Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 82 082 The price of growing up!

Chapter 82 082 The price of growing up!
In the ward, an emergency siren sounded.

The electrocardiogram, which was still changing slowly, became a straight line at this moment.

"Strange, how could this be?"

After a while, a group of nurses and the attending doctor just rushed to the ward. The doctor frowned at Chen Guoxiong, who had no ECG frequency.

Without further hesitation, the nurse quickly pushed Chen Guoxiong back into the emergency room for rescue.

Even Chen Guoxiong has lost his vital signs in medicine.

But his identity is not simple. Doctors dare not announce the news of death casually until the last moment of last resort.
Outside the emergency room, Lin Mo hugged Chen Xinyu, who was so sad that he was close to fainting.

As for Chen Zhou, he was waiting outside the door very anxiously, staring at the emergency room with bright eyes.

If he could see through, he wished he could see the situation inside now.

After about half an hour of rescue, the attending doctor came out of the emergency room again, with a more solemn expression than last time.

"Doctor, how is my father?"

After seeing the attending doctor, Chen Zhou hurriedly stepped forward to ask about Chen Guoxiong's condition.

Chen Xinyu also tried her best to look at the attending doctor from Lin Mo, wanting to know Chen Guoxiong's current situation.

"Sorry, we did our best."

The attending doctor sighed silently, and very tactfully told the two that Chen Guoxiong had passed away.

"Doctor, didn't you just say that grandpa is out of danger?"

"Why. Why all of a sudden"

Chen Xinyu couldn't accept this reality. She, who was always well-behaved and sensible, became very excited at this moment.

It is conceivable that the news of Chen Guoxiong's death has hit her hard.

"Sorry, it was my negligence."

"The old man didn't get out of the dangerous period just now, but returned to the light."

"It may be that there is an unfulfilled wish in my heart, so I just"


The attending doctor didn't continue talking after talking about this, but looked at Chen Zhou and spit out two words slowly.

"Doctor, can I go in and see my father one last time?"

When Chen Zhou heard the news that Chen Guoxiong had passed away, he was even more excited than Chen Xinyu.

"Well, please."

The attending doctor did not refuse the request, turned around and left.

Soon Chen Zhou walked into the emergency room, looking at the lifeless Chen Guoxiong, the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Dad, I'm here to see you."

Walking slowly to Chen Guoxiong's side, he took off his gold-rimmed glasses and pretended to wipe away his tears.

"Lin Mo, it's all my fault!"

"Grandpa just said a lot of things to me"

"It's not me, and neither will he."

Outside the emergency room, Chen Xinyu hugged Lin Mo in grief, and kept blaming herself.

If you don't go in and disturb Chen Guoxiong, maybe Chen Guoxiong won't
She also blamed herself for everything, even if Lin Mo tried to comfort her, she still refused to listen.

"Fool, didn't you hear what the doctor said just now?"

"The reason why your grandfather came back to life is because he has an unfulfilled wish."

"Those words I told you may be the wish he wants to fulfill."

Lin Mo sighed softly, she no longer knew how many times Chen Xinyu in front of her cried in a day, and how many times she was heartbroken.

"I know, but I'm just blaming myself." Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo aggrievedly.

In the ward just now, Chen Guoxiong really said a lot to her, and every sentence contained his love for her.

For example, remember to wear more clothes in winter, go to the hospital in time when you are sick, and boldly like someone you like.

Grandpa will turn into a star like grandma, watching her and guarding her forever in the sky.

"Go in and see your grandfather for the last time. I will replace him and accompany you in the future."


Chen Xinyu nodded, wiped away tears, and walked into the emergency room accompanied by Lin Mo.

Seeing Chen Guoxiong who had passed away completely, Chen Xinyu burst into tears again, and held his hand tightly, "Grandpa, can you open your eyes to see my daughter?"

This time, no matter how she shouted or how she cried, she never waited for Chen Guoxiong to open his eyes and say "Don't cry, baby."

This is the end of a generation of legends.

"Xiao Yu, don't be too sad."

Chen Zhou at the side pretended to sigh and comforted Chen Xinyu.

Now that Chen Guoxiong died, there would be no one in the entire Chen Group to check and balance him.

All he has to do now is to forge a will.

Chen Xinyu stared at Chen Zhou firmly, with hatred for him in his eyes.

"The group still has something to do, I'll go back and deal with it first."

Chen Zhou didn't pay attention to Chen Xinyu's gaze at all, and turned around to walk out of the emergency room.

"Second uncle!"

Just as Chen Zhou was about to walk out of the emergency room, Chen Xinyu suddenly yelled.


Although he didn't understand why, Chen Zhou still raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked back at her.

"I'll take care of grandpa's funeral. I'll trouble you about the group affairs."

Chen Xinyu said something to Chen Zhou coldly.

After a while, Chen Zhou just looked at Chen Xinyu blankly, then nodded, "Don't worry, I will take care of the group's affairs."

After speaking, he walked out of the emergency room.

After he left, Chen Xinyu threw herself into Chen Guoxiong's arms and burst into tears.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the group and prevent Second Uncle from ruining your life's hard work!"

This time, Chen Xinyu is no longer as simple-minded as before, she must protect everything her grandfather left her.

She has grown up and is no longer that simple little girl.

A person's growth is sometimes so cruel.


three days later.

Chen Guoxiong was buried in Changqing Cemetery, surrounded by high mountains and flowing water, surrounded by green shade, it is a good geomantic treasure.

"Grandpa, my daughter will take good care of herself in the future, so you and grandma can rest assured."

Looking at Chen Guoxiong's loving smile on the tombstone, Chen Xinyu couldn't calm down for a long time, and the images of the past invaded her mind again.

Buy candied haws, teach her to sing, the first birthday gift in life, etc.
There are too many emotions for her to forget.

"Let's go, come visit your grandpa later."

Lin Mo took Chen Xinyu's hand at this moment, and then said something comforting.

During the three days of handling the funeral for Chen Guoxiong, he has been by Chen Xinyu's side all the time, watching this little girl grow up step by step, his heart is touched.


Chen Xinyu responded lightly, then raised her head and glanced at the sky.

The tears in the corners of the eyes did not shed.

After leaving the cemetery, the two returned to the other courtyard where Chen Guoxiong had been living during his lifetime.

To be continued

ps: Sorry for the late update today.

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(End of this chapter)

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