Chapter 86 Chapter 086
Some people often say that little love is lingering, but big love is letting go.

When you are with the person you like, why care about right and wrong?


The next day.

In the villa, you can always see the first ray of morning light by the sea through the windows.

Not too harsh, but refreshing.

Listening to the whistle of the cruise ship going away, it is pleasant and long.

"Lazy pig, wake up!"

Chen Xinyu's voice sounded in his ears, and Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes to look at her.

"Good morning."

Seeing Lin Mo's suspicious eyes, Chen Xinyu tilted his head slightly and squinted.

"Do you know that you should sleep well in the morning!"

Lin Mo immediately said something angrily, and pinched her face teasingly.


Sticking out her tongue, Chen Xinyu began to get dressed and prepared to get up, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but smile.

Soon he found another figure behind him, he hugged his waist slowly, and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Brush your teeth now."

Pursing her lips, Chen Xinyu quickly reminded Lin Mo.


Lin Mo looked at her expectantly.

"No, you haven't brushed your teeth yet."

After understanding what Lin Mo meant, Chen Xinyu was not only not satisfied, but shook her head in disgust.

"You didn't have this attitude last night."

Lin Mo curled his lips, looked at Chen Xinyu in the mirror and said dissatisfied.

"Now I have this attitude. If you don't like it, you can change to someone else!" Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly and said to Lin Mo.

"That's what you said, just right"

"you dare!"

Just when Lin Mo was about to continue talking, Chen Xinyu gave him a fierce look, and then puffed up his cheeks angrily.

"You are the cutest."

Looking at the angry Chen Xinyu, besides being cute, she has a bit of charm. He gently pinched her cheeks with his hands, and then
A few minutes later, Chen Xinyu looked at herself in the mirror aggrieved, "I'm not clean anymore. It's all your fault!"

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, and coaxed Chen Xinyu to have breakfast after washing up.

Otherwise she would just sit on the sofa and sulk.

After breakfast, like yesterday, I sent her to the square of the Chen Group.

"I'm going to the group, remember to miss me all the time."


When parting, Chen Xinyu still offered her own kiss, and she waved goodbye to Lin Mo reluctantly.

Watching Lin Mo drive away, she turned and walked into the group.

Every time she always has to wait until Lin Mo leaves first before entering the group, maybe the reason is only clear to her.


Back at the milk tea shop, Lin Mo became that ordinary clerk with nothing to do.

Relying on making milk tea all day to relieve fatigue.

Since Ye Yan was injured by him, it has been a long time since he received any mission from the system.

Hungry Bar, which has been waiting so hard, will be launched soon.

It is still only an internal beta version, and it has received a good response in the Shanghai market.

The summer wind blows gently.
A pleasant cell phone rang.

Lin Mo put down the tool and connected the other party's phone, and it was Qiangwei who called him.

"what happened?"

Under normal circumstances, Qiangwei would never call him lightly, there must be special circumstances.

"Mr. Lin, the Chen Zhou you drew my attention to made a new move yesterday." Qiangwei said to Lin Mo immediately.

"What action?"

After hearing the news about Chen Zhou, Lin Mo immediately became interested.

Chen Guoxiong had only passed away a few days ago, so he couldn't bear the loneliness so quickly and planned to do something to Chen Xinyu.

"He asked someone to contact the major shareholders of the Chen Group yesterday to prepare for a board meeting." Qiangwei told Lin Mo all the news she had received.

"Why didn't I notify this shareholder at the board meeting at this time?"

After hearing Qiangwei's words, Lin Mo instantly understood Chen Zhou's thoughts, and then raised the corners of his mouth in disdain.

Don't forget that he also owns the shares of the Chen Group.

"Investigate which shareholders he contacted yesterday."

"what do you mean"

"No matter what method is used, on the day of the board meeting, I will make these people obedient." Lin Mo said indifferently.

Since Chen Zhou couldn't wait to do something to Chen Xinyu, Lin Mo should play with him.


Qiangwei soon understood how to do it, and was already familiar with these methods.

If you want those shareholders to be obedient, you must grasp their weaknesses.

As for how to catch it, don't worry about it.

"By the way, these days, you asked your younger brothers to help me find someone in various hotels or homestays."

Lin Mo suddenly thought of another thing, and then told Qiangwei.

"Who are you looking for?"

