Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 88 088 A Quiet Night!

Chapter 88 088 A Quiet Night!

Ding Dong!

Trigger the story mission!

Task content: Help Chen Xinyu control the group!

Completion Reward: Thousand Ton Sword
Ding Dong!

Trigger the story mission!

Task content: Become the president of the Jiang Group!

Completion Reward: Swordsmanship
Suddenly, two prompts from the system sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

Strangely, this time, two tasks were issued to Lin Mo at the same time, and the rewards after the completion of the tasks are still related.

Yujianshu and Qianjunjian. Is this intended to make Lin Mo directly become a generation of swordsmen and knights in martial arts novels?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo began to look forward to it. Now that he has broken through the dark energy, he understands more and more the mystery of this realm.

Outsider kung fu like Bajiquan is of little help to him.

More often, Lin Mo can even use the dantian energy in his body without using his hands, just like the masters in martial arts novels to hurt people with internal force.

"Jiang Rong, don't let me down."

With the expectation of Qianjun Sword and Yujianshu, Lin Mo raised his expectation of Jiang Rong to another level.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Miss Yu, how are you doing in the group today?"

While driving, Lin Mo chatted and asked Chen Xinyu, the co-driver.

"Well, it's okay."

Chen Xinyu nodded. Since Hu Lili was dismissed forcefully yesterday, everyone in the group has started to pay attention to her and dare not slack off.

Unlike in the past, even if there are five orders, there are still people who obey them.

"What about your second uncle, did he do anything against you?"

Lin Mo asked Chen Xinyu again, even though he had grasped Chen Zhou's thoughts.

"Second uncle is in the office today, and there is no special action."

Chen Xinyu thought for a while, shook his head and said something, then looked at Lin Mo curiously, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"It's okay, just ask casually."

Lin Mo smiled faintly, but did not tell Chen Xinyu about Chen Zhou's little thoughts.

He also planned to surprise Chen Xinyu on the day of the board meeting, but he didn't want to be spoiled like this.


Chen Xinyu didn't think too much, and started to fiddle with her bag in boredom, and then took out an eyebrow pencil.

"Mr. Lin."

After drawing a rabbit on her wrist with an eyebrow pencil, she looked at Lin Mo who was driving with a smirk.


"what happened?"

Lin Mo glanced at her slightly curiously, suddenly feeling ominous.

"Does this rabbit look good to you?"

Chen Xinyu didn't express her thoughts immediately, but showed the picture on her wrist, and asked Lin Mo expectantly.


Lin Mo nodded, not intentionally flattering Chen Xinyu, but the rabbits she drew were indeed quite vivid, as if they were alive at first glance.


After hearing Lin Mo's praise, Chen Xinyu looked very happy, then bit her lip and said, "Do you want me to draw one for you?"

"Is it useful to disagree?"

Seeing Chen Xinyu's big watery eyes looking at him, Lin Mo smiled helplessly and did not refuse.

Who can refuse a little girl who is full of stars and wants to draw pictures for you?
"you are the best!"

Seeing that Lin Mo agreed, Chen Xinyu immediately showed her fox tail, smiled and drew on Lin Mo's side face with an eyebrow pencil.

Soon, within a traffic light, she drew a fox on Lin Mo's side face.

"Sly fox!"

Chen Xinyu looked at his masterpiece with great satisfaction, and then said something to Lin Mo.

"Stupid rabbit."

Thinking of a scene in the previous movie, Lin Mo also replied to Chen Xinyu.

"You know I love you."

"I know you love me."

There doesn't seem to be any sense of disobedience, everything seems so natural.

Back to the villa.

The two are like ordinary cohabiting couples, cooking and cleaning dishes.

After half an hour.

"Mr. Lin, I forgot my clothes, can you bring them in for me?"

In the bathroom, Chen Xinyu, who was taking a bath, suddenly yelled at Lin Mo in the living room.


Holding the prepared pajamas, Lin Mo came to the bathroom door and knocked.

The next second, the bathroom door was opened.

A hand with a few drops of water stretched out and fumbled around.


"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Lin Mo smiled, and then got into the bathroom without any hesitation.


However, at this time, Chen Xinyu was wrapped in a bathrobe, as if she had been prepared for it, and expected that he would suddenly barge in.

"Mr. Lin, you are not good~"

Chen Xinyu then crossed her hips and rolled her eyes at Lin Mo arrogantly.

"Uh, I'll come in and see if the sewer... is blocked."

Lin Mo chuckled, touched his nose and explained to Chen Xinyu, but his explanation was not convincing.

"Bad guy, get out!"

"I'm going to change clothes."

Chen Xinyu snorted softly, and then pushed Lin Mo out of the bathroom.

"need or not."


Before he could finish speaking, Lin Mo was pushed out of the bathroom by Chen Xinyu, and at the same time he locked it on guard. It would be ruthless not to give him any chance to sneak in.

Looking at Chen Xinyu's slender figure through the glass door of the bathroom, Lin Mo couldn't help leaning against the wall to admire it.

Although you can't go in to find out, it's also special to appreciate it outside.

The hazy fuzzy feeling is heart-pounding.


Then, there was a sound.

The bathroom door was opened from the inside.

Chen Xinyu came out of the bathroom in a pink pajamas.

The shallow skirt corners perfectly showcased those slender and slender legs.

Seeing that Lin Mo's eyes were deeply attracted by her, Chen Xinyu raised the corners of her mouth proudly, wiped her wet hair with a dry towel and walked towards the living room.

"Mr. Lin, help me dry my hair."

When he came to the living room, Chen Xinyu leaned on the sofa, and said something to Lin Mo.

"Is there any reward?"

Lin Mo smiled, and walked to her side with the hair dryer.


Chen Xinyu quickly kissed Lin Mo like a chicken pecking rice, and then brushed his still wet hair, "Blow it, the temperature should not be too high."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Lin Mo nodded, turned on the switch and helped Chen Xinyu dry his hair.

The temperature should be moderate, otherwise it is easy to damage the hair.

The reason why some people lose their hair and go bald is that they don't pay attention to these usual details.

After about 10 minutes, Chen Xinyu's hair was gradually dried, and it was very smooth to the touch.

"I want to watch a movie."

Looking at the sultry night outside the window, Chen Xinyu lay comfortably in Lin Mo's arms, and said to Lin Mo while playing with her freshly dried hair.

"What movie do you want to see?"

"Emmm, romance and action movies are fine."

After Chen Xinyu pouted and thought for two or three seconds, she told Lin Mo the type of movie she wanted to watch.

"I am searching."

According to Chen Xinyu's request, Lin Mo found a movie that was recently released.

The story content of the movie is worth thinking about and studying.

In the quiet night, under the screening of this movie, I am no longer lonely.

To be continued

ps: Please subscribe, Lao Qiu's mentality is bursting today.

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 Still the same sentence, publish first, correct mistakes later, without affecting subscriptions.

  Thank you Ruoli for your reward, the boss is very generous

(End of this chapter)

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