Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 87 088 Settle inside first, then fight outside!

Chapter 87 088 Settle inside first, then fight outside!
"What you said seems to make sense."

Lin Mo echoed Jiang Rong's words, but then changed the subject, "But it's not that easy to get shares. I refuse the deal you mentioned."

Very straightforward, without a trace of hesitation, sometimes you should retreat to advance.

"You don't want the 10% stake anymore?"

Seeing Lin Mo's refusal, Jiang Rong couldn't help frowning.

"Wrong, you still have to give me this share." Lin Mo shook his head and said to her.

"So you want to be an empty-handed wolf?"

Only then did Jiang Rong understand what Lin Mo was thinking. From the very beginning, he never really wanted to cooperate.

"Without me, no one can help you bring down the Jiang family."

"In other words, at present, only I have the ability to change Jiang's surname."

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Rong calmly. He was not afraid that Jiang Rong would become angry and leave the milk tea shop with the equity transfer letter.

Except for the photos that can threaten her, it seems that no one in the current magic city has the ability to help her.

The news of Chen Guoxiong's death is no longer a secret, and as Chen Guoxiong, she has been placed in the inside line of the Jiang Group, and she is like a frightened bird at this moment.

Without Chen Guoxiong, she could only pin her hopes on Lin Mo, and it was for this reason that she came to the milk tea shop to find Lin Mo today.

"You have to know, I don't necessarily want to bring down the Jiang family."

Jiang Rong also knew that her small thoughts were being manipulated to death, but she didn't want to be passive all the time, so she said this to Lin Mo.

"That's right, after all, you are also a member of the Jiang Group, Jiang Li's aunt."

"But do you really think there is a way back for you?"

Lin Mo smiled disdainfully after listening to Jiang Rong's words.

"You should be more aware of Mr. Jiang's temperament than I am. If you let him know that you have been betraying the Jiang Group, even if it is your own daughter, I don't need to talk about the consequences."

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Jiang Rong lost her previous complacency, and her face became very gloomy.

It seems that just as Lin Mo said, she has no turning back.

She knows Jiang Chaonan's character better than Lin Mo, or even anyone else.

This is why she is so afraid of Lin Mo, and she would rather compromise than tear herself apart at the last moment of last resort.

Jiang Chaonan's ruthlessness can be so ruthless that he ignores his daughter's life and love, and Jiang Rong sneered as he quickly recalled the pain of that year.

She wanted to take revenge on this man, and the best way to get revenge on this man was to destroy his life's effort.

Chen Guoxiong was the first person she turned to.

For so many years, Jiang Rong thought about it, and only Chen Guoxiong could help her bring down the Jiang Group.

It's a pity, the world is unpredictable, she has been lurking in the Jiang family as Chen Guoxiong's trump card, but she accidentally heard the news that he had passed away.

For her, this was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

So she set her target on Lin Mo again, and wanted to use Lin Mo's hand to bring down the Jiang family.

She was betting that Lin Mo, like Chen Guoxiong, had enough ambition and strength to swallow the entire Jiang family.

But Lin Mo was too young, and Jiang Rong didn't dare to put all his treasures on him.

"I can give you the shares, but how can you guarantee that you can beat Jiang Li?"

After a while, Jiang Rong compromised, although he was not very willing, of course, the so-called compromise is only a relative term.

From another perspective, Lin Mo is helping her.

Chen Guoxiong passed away, and the Chen Group fell into civil strife. Now that they have no time to take care of themselves, how can they help her bring down Jiang's.

Now in the entire magic city, it seems that only Lin Mo can help her. This is not bragging, it is impossible for anyone.

The shares of Jiang Group in his hands were not only bought by Jiang Rong for him, but also rewarded by the system. Otherwise, even he would not be able to own 15% of Jiang Group's personal shares in such a short period of time.

In a large company worth nearly 15 billion yuan, it goes without saying that 10% of personal shares means nothing, not to mention that he now has an additional [-]% of shares.

If you want to control such a huge business empire, you can't attack it hard.

Even the current Lin Mo, without relying on the Lin Group, can't face the Jiang Group head-on with Yunfeng Technology alone.

So Jiang Rong's played a vital role.

"You just need to help me muddy the water. As for how to fight Jiang Li, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Mo immediately took the equity transfer letter in her hand and said something.

"What do you want me to do?"

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Jiang Rong frowned suspiciously and looked at him.

"You just need."

After whispering a few words in the other party's ear, Lin Mo told Jiang Rong his plan.

It's not telling her, but telling her how to muddy the Jiang Group's waters.

"What benefits can I get after doing this?" Jiang Rong looked at Lin Mo with fiery eyes after hearing this.

"Don't worry, the benefits will naturally not be less. After the matter is completed, I will consider what you want in your heart."

Lin Mo smiled, not being too ruthless, but promised to give her what she wanted.

It is nothing more than the shares of Yunfeng Technology, which is not a one-sentence matter.

Uh. I'm sorry that one sentence refers to Huyou, why did you flick your legs so hard.

He didn't have the brains to really give Jiang Rong the shares of Yunfeng Technology.

Generally, those who come out to hang out, the most taboo is to be a ghost, because the ending is very miserable, as long as someone catches the handle, it is extremely difficult to be alone.

The reason why Jiang Rong wanted to exchange the shares of Jiang Group for the shares of Yunfeng Technology was not to plan a way out for herself.

"I hope you're not just talking."

Jiang Rong was not delighted by Lin Mo's verbal promise.

After getting along for so long, she also knows Lin Mo a little bit.

She didn't believe that Lin Mo would really give her the shares of Yunfeng Technology.

Although she already knew the result, she still chose to help Lin Mo without hesitation.

As for the reason, it all came from the hatred for that man.

How strong the hatred is, how much revenge there is.

Therefore, it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain, let alone a very cautious woman.

"Don't worry, since you have worked so hard for me, I won't treat you badly." Lin Mo no longer said to her with reservations.

At present, it seems that every time Lin Mo orders her, she can be completed within expectations.

If she didn't want to be proud of Lin Mo too much, otherwise... she must be a very good subordinate.


"You'd better think about how to beat Jiang Li, she has no less shares than you."

It was rare to see Lin Mo talking to herself like this, Jiang Rong felt a little unbelievable, and then walked out of the milk tea shop with a soft snort and stepped on her high heels.

Watching Jiang Rong leave, Lin Mo put the equity transfer document he got into the safe.

His current plan is to help Chen Xinyu stabilize the Chen Group first, and then go back and invade the Jiang Group.

As the old saying goes, if you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside.

To be continued

ps: Please book in full, there is still one chapter today, if the first order exceeds [-], starting tomorrow, there will be [-] updates every day.

The previous chapter was blocked, and Lao Qiu's mentality exploded, but it didn't affect watching.

(End of this chapter)

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