Qiangwei asked curiously when she heard this.

"A person you know, Ye Yan."

Lin Mo said to Qiangwei slowly, and at the same time told her Ye Yan's name.

"It's him?"

Qiangwei was taken aback for a moment, although she was a little puzzled and puzzled, she didn't tell Lin Mo.

"Well, I will send you a photo of him, and let the people under my hand look for it carefully according to the appearance of the photo."

Lin Mo nodded. He believed that Ye Yan should still be in Shanghai at this moment, and he didn't run back to Ye's house in Kyoto.

His injury will not recover in a short while, and he will not easily travel between two places before he recovers from his injury.

In the novel, Ye Yan is a person with strong anti-reconnaissance ability. He should understand that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

That's why Lin Mo dared to conclude that he might still be recuperating in an unknown corner of Shanghai.

Of course, these are just Lin Mo's guesses, maybe Ye Yan didn't stay in Shanghai anymore.

"No problem, I will let my men find him."

"As long as you are still in the magic capital, I will definitely help you find it!"

Qiangwei nodded, and said something to Lin Mo in a confident tone.

As long as Ye Yan is still in the magic city, Qiangwei has the confidence to find him no matter where he hides.

"By the way, let the people under you be more cautious, and don't startle the snake."

Lin Mo still did not forget to remind Qiangwei.

Ye Yan's anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong. If he is too ostentatious, he will definitely be alerted. If he was not seriously injured, he would not have given this task to Qiangwei.

"Don't worry, as soon as he finds his trace, I will notify you immediately!"

"Well, I'll send you his picture."

Lin Mo stopped talking too much, and after hanging up the call, he sent a photo of Ye Yan to Qiangwei by email.


Inside the clover bar.

After receiving the photo, Qiangwei immediately called her bald man.

"Sister Meiqiangwei, you are looking for me."

When the bald man entered Qiangwei's office, he was about to say hello when he was stared at, and then quickly changed his words.

"If you bring some people, even if you search the entire Demon City, you must find this person for me."

Qiangwei looked at the bald man and snorted coldly, then threw the phone on the desk.

"Yes, I will take someone to find it."

The bald man didn't dare to show even the slightest bit of reluctance. He picked up his phone and looked at it before preparing to leave.

"and many more."

Just as he was about to leave the office, Qiangwei stopped him again.

"Sister Qiangwei, do you have anything else to do?" The bald man turned to look at Qiangwei and asked with a flattering smile.

"Where's the Meigan people?"

Then Qiangwei looked at the bald man and asked indifferently.

"Second Master, he hasn't come back yet"

The bald man scratched his hair, looked at Qiangwei whose expression was getting more and more gloomy, and immediately explained, "Second Master didn't go to Wanchai Casino this time."

"What about others?" Qiangwei asked in a cold tone.

"Amount is here."

The bald man scratched his hair again in embarrassment, a little timidly afraid to tell Qiangwei the location of the plum.

"Give you three seconds, don't say any more"

"Second Master is at Sister Feng's place"

Seeing that Qiangwei was angry, the bald man did not dare to procrastinate, so he revealed the whereabouts of Meigan.

But in the end, I still held back and didn't dare to continue talking.

Even so, when Qiangwei heard the word Sister Feng, the expression on her face was completely frozen.

"Bastard, didn't I tell him not to go to that place again?" Qiangwei was furious, and slapped the desk hard.

The bald man was also startled by Qiangwei's sudden aura, he said hesitantly, "It's Wang Xiaoer from Wanchai, he came to the bar to drink with the second master last night, and then the second master was encouraged by him to go to Sister Feng's place to look for it."

"It's him again. It's him who caused Mei Gan's gambling addiction."

After hearing the name Wang Xiaoer, Qiangwei half-closed her eyes and looked at the bald man.

"You send someone to go to Feng Pailou to catch me dried plums, and then beat up that Wang Xiaoer and send him back to Wan Chai."

"No way, Wang Xiaoer is also Liang Kun's man. If we touch him, Liang Kun will definitely not give up so easily."

The bald man was slightly taken aback when he heard Qiangwei's words, and said with some concern.

"Tell Liang Kun that he didn't manage his subordinates well and stepped over the line."

"Let me find out that his people have crossed the border and damaged plums again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qiangwei snorted coldly, completely ignoring Liang Kun, the boss of Wanchai that the bald man was talking about.

