Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 83 083 confrontation!

Chapter 83 083 confrontation!

Now people go to the empty building, and the huge other courtyard looks very depressed.

"Uncle Qiu, I will leave Grandpa's yard to you from now on."

After packing up her things, Chen Xinyu looked at the nurse Uncle Qiu with a slightly complicated expression.

"Don't worry, I also have feelings for this yard. As long as my body is still healthy, I will take care of it every day." Uncle Qiu sighed and nodded.

The world is impermanent, but Haitang remains the same.

He has been working as a nurse in Chen's family for nearly 20 years. He almost watched Chen Xinyu grow up and understood the grief in her heart.

Chen Guoxiong's sudden death made him very sad.

"Just please, I will transfer the salary to your account on time every month."

Chen Xinyu bowed deeply to Uncle Qiu after speaking.

Seeing those old decorations, she can't help but think of her grandpa.

In order to get out of this state as soon as possible, she decided to move out to live with Lin Mo and teach Uncle Qiu to take care of the yard.

"Girl, the days are still long, live a good life, and come back to see Uncle Qiu when you have time."

Before leaving, Uncle Qiu couldn't help wiping away his tears and waved Chen Xinyu off.

"Lin Mo."

"what happened?"

While driving the car, Chen Xinyu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly looked at him.

"You said grandpa is gone, how should I deal with my second uncle."

"Now the whole group is basically his people."

Chen Xinyu had a bitter face, a little annoyed that she was so useless.

Although he is the president of the group, sometimes what he says is not as effective as a group leader.

In the past, Chen Guoxiong often lamented that it would be great if Chen Xinyu could be as decisive as Jiang Li.

Thinking about it now, Chen Xinyu felt more and more useless.

Without grandpa, it means losing her protective umbrella, and no one in the group will speak for her anymore.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lin Mo smiled lightly, and said to Chen Xinyu comfortingly:
"The first step for you to return to the group now is to establish your prestige and fire those disobedient employees!"

"Does this really work?"

"of course."

"OK then."

Chen Xinyu nodded after listening, and looked into the distance more firmly.

When she returned to the group this time, she was no longer the ignorant little girl she used to be, but the president of the group.

After half an hour.

Lin Mo parked the car on the square of the Chen Group, and then looked at Chen Xinyu, the co-pilot, "You are the president of the group, so be more confident."

"Well, I will manage the group well for grandpa, and I won't let him down again." Chen Xinyu nodded, opened the car door and walked out.

"I'll go back and tidy up your room for you, and I'll pick you up in the afternoon."


After watching Lin Mo leave, Chen Xinyu took a deep breath and walked into the group.

When I came to the office building, no one seemed to take her seriously.

Even if you meet her, you won't say hello.

The news of Chen Guoxiong's death seemed to ignite the entire group like gunpowder.

No one would deliberately please Chen Xinyu because of him.

It seems that everyone knows that Chen Xinyu will no longer be the president in a short time.

"Hey, Young Master Zhao, how about having dinner together tonight?"

It was the same female employee that Lin Mo had met before. Even after seeing Chen Xinyu, she didn't restrain herself at all, and she still talked on the phone with the rich second generation unscrupulously.

The voice was loud, as if it was intended for Chen Xinyu to hear.

"Well, we'll go to that Michelin restaurant, and after we eat, we'll do our hair together. I learned several new hairstyles."

While admiring her manicure, the woman said to the rich second generation on the phone.

Facing the woman's provocation, Chen Xinyu frowned, remembering what Lin Mo said to her before.

"This is the company, not a place for you to chat after dinner, please hang up the phone."

Walking quickly in front of the woman, Chen Xinyu reminded her coldly.

"Young Master Zhao, wait, I'll call you later."

Seeing this, the woman hung up the phone very unhappy, and then looked at Chen Xinyu with great disdain, "President, I've already hung up, do you have anything else to say?"

"Work hard."

Chen Xinyu didn't pay much attention to her, then turned and walked to her office.

"Cut, paper tiger."

The woman curled her lips and mocked contemptuously, and called the rich second generation again, "Young Master Zhao, let's continue."

Seeing that the woman ignored her reminder, Chen Xinyu no longer forbears as before, turned back to her and sternly reprimanded: "From today on, you are no longer an employee of Chen's, go to the finance department to get your salary!"

The reversal came too fast.As a result, everyone did not expect it, and looked at Chen Xinyu in astonishment.

"Why did you fire me?"

The woman was also stunned. After hearing the news that she was fired, she looked at Chen Xinyu with dissatisfaction.

"You violated the group's rules and regulations, is that enough reason?" Chen Xinyu said to the woman coldly.

Her transformation surprised everyone.

Is this still the weak and incompetent president from before?
"I belong to Mr. Chen, you have no right to fire me!"

The woman became anxious after hearing Chen Xinyu's words, and quickly moved Chen Zhou out.

The reason why she dared to be unscrupulous in front of Chen Xinyu was because of her relationship with Chen Zhou.

Everyone in the group knew that her relationship with Chen Zhou was not simple.

"You are wrong, I am the president, and I have the right to fire anyone in the company!"

Chen Xinyu is not used to women, she is now like a real leader.

"Xiao Yu, you just came to the company, so don't smell too much gunpowder."

"What did she do that must be fired?"

At this moment, Chen Zhou came out from the office beside him.

"Mr. Chen, you have to make the decision for me."

"I didn't do anything, and she's going to fire me!"

When the woman saw Chen Zhou, she immediately pointed at Chen Xinyu and began to cry for injustice.

"Xiaoyu, the old man has just left. I know you are very sad at this moment, but you can't vent your anger on the company."

"It will only chill them."

Chen Zhou ignored the woman and turned to Chen Xinyu.

"First of all, I didn't blame anyone for my grandfather's death."

"Secondly, she violated the group's rules and regulations first, and refused to listen to the advice again and again. I have the right to fire her!"

Chen Xinyu looked at Chen Zhou very calmly, and didn't get flustered because of what he said just now.

With skillful movements and a calm tone, he confronted Chen Zhou.

At this moment, although the surface is calm, there are turbulent waves and undercurrents in the dark.

The people around didn't dare to pant loudly when they saw this, and looked at the two cautiously.

This is the first confrontation between the two, and I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will be implicated in myself.

"People always make mistakes, so expulsion would be too harsh." Chen Zhou then said to Chen Xinyu with half-closed eyes.

As expected of an old fox, he was allowed to stand in the ranks of the company's public with just one simple sentence.

To be continued

ps: Thanks for Danshuoqing, if we are alienated, Rousha Moli for your reward.

Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for reward!

I heard that on a rainy day, you can predict the girl who is excited by pressing the button four times.

Passerby: Lao Qiu never tells lies, so what he said is true, hurry up and donate!

(End of this chapter)

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