin Mo to guarantee that he won't jump the wall and do something outrageous to Chen Xinyu.

Besides, he still has a systematic task, and he needs to defeat Ye Yan to get the reward.

The summer wind blows gently.
The phone rang again, and Lin Mo answered the phone without the slightest hesitation.

"Mr. Lin, guess who I am!"

Chen Xinyu's mischievous voice came from the phone.

"Who else can it be, of course it's my little fairy!"

Lin Mo smiled, and jokingly joked with Chen Xinyu. It was not difficult to hear from her tone that she was very happy today.

"I have good news for you!"

"But first you have to guess what the good news is."

Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly, a little impatiently wanting to tell Lin Mo the good news, but she still resisted the urge.

"Could it be that your grandfather promised us to be together?"

Since he was asked to guess, Lin Mo naturally didn't have any worries. Of course, he knew in his heart that Chen Guoxiong would definitely not agree to the two being together.

The reason for guessing this way is just to cater to Chen Xinyu and make her happy.

Sure enough, Chen Xinyu laughed after listening to Lin Mo's words, and let out a burst of melodious laughter like silver bells.

"No, but it's close!" Chen Xinyu shook his head and said.


Hearing Chen Xinyu's reminder, Lin Mo was a little stunned, although Chen Guoxiong did not agree to the two being together.

But it is close to the answer, no wonder Chen Xinyu is so happy today.

"Don't be a fool, what is it that makes you so happy?"

Lin Mo didn't want to continue guessing, so he asked Chen Xinyu.

"Ye Yan is gone."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Xinyu didn't continue to play tricks, and told him the good news.

"What, Ye Yan left?"

When Lin Mo heard the news of Ye Yan's departure, he was completely stunned. Instead of being as happy as Chen Xinyu, he frowned instead.

This is not in line with common sense. Even if Ye Yan wanted to leave, Chen Guoxiong would try his best to persuade him to stay. Without resolving the internal conflicts of the Chen Group, how could he be released so easily.

Even if he wanted to drive Ye Yan away, it was only after completing the task.

"Well, he's gone."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and said something to Lin Mo again and again.

"Grandpa told me that he actually left last night."

"Then did your grandfather say when he will come back?"

Lin Mo had just broken through the dark energy, and wanted to find Ye Yan to complete the system task, but he didn't want the cooked duck to just fly away.

"No, Grandpa only told me that he was gone, but he didn't say when he would come back."

Chen Xinyu shook his head, and then asked with some doubts: "Mr. Lin, why are you not happy at all, don't you want him to leave?"

Lin Mo's tone of voice just now was very disappointing, which also made Chen Xinyu very dissatisfied.

"No, I'm just curious as to why he left."

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Mo to admit it, so he quickly explained.

"I'm also surprised, but Grandpa didn't say why he left, but anyway, no one is monitoring me now!"

Thinking of Ye Yan leaving, she could be with Lin Mo at will, so she couldn't help saying something excitedly.

Perhaps because of the meteor shower, her wish came true.

As soon as Ye Yan left, Chen Xinyu would look for Lin Mo whenever he wanted, without any scruples at all.

"Well, do you want to come to the milk tea shop?"

"Don't come, who made you not excited at all just now!"

"I am angry!"

Chen Xinyu snorted softly, and directly refused to come to the milk tea shop.

But the tone in his tone was mostly coquettish, as long as Lin Mo coaxed her a little.

To be continued

ps: Thank you Xian'er for your silent tip, the boss is so generous!
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I heard that on rainy days, chocolate and music go together better!
(End of this chapter)

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