"Wouldn't that be too much?"

The bald man was about to say something, but was threatened by Qiangwei's eyes.

Let him swallow the words he wanted to say next in an instant.

"If I tell you to do it, just do it. How can there be so much nonsense!" Qiangwei scolded him coldly.


The bald man nodded, turned and left the office without further ado.

He didn't want to continue to face Qiangwei anymore, the sense of oppression was too strong.

After the bald man left, Qiangwei planned to do another task that Lin Mo gave her.

Let those shareholders be obedient. There are many ways to do this.



Forget about unhappy milk tea shops.

Pushing open the glass door, a familiar guest enters.

"The shares are coming?"

After seeing the person coming, Lin Mo slightly raised the corner of his mouth to look at her.

"You're quite laid back. With a milk tea shop, you fooled everyone." Jiang Rong didn't answer Lin Mo's question, but walked slowly towards the bar.

"You haven't answered my question yet, what about the shares?" Lin Mo looked at her and repeated what he had just said.

"It's in my hands, but I want to make a deal with you." Jiang Rong looked at Lin Mo as she spoke.

It was her decision to come to Lin Mo today after thinking for a long time.

"Interesting, what deal do you want to make?"

Hearing Jiang Rong's words, Lin Mo began to look at the woman in front of him again.

"I want to use this 10% of the shares to exchange your 10% of Yunfeng Technology's shares. This deal should not be too much!"

Jiang Rong immediately took out the equity transfer letter she had prepared and told Lin Mo her thoughts.

"It doesn't sound too much, but I'm curious about one thing."

"what's up?"

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Rong pretending to be thinking, "How did you get this 10% stake from Jiang Li?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Jiang Rong also raised the corners of her mouth and asked Lin Mo very proudly.

"Then why should I promise you?"

Facing Jiang Rong's answer, Lin Mo replied mercilessly.

"Don't be so serious. If you want to hear it, I will."

Jiang Rong then stared closely at Lin Mo with half-closed eyes, but unfortunately she was defeated in the end, and then pretended to be relaxed and said, "Jiang Li intends to reorganize the atmosphere of the group, so I took the opportunity to buy shares."

"It's that simple?"

Lin Mo was slightly taken aback after listening to Jiang Rong's explanation.

"You should also know my relationship with her. It's not too difficult for me to get shares."

Jiang Rong snorted proudly and looked at Lin Mo.

"There is some truth to what you say."

Lin Mo nodded, and no longer wondered how she got the shares from Jiang Li.

"Can we talk about business now?" Seeing this, Jiang Rong tilted her head and asked Lin Mo.

"Strange, haven't we been talking?"

Lin Mo chuckled, and naturally knew what Jiang Rong was talking about.

It's nothing more than wanting to exchange the shares of Jiang's Group for the shares of Yunfeng Technology in equal proportions.

This kind of daydream, only she can think about.

Regardless of whether there is a possibility of an equivalent exchange between the two, Jiang Rong must first understand one thing, she and Lin Mo have never been in an equal relationship.

Of course, Lin Mo doesn't intend to let her daydream be broken like this.

"As long as I take the position of president of the Jiang Group, I might consider giving you 10% of the shares."

Lin Mo immediately expressed his thoughts to Jiang Rong.

Jiang Rong is not stupid, she immediately understood Lin Mo's thoughts when she heard this, and immediately frowned, "No, the shares must be exchanged at the same time!"

"If I didn't control Jiang's, wouldn't I have lost my shares in vain?"

Jiang Rong's reaction was also within his expectations.

"That's none of my business. I'll come for the shares you want."

"If you can't beat Jiang Li, you should reflect on whether you are too incompetent!"

Jiang Rong also seized any opportunity to ridicule Lin Mo and hit him mercilessly.

"Wonderful, you can still mock me."

Lin Mo laughed, not because he was annoyed by Jiang Rong's words.

Instead, it was because she felt that she was too naive, her age did not match her EQ at all, she looked like a little girl who just came out of society, not to mention her IQ.

To be continued

ps: Chapter 1 is on the shelves, no one will say that it is short and weak this time.

Ask for a first order, ask for a full order, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a reward.

There are still two chapters left today, and the magic city volume will be ended soon, and the Kyoto volume will be started.

(End of this chapter)

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