Chapter 84 Surprise!

"According to the group's rules and regulations, if you violate discipline many times, you should be fired!"

Thinking of Lin Mo's previous words, Chen Xinyu did not let go this time, and still said very persistently.

"You really can't open the door?"

Chen Zhou also frowned slightly, he did not expect Chen Xinyu to be so determined this time.

"I reminded her and gave her a chance, but she didn't cherish it herself."

Chen Xinyu nodded, the decision to expel the woman was imperative.

Everyone looked at Chen Xinyu in astonishment. She was really different when she returned to the group this time. Even when she faced Chen Zhou, she didn't show any affection.

"Since the president has already made his decision, you can pack up and leave Chen's."

Chen Zhou didn't speak for the woman after that, but there was obviously dissatisfaction in his tone, but he never showed it.

"Mr. Chen?"

"President, I know I was wrong, you just let me off a lot this time, and I will never dare to do it again next time."

Seeing that Chen Zhou ignored her and returned to the office, the woman immediately begged Chen Xinyu for mercy and confessed her mistake.

"Go to the finance department to get your salary."

Chen Xinyu didn't change her decision because of the woman's confession, she turned around and walked towards her office.

"Bitch, don't be complacent, just go!"

"I don't care much about this place. Sooner or later, you will be like me!"

The woman who knew she couldn't change the result suddenly showed her ugly face.

into the office.

The woman was still fired, and even though she was furious and cursed at Chen Xinyu, she still couldn't change the fact of being fired.

He could only pack up his things and leave Chen's in despair.

The first encounter with Chen Zhou seemed to be Chen Xinyu's complete victory, but it wasn't really the case.

Although he regained his prestige by expelling women, he lost some hearts because of his disregard for affection.

And Chen Zhou, who repeatedly pleaded for the woman, gained a lot of goodwill because of it.

"Mr. Chen, why did the president insist on firing Hu Lili today?"

The entertainment area within the Chen Group.

The man in the suit with purple lines shook the goblet, and then asked Chen Zhou who was sitting opposite him.

He is a small shareholder of the group, called Mu Yinnan, who has always followed Chen Zhou's lead.

"The little girl has grown up, and she knows that she must first establish her prestige in the group." Chen Zhou grinned contemptuously.

"So she intends to"

"Will it become a bigger threat to us?"

Mu Yinan frowned after hearing Chen Zhou's explanation.

"It's okay, she establishes her prestige, and I will buy my heart."

Chen Zhou waved his hand, not paying attention to Chen Xinyu's changes at all, and said indifferently:

"It's too late to think about establishing prestige. In a few days, we will unite with some shareholders and hold a shareholders' meeting."

"A shareholders meeting?"

"Do you want to"

Mu Yinnan was startled, and looked at Chen Zhou in disbelief, with a little excitement.

After waiting for so long, is it finally here?

"She has been in the position of president for long enough, and it's time to change someone." Chen Zhou said that his eyes were full of longing for the position of president.

He had waited too long for this day.

When Chen Guoxiong was alive, he never had a chance to do anything to Chen Xinyu. Now that Chen Guoxiong is dead, no one in the entire group can stop him.

"Are you ready for what I asked you to prepare?" Chen Zhou immediately looked at Mu Yinnan and asked.

Mu Yinan nodded, "Don't worry, we've found someone to make preparations."


At 17:30 in the afternoon, on the square of Chen Group.

"Wait a long time."

Looking at Lin Mo who had been waiting for him to get off work for a long time, Chen Xinyu hurried forward and hugged him.

It's different from the performance in the group.

"Just a while."

Lin Mo rubbed her little head, then opened the car door and let Chen Xinyu sit in the co-pilot.

Then he drove the car towards the seaside villa.

"Today is your first day back in the group, how is everything going well?"

Lin Mo asked Chen Xinyu while driving.

"Well, it went well."

Chen Xinyu thought about it and told Lin Mo what happened in the group.

"well done."

After listening to Chen Xinyu's description, Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction.

"Is there any reward for that?"

Seeing Lin Mo boasting about herself, Chen Xinyu stuck out her tongue mischievously, as if she had returned to that innocent little girl again.

"Okay, what reward do you want."

Slowing down and stopping at the intersection to wait for the green light, he turned to look at Chen Xinyu and asked.

"I want you to accompany me to the beach to see the stars again." This time Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo very seriously.


Looking at her firm eyes, Lin Mo did not refuse.

"I love you to death."

Seeing Lin Mo agreeing, Chen Xinyu couldn't help holding him and sucking happily, then blushed shyly.

"Be careful, it's not good to be seen by others before you get home!" Lin Mo smiled and said to Chen Xinyu jokingly.

"Hmph, I don't!"

Chen Xinyu also became arrogant, holding his face and kissing wildly, completely disregarding the occasion and location.

Lin Mo also had nothing to do with her, so he had to pray that the red light would pass quickly.

Suddenly a van stopped nearby, and the co-pilot slowly rolled down the window and looked at Lin Mo enviously with a thumbs up.

"Stop kissing, someone is watching." Lin Mo immediately reminded Chen Xinyu.


After hearing this, Chen Xinyu quickly let go of Lin Mo, and lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at him.

Seeing that Chen Xinyu, who was so bold as to kiss her just now, turned back into a little sheep in an instant, Lin Mo shook his head amusedly, closed the car window and continued to drive towards the villa.

Not long after, the two returned to the villa.

Maybe it was because of being patient in the car for too long, Chen Xinyu hugged Lin Mo and kissed him just after entering the door.

She hadn't seen Lin Mo for almost half a day, and it was extremely difficult during this half day.

"Let's go and see our bedroom first."

After the kiss, Lin Mo brought Chen Xinyu to the bedroom.

The inside was redecorated by him, and it was no longer as monotonous and simple as before. The carpet was filled with dolls, and the overall tone was more romantic.

"so beautiful."

Seeing the change in the bedroom, Chen Xinyu covered her mouth in surprise.

"Close your eyes, I have specially prepared a little surprise for you." Lin Mo smiled lightly, and then asked Chen Xinyu to close his eyes.

"What little surprise?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo curiously and asked.

"Close your eyes first."

Lin Mo rolled his eyes at her angrily.


With a soft snort, Chen Xinyu slowly closed her eyes, and after hearing the rustling noise, she couldn't help asking: "Can you open your eyes?"


Hearing Lin Mo's answer, she opened her eyes again, and was completely stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

To be continued

ps: Thank you Xianer for your reward, the boss is so generous!
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I heard that on rainy days, chocolate and music go together better!
(End of this chapter)

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