Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 85 085 Your eyes are like stars!

Chapter 85 085 Your eyes are like stars!
She closed the curtains to prevent the afterglow of the setting sun from entering the bedroom. Although the scene in front of her was not shocking, it deeply attracted her attention.

A delicate music box is slowly turning.

What surprised her even more was that there were four words written on the music box, "Happy Birthday!"

"This is the surprise I gave you!"

"How do you know it's my birthday?"

Chen Xinyu stared blankly at Lin Mo, the little deer in her heart kept thumping.

Without Lin Mo's reminder, she would have even forgotten that today is her birthday, because no one except grandpa seems to remember her birthday.


Lin Mo pretended to be mysterious and smiled, but did not tell Chen Xinyu where he learned about her birthday.

"Like it?"

Handed the music box to Chen Xinyu's hand, then turned on the switch, and the melodious notes began to play the movement from the box.

In the next second, the music box began to release images, which were the photos of Chen Xinyu from childhood to adulthood, and these were all included in the music box by Lin Mo.

As early as three days ago, he started to plan all this, and asked Zhang Ming to lead the company's people to design this unique and dreamy music box.


Looking at the constantly projected photos, Chen Xinyu was deeply moved, and looked at Lin Mo with affectionate eyes.

After her grandfather passed away, she once again felt the feeling of being cared for and cared for.

Grandpa, did you see it?

Daughter is loved and loved by others, and she is no longer alone.

You are in heaven at the moment, you must be happy for your daughter.

Pulling my thoughts back to reality, I looked at Lin Mo in front of me, as if I saw my true son, and I couldn't restrain my joy for him.

"Thank you, Lin Mo."

Chen Xinyu stood on tiptoe and gave her a loving kiss.

"Fool, what else do we need to say to thank you." Lin Mo shook his head and flicked her head dissatisfied.


After being flicked on the head, she immediately stared at Lin Mo with her big watery eyes.

"Come on, let's eat cake."

Lin Mo smiled, pinched Chen Xinyu's face teasingly, and then walked out of the bedroom and pushed out the prepared cake.


Seeing that Lin Mo didn't coax herself, Chen Xinyu immediately felt a little unhappy, and sat on the sofa holding the music box angrily.

"make a wish."

Put the cake on the coffee table, and plug in candles that are the same age as Chen Xinyu.

"If I don't apologize, I won't make a wish and blow out the candles!"

Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly, at this moment she was still angry about what happened just now.

"Then I played for you?"


Chen Xinyu hurriedly put the music box aside carefully, and then guarded the candles on the cake, resolutely not letting Lin Mo blow it out for her.

"I was wrong just now, little fairy, you have a lot, please forgive me."

Facing such a playful Chen Xinyu, Lin Mo did not continue to tease him.

"Well, I forgive you."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Xinyu smiled happily, like a very easy-to-satisfy child who was praised by adults.

Lin Mo reminded her at this time, "Make a wish."

Chen Xinyu nodded, silently making a birthday wish in her heart.


After blowing out the candles on the cake, Chen Xinyu smiled with satisfaction, and cut off a piece of cake with a plastic knife to hand it to Lin Mo.

"Mr. Lin, here you are."

Just as he was about to take the cake, the picture suddenly changed drastically, and Chen Xinyu mischievously covered his face with the cake.

"Mr. Lin, is the cake delicious?"

Looking at Lin Mo's face covered in cream, Chen Xinyu covered his mouth and sniggered triumphantly, then raised the corners of his mouth in protest and asked him.

"good to eat."

Seeing that he was being teased, Lin Mo was not in a hurry to get angry, but licked the cream at the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

The taste is not bad, but a bit greasy.

"I want to eat too."

Seeing this scene, Chen Xinyu was actually a little greedy. He threw Lin Mo down and licked the remaining cream at the corner of his mouth without any politeness.

"How about I feed you?"

Lin Mo had a sudden whim and planned to feed Chen Xinyu a cake.


Without any thought, Chen Xinyu subconsciously agreed with Lin Mo's idea. She blushed a little shyly and waited for Lin Mo to feed her with her jade neck up.

Falling flowers are not ruthless things. Keke everything is silent.


The sea at night is illuminated by a lighthouse.

The salty sea breeze blows the sadness of July.

The waves kept crashing into the sand, one pile after another.

Chen Xinyu walked barefoot on the shallow sea waves, letting the seawater continuously invade her jade feet.

Sea Breeze also wanted to know more, and slowly blew up the corners of her slightly swaying skirt.

"Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Chen Xinyu's back getting further and further away, she suddenly turned around and shouted to Lin Mo behind her.

"what happened?"

Facing Lin Mo's doubts, she just smiled faintly, then bent down and shouted, "I like you."

"I like you too."

In the next second, Chen Xinyu stopped walking away, but rushed to Lin Mo with all his might, and threw himself into his arms.

"Mr. Lin, I really like you."

She raised her head and looked at Lin Mo with eyes full of stars and seas. At this moment, her heart belonged to Lin Mo.

"How much do you like?" Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu in his arms, and asked her jokingly.

"Well, there are as many stars in the sky." Chen Xinyu pouted and thought for a while, then said to Lin Mo with a smile.

Looking at the sky full of stars, she stopped talking, and sat on the beach with Lin Mo, admiring them quietly.

one. two three
Chen Xinyu began to count the stars one by one. When she counted the brightest star, she looked at Lin Mo curiously.

"Mr. Lin, do you know what that star is called?"

"Which one?"

"That's the one!"

"Should be Polaris."

Lin Mo followed the direction of Chen Xinyu's finger, and saw the most dazzling star in the sky full of stars.

Polaris represents love. It is said that as long as a couple is truly in love and kisses each other under its reflection, they will be blessed.

Although this legend needs to be verified, Lin Mo still looked at Chen Xinyu, and then quickly kissed her without any precautions.


Unexpectedly, Chen Xinyu was surprised at first, then got used to it, and stretched out his arms like willow branches to embrace Lin Mo.

Under the reflection of this North Star, they kissed passionately.

No one knows if the duo will ever get the blessing of the North Star, but what does that matter?

The line of sight is gradually pulled away with the sea breeze, and the sky is full of stars, which looks like a flawless painting, which is beautiful and enviable
Grandpa, I met someone who loves me very much, don't worry if you and grandma are in heaven.

I will find my father.
To be continued

ps: Thank you His Highness Hanqing for the reward, the boss is so generous!
Let me tell you a piece of news, the book will be on the shelves tomorrow, thank you for your support along the way, and if you have more words, Lao Qiu will sort them out and write them in the testimonials on the shelves.

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(End of this chapter)

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