Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 81 081 Don't cry, baby girl!

Chapter 81 081 Don't cry, baby girl!

It's a pity that even if Chen Guoxiong would rather give up the treatment, he couldn't hide it from Chen Zhou, just because he mistrusted Ye Yan.

"Lin Mo, what do you think I should do?"

At this moment, Chen Xinyu was like a helpless little girl, looking at Lin Mo at a loss.

Now that the cancer cells in Chen Guoxiong's body have spread, it is hard to hope for survival, not to mention the cancer cells in his body have developed resistance to drugs.

From the conversation with the doctor just now, it can be seen that Chen Guoxiong's time is running out. Although he is out of danger, he has been in a coma.

"Don't be too sad, even if your grandfather really leaves you one day, I will always be with you."

Lin Mo hugged Chen Xinyu in his arms so that she would no longer look so lonely.


Chen Xinyu nodded, with a sore nose, and couldn't help but threw herself into Lin Mo's arms and began to cry loudly.

Grievance, helplessness, and sadness all rushed to my heart for a while.

Since her father disappeared, Chen Guoxiong can be said to be the only relative who loves her.

Seeing Chen Xinyu crying in his arms, Lin Mo didn't try to comfort her anymore, but just hugged her tightly to give her a solid sense of security.

The best way to vent at this time is to let Chen Xinyu cry and not stop her.

Gradually, Chen Xinyu stopped crying, because the tears had dried up, making the clothes on Lin Mo's chest soaked again.

"I want to go in and see Grandpa."

Looking at Chen Guoxiong lying motionless on the hospital bed through the door, Chen Xinyu's heart trembled.

"Go, I'll wait outside."

Lin Mo nodded, and then let go of Chen Xinyu, allowing her to visit Chen Guoxiong in the ward.


Pushing open the door, Chen Xinyu walked into the ward, and could clearly smell a strong medicinal smell.

Lin Mo was watching quietly through the glass window of the door wall outside, and did not choose to go in to disturb.

Because this period of time belongs to Chen Xinyu's private time with her grandfather.

In the ward.

Chen Guoxiong's old face was devoid of any color, as if he had lost all vitality.

"Grandpa, I'm here to see you, can you open your eyes and see Xiao Yu?"

Chen Xinyu's nose was sore, and she held back Chen Guoxiong's hand while holding back tears, and the past scenes appeared in her mind one by one.

I still remember being playful when I was a child, and she accidentally fell from a half-meter-high step.

It was Chen Guoxiong who comforted her and went to the street corner to buy candied haws hand in hand.

At that time, Chen Xinyu was crying while eating, while Chen Guoxiong was looking at her with a smile on the side.

"Ninny, don't cry, it's not beautiful to cry!"

The words her grandfather said to her when she was a child rang in her ears, and Chen Xinyu couldn't help but bow her head and cry bitterly.

"Ninny, don't cry. You don't look pretty when you cry."

This sentence rang again in his ears, although his breath was unsteady, Chen Xinyu could still hear it clearly.

"Grandpa, you're awake!"

She froze, raised her head and looked at Chen Guoxiong in surprise.

At this time, Chen Guoxiong slightly opened his eyes, his eyes were dim.

"Don't cry, baby girl."

Chen Guoxiong touched Chen Xinyu's face weakly with his hand, and whispered at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Xinyu's eyes turned red when he heard these words, and the tears couldn't stop flowing out.

"Grandpa, don't cry, don't worry about you!"

Chen Xinyu choked with sobs and said something to Chen Guoxiong.

"Grandpa is fine."

Chen Guoxiong moved his lips, and said in a slow and difficult tone: "Grandpa is just tired and wants to take a rest."

"I watch you rest."

Chen Xinyu held Chen Guoxiong's hand tightly all the time, looking at him with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I... have a few words to finish with you. Go to rest"

"Just now your grandma told me that what she worries most about is that you will take good care of yourself by yourself in the future..."

"I'll take good care of myself, Grandpa, don't close your eyes."

Chen Xinyu quickly nodded vigorously, and then nervously instructed Chen Guoxiong.

"Silly boy, what your grandma said to you just now, grandpa still has a few words to say to you."

Chen Guoxiong reluctantly showed a kind smile to Chen Xinyu.

"Grandpa, tell me, my daughter listen."

Chen Xinyu stopped crying and listened carefully to what Chen Guoxiong said to her next.

"I'm the same as your grandma, you are the one I worry about the most"

"You are kind-hearted, and you are easily bullied. Grandpa is worried about you."

outside the hallway.

"Is the old man in here?"

A middle-aged man in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses walked up to Lin Mo and looked at Chen Xinyu and Chen Guoxiong in the ward.

This person was Chen Zhou. He rushed to the hospital without stopping when he received the news from the group.

"You are Xiao Yu's second uncle, right?"

"you are?"

"My name is Lin Mo, Xiao Yu's boyfriend!"

Seeing Chen Zhou's gentle appearance, Lin Mo didn't directly tear his face, but reached out his hand to say hello.

"It turned out to be the young owner of the Lin Group, I heard about it."

Chen Zhou is indeed a cunning fox. He clearly knows each other's details, and he can chat with Lin Mo very calmly.

"How is my father?"

Chen Zhou asked Lin Mo curiously.

"Doctors say the cancer has spread and time is numbered."

Lin Mo shook his head with regret, and casually told Chen Zhou the news that Chen Guoxiong was about to die.

After all, this kind of thing can't be hidden anymore, so it's better to say it openly.

"I'll go in and see."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Zhou's eyes flashed with excitement, but soon he pretended to be very sad.

Just about to push open the door of the ward, but was stopped by Lin Mo.

"Sorry, I think it's better not to go in and disturb at this time."

After Lin Mo stopped Chen Zhou, he explained to him with a slight smile.

"Master Lin likes to meddle in other people's family affairs?"

Chen Zhou frowned. Although he was upset that Lin Mo stopped him from going in to inquire about the situation, he didn't choose to tear his face directly, but said something sarcastically.

"Mr. Chen was joking, Xiao Yu is my girlfriend, so it's not too much of a nosy."

Lin Mo shrugged, and replied indifferently.

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet."

Chen Zhou snorted coldly, and stopped pushing the door forcefully.

Standing outside the door with Lin Mo, quietly waiting for Chen Xinyu to come out.

In the ward.

Chen Guoxiong said everything he wanted to say to Chen Xinyu. Due to too much energy wasted, his already pale face was even worse.

"Ninny, grandpa is going to rest, don't be too sad!"

"Remember to take good care of yourself, your grandma and I will always guard you in heaven."

"Grandpa no longer stops you from liking someone, as long as he treats you well, grandpa will rest assured."

"After you go back, remember to guard against your second uncle, the group and your father. It's all up to you."

At the end of Chen Guoxiong's speech, he no longer had any regrets, and slowly closed his eyes.


At this moment, Chen Xinyu completely collapsed, the indescribable sadness made her throw herself into Chen Guoxiong's arms and burst into tears.

To be continued

ps: Thank you. Unfamiliar book coins are rewarded, the boss is generous.

To be honest, when Lao Qiu wrote this chapter today, he moved himself to tears, which was a bit embarrassing. It may be that Lao Qiu is too sentimental, and it is easy to bring himself into the characters.

Warm reminder, spend more time with family members around you, and don't let yourself have any regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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