Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 95 095 What I want to know!

Chapter 95 095 What I want to know!
"I thought you were just like my grandfather." Chen Xinyu smiled a little embarrassedly after listening to Quan Zhong's words.

"Hmph, your grandpa is just a stubborn old man. I'm not like him."

I don't know why when it comes to this time, Quan Zhong's tone contains dissatisfaction with Chen Guoxiong, maybe the two had some love-hate entanglements before.

"Has he offended you in any way before?"

Chen Xinyu heard Quan Zhong's dissatisfaction with her grandfather, and immediately asked tentatively.

"Silly girl, your grandpa never offended me."

Seeing Chen Xinyu looking at him carefully, Quan Zhong shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Do you know why I hate your grandpa so much?"


Chen Xinyu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Quan Zhong curiously.

"The reason why your grandfather loves you so much is because the one thing he regrets the most in his life is asking your father to marry another woman when your mother was pregnant with you."

His thoughts gradually drifted away, and Quan Zhong told Chen Xinyu some past events.

Hearing this, including Lin Mo, they all looked at Quan Zhong curiously. They didn't expect such bloody things to happen to Chen Xinyu's father.

"Uncle Zhong, are what you said true?"

After listening to Quan Zhong's words, Chen Xinyu's expression became a little ugly. She never thought that her grandfather would let her father marry another woman besides her mother.

In her heart, Chen Guoxiong has always been a kind and kind image.

"The events back then were mixed with too many things, and it's hard for me, an outsider, to say much." Quan Zhong nodded, and at the same time sighed helplessly, and stopped talking about the past with Chen Xinyu.

"Uncle Zhong, I just want to ask you a question." Seeing this, Chen Xinyu looked at Quan Zhong very seriously.

"go ahead."

"Did my father heed my grandfather's advice and marry another woman in the end?" Chen Xinyu asked Quan Zhong the question he wanted to know the most.

"No, your father only loved your mother in this life, so when your grandfather asked him to marry another woman, your father refused." Quan Zhong replied shaking his head.

"Then do you know how my father disappeared?" Chen Xinyu hurriedly asked after listening.

"This. I don't know."

Quan Zhong hesitated for two or three seconds before answering Chen Xinyu, "Only your grandfather and your second uncle know about your father's disappearance. This is the reason why your grandfather didn't want to see your second uncle all these years."

"Then you."

"It's getting late, I should go back and take my grandson."

Just when Chen Xinyu wanted to ask something, Quan Zhong interrupted on purpose, then glanced at the time and planned to leave, obviously he knew a lot of things.

"Okay, you go slowly."

Chen Xinyu nodded in disappointment, and stopped asking about Quan Zhong's past.

"I feel much more at ease when the group is handed over to you."

Quan Zhong smiled, turned and walked towards the gate of the conference room, and disappeared from the sight of Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo after a while.

After he left, only Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu were left in the conference room.

At this time, Chen Xinyu became a little depressed because of Quan Zhong's words just now, and watched Lin Mo hesitate for a long time without saying a word.

"Still thinking about your father?" Lin Mo took the initiative to ask her at this time.

"Well, I think Uncle Zhong might know something about my father's disappearance."

Chen Xinyu nodded. Judging from Quan Zhong's reaction just now, he certainly wouldn't be ignorant of these things. Maybe what he knew was exactly what Chen Xinyu dreamed of.

It's a pity that at the most critical moment, Quan Zhong chose to avoid it deliberately.

"I thought you were angry because your grandfather asked your father to marry another woman." Lin Mo smiled, it seems that she misunderstood Chen Xinyu.


Chen Xinyu rolled his eyes, and when he was about to leave the meeting room, he suddenly realized something and turned to look at Lin Mo.

"I have a lot of questions and I want to ask you now." She squinted her eyes at Lin Mo and said slowly.

"It seems that the gas at home is not turned off, so I'll go back first."

Seeing this, Lin Mo immediately pulled out a reason that no one would believe, and was about to leave the meeting room after speaking, but was soon blocked by Chen Xinyu.

"Come on, why on earth do you have shares in the Chen Group, and why do those shareholders listen to you?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with dissatisfaction, and asked him, she never expected Lin Mo to appear suddenly today, and he was still a shareholder of the Chen Group.

"I can tell you about the shares, but as for why the shareholders are obedient, I can't."

Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu calmly.

He had already thought of the reason for the shares in the Chen Group, and it didn't matter if he told Chen Xinyu, but there was no need to tell her about the threats to the shareholders.

Even Chen Xinyu can probably guess it in his heart, as long as Lin Mo doesn't say it, it will become a secret that both of them know well.

"Then tell me why there are shares in the Chen Group."

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Chen Xinyu didn't bother with the shareholders anymore, but focused on questioning the source of his shares.

"This. I'll tell you when I get home."

Lin Mo made a fool of himself and didn't tell Chen Xinyu directly in the conference room.

"No, you have to tell me now."

Chen Xinyu snorted softly, and refused to let it go. Lin Mo must tell her now.

"Okay, come here, I'll tell you secretly."

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, and waved to Chen Xinyu to let her get closer to him.

"Go ahead."

Chen Xinyu didn't think too much, and slowly approached Lin Mo.

The next second, Lin Mo moved close to her earlobe and spoke. Chen Xinyu blushed instantly, her body trembling uncontrollably as if being shocked by an electric shock.

"Do you understand?"

After a while, Lin Mo let go of Chen Xinyu, then looked at her with a smile and asked.

"Here is the group"

Chen Xinyu gave Lin Mo a resentful glance, then took his hand and walked out of the conference room.

The two came to the president's office and locked the door.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of high-rise buildings, riding a galloping horse is even more charming.


In the evening, the two walked out of the group together.

Too many things happened today, Chen Xinyu had a lot of questions in his mind and wanted to ask Lin Mo.

"If you don't tell me when you get home, I'll bite you to death." Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo viciously.

She has satisfied Lin Mo's unreasonable demands. If she doesn't tell her, she will really kill Lin Mo.

"Are you willing to?"

Lin Mo smiled at Chen Xinyu who looked like this, and rubbed her chubby face with both hands.

"Hmph, I'm willing."

Chen Xinyu nodded, puffing out her chest with an arrogant face.

"Okay, I'll tell you when I get back."

Lin Mo had no choice but to nod.

If you plan to go back, tell her what Chen Xinyu wants to know. Of course, what she can know must be what Lin Mo can tell her.

"You lie to me and you're done!"

As he said that, Chen Xinyu raised his fist at Lin Mo, as if in a demonstration.

(End of this chapter)

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