Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 94 094 Mr. Chen, drive carefully!

Chapter 94 094 Mr. Chen, drive carefully!
"What are you all doing in a daze, raise your hands!"

Mu Yinnan obviously didn't realize that something was wrong, and kept urging those shareholders to join him in raising their hands to support Chen Zhou.

Even so, none of those shareholders raised their hands to support Chen Zhou, not because they didn't want to raise their hands, but because they didn't dare to raise their hands.


Hai Dafu, one of the elders, got up directly from his seat and walked out of the meeting room in a fit of anger.

Except for those shareholders who received the text message, perhaps no one knows why he suddenly left the meeting.

It's not all right, among these people, Lin Mo obviously knows the reason, after all, he arranged it all by himself.

"Old Hai, why did you leave?"

Mu Yinan stared at Hai Dafu's departure and was stunned. He still doesn't know why he suddenly became like this.

"Dear directors, do you still have any objections to Mr. Chen being the president?" Lin Mo smiled and asked jokingly looking at the shareholders who were threatened by him.

"No, no, we all support Mr. Chen to continue to be the president."

The shareholders who received the SMS shook their heads, and then made it clear that they supported Chen Xinyu as the president.

Seeing these shareholders defecting, Chen Zhou's face turned livid, and he stared at Lin Mo with an extremely hateful gaze.

Obviously, the position of president is only one step away from him, but someone came out to make trouble.

Noticing Chen Zhou's eyes that wanted to kill him, Lin Mo smiled triumphantly again, feeling a burst of joy.

clap clap clap!
The next second, there was a burst of applause in the conference room, and the person who applauded was Chen Zhou. While applauding, he said to Chen Xinyu, "Xiaoyu, congratulations!"

"Mr. Chen you"

Mu Yinnan was dumbfounded, but Chen Zhou ignored him and got up to leave the conference room instead.

The current situation has obviously been firmly controlled by Lin Mo, and if he continues to stay, he will only bring shame on himself.

"Mr. Chen."

At the moment Chen Zhou opened the door and walked out of the conference room, Lin Mo suddenly stopped him.

"What else does Young Master Lin want to say?" Chen Zhou hesitated and turned to look at Lin Mo and asked.

Lin Mo lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth with a faint smile, "Recently, it's a southerly windy day and the humidity is heavy. Remember to be careful when Mr. Chen is driving, otherwise it's easy to slip and cause an accident."

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Chen Zhou frowned. The threatening tone could be heard even by Chen Xinyu who was present.

"Thanks for the reminder, I will pay attention."

Chen Zhou then snorted coldly, pushed open the door of the conference room and left.

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: Thousand Ton Sword!

After listening to the system's notification tone, Lin Mo looked at Mu Yinnan, "Master is gone, why are you still here?"

"Don't be complacent!"

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Mu Yinnan still yelled, but completely lost the confidence just now, and hurriedly ran out of the conference room in desperation to catch up with Chen Zhou.

Immediately looking at the sitting shareholders, Lin Mo said again: "Thank you for your cooperation, you can all go too."

When these shareholders listened to Lin Mo's words, none of them dared to get up and leave, and they all looked at him flatteringly.

"Don't worry, since you are all so obedient, I won't make things difficult for you."

Lin Mo understood why these shareholders suddenly looked at him, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly to say something.

After receiving Lin Mo's reply, these shareholders gradually breathed a sigh of relief, got up and left the conference room.

"The young master of the Lin Group is indeed a talented person."

Gong Heshan, who is a human being, did not leave the conference room directly like the shareholders, but got up and walked towards Lin Mo and extended his palm.

Lin Mo ignored the bad old man at all, and looked at a Quan Zhong who supported Chen Xinyu.

"Mr. Lin, the water of the Chen Group is not as simple as you think, so you can take care of it yourself."

Seeing that he was being ignored, Gong Heshan couldn't hold back his face, and led Gong Bin out of the conference room.

After these people left, only Lin Mo, Chen Xinyu, and Quan Zhong were left in the huge conference room.

"Uncle Zhong, right? Thank you for supporting Xiao Yu alone." Looking at Quan Zhong who kept looking at him, Lin Mo said something to him.

Among so many people, this is the only one who can arouse Lin Mo's interest a little bit.

"Are you Xiaoyu's boyfriend?"

After Quan Zhong withdrew his gaze, he asked Lin Mo.


Lin Mo nodded without denying it. His relationship with Chen Xinyu is no longer a secret.

"I'm curious, what method did you use to make those people no longer support Chen Zhou?"

After a long time, Quan Zhong expressed his doubts to Lin Mo. Except for the shareholders who received the text message, no one knew what method Lin Mo used to make them no longer choose to support Chen Zhou.

"Sorry, it's a secret."

Lin Mo smiled faintly, and had no intention of telling Quan Zhong.

"what about me?"

At this time, Chen Xinyu asked Lin Mo, only to see her pouted angrily, her expression was full of dissatisfaction with him.

Everything happened too suddenly, including the appearance of Lin Mo, the shares in his hands, and making those shareholders obedient.

These Chen Xinyu have a lot of doubts to ask Lin Mo.

"Of course you are an exception. If you want to know, I will tell you when I get home at night."

Seeing Chen Xinyu's angry look, Lin Mo immediately grabbed her cheeks with his hands, and said something to her.

This chubby face, this damn baby fat, makes people grab it and don't want to let go.

"You hurt people."

Chen Xinyu snorted, shook his head as he spoke, and shook Lin Mo's hand away.

"Chen Zhou is not as simple as you imagined. If he loses this time, he will definitely make a comeback next time." Quan Zhong shook his head helplessly watching the scene where the two were tired, and then reminded Lin Mo.

As for the traditional virtues, let the old people see these things.

"I see."

Lin Mo didn't take Quan Zhong's words to heart.

Before Chen Zhou left, he said that it's a south windy day and it's humid, so it's easy to skid and cause accidents. It's not just about telling him to drive carefully.

"Forget it, I will find someone to deal with the matter of the will, and we will know who is true and who is false."

Seeing Lin Mo's indifferent look, Quan Zhong sighed helplessly, and then looked at the will in Chen Xinyu's hand.

"Uncle Zhong, the will in my hand is left by Grandpa." Chen Xinyu said to Quan Zhong with some grievances.

All the shareholders basically knew that the will in her hands was the most authentic, but no one wanted to believe it, including Quan Zhong in front of him.

"I believe in you, and I believe in your grandpa's decision."

The next second, Quan Zhong smiled, and then looked at Chen Xinyu with a gratified expression, "Son, I will leave the group to you to take care of from now on, don't let those people underestimate you."


Chen Xinyu nodded, she was extremely moved by Quan Zhong's trust.

"Your grandfather and I are old friends for life, and I feel more relieved to see such a person protecting you."

Quan Zhong turned his gaze to Lin Mo after speaking, and then jokingly said, "But be careful, there are too many people in the group, it's not suitable for showing affection."

"Do you still know about showing affection?"

Chen Xinyu was slightly taken aback when he heard Quan Zhong's words, and at the same time looked at him with a blushing face.

"I'm not a stubborn old man like your grandfather. My thoughts have been stuck in the past. I know all these hot words on the Internet."

Quan Zhong smiled, he was no longer as serious as before, he looked like an old urchin without his disguise and sense of distance.

It's not as serious as it looks, and it's difficult to communicate with.

To be continued

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 Thanks for the reward of Yanmoyue, the boss is so generous

(End of this chapter)

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