Chapter 96 096 Confession!

"Okay, I promise I won't lie to you."

Lin Mo smiled, wrapped Chen Xinyu's small fists and led her to the parking lot.

After driving back to the villa, Lin Mo told her everything she wanted to know.

Of course, most of the things he said were fabricated by himself, with little truth.

Men, always.

It wasn't all about lying to Chen Xinyu, for example, he also told Chen Xinyu a special thing, that is, the founder of Yunfeng Technology.

"Okay, so it turns out that you are not an abandoned young man from a wealthy family at all, but a big liar, cheating my feelings!"

After knowing Lin Mo's real identity, Chen Xinyu felt cheated, and looked at him with pouts angrily.

"Nonsense, when did I cheat on your feelings?"

Naturally, Lin Mo would not admit that, from a rational point of view, he planned it carefully from the first sight when the two met.

Anyway, both of them have reached this point, whether it is a well-planned conspiracy or not is not so important.

"Obviously, tell me honestly, did you open a milk tea shop just to get my attention?"

Chen Xinyu pouted, and continued to question Lin Mo, refusing to give up.

"Emmm, I won't tell you."

Unexpectedly, Chen Xinyu reacted so quickly. After Lin Mo was silent for two or three seconds, he smiled mysteriously.

"Okay, you must have done it on purpose."

Seeing that Lin Mo refused to tell, Chen Xinyu immediately decided that this was a premeditated meeting, and then asked him arrogantly, "How did you know that I like drinking milk tea?"

"It's simple, just find someone to check it." Lin Mo shrugged, and replied to Chen Xinyu casually.

"Did you really find someone to investigate me?"

Upon hearing the answer, Chen Xinyu stared at Lin Mo with wide eyes, in disbelief.

"Well, no surprise."

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, without explaining anything, he admitted openly that the first meeting between him and Chen Xinyu was a plan that had been planned for a long time.

"How long have you been planning?" Chen Xinyu's expression became more and more colorful at this moment, pointing at Lin Mo, he wanted to ask more questions.

"Don't tell you."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he grabbed Chen Xinyu's nose.

"Okay, you are a complete villain, not a good person at all." Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo dissatisfied.

Since the two started planning before they met, it can be seen that Lin Mo is not a good person at all, and has been plotting against her for a long time.

Now she finally understood why grandpa wanted her to stay away from Lin Mo.

Sure enough, men are big pigs, there is no such thing as love at first sight for no reason, it's all premeditated love at first sight.

No wonder Lin Mo treated him like that when he was in the park.
"I never said I was a good guy, and don't you call me a bad guy all the time?"

Lin Mo just smiled faintly at what Chen Xinyu said just now, and didn't take it seriously.

After all, the two have been together for so long, apart from calling him Mr. Lin, Chen Xinyu is the villain most times.

"Hmph, that's different."

Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly, then squinted and grabbed Lin Mo's face, "Do you often use this method to abduct other girls?"

"Don't make trouble, you are the first and only one." Lin Mo hugged Chen Xinyu and held her in his arms.

"I don't believe it, you must be hiding it from me." Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo aggrievedly.

The moment she knew that Lin Mo was the founder of Yunfeng Technology, her perception of Lin Mo changed. How could such a man lack women around him.

Chen Xinyu felt more and more stupid and innocent, and was deceived by Lin Mo's few words.

"What are you hiding from you?"

"I'm definitely not the only woman by your side." Chen Xinyu stared at Lin Mo with her big, tearful eyes as she spoke.

"Uh, you really think too much." Lin Mo said helplessly to Chen Xinyu, not to mention that it would be exaggerated for a girl to think wildly.

"Hmph, then what's your relationship with Jiang Li?" Seeing Lin Mo start to argue, Chen Xinyu snorted and told him Jiang Li's name.

Hearing Jiang Li, Lin Mo couldn't help but think of the scene of forcibly kissing her at the milk tea shop that day, which was much more exciting than kissing Chen Xinyu.

Thinking of the picture of Jiang Li resisting herself while being bullied by herself, she couldn't help but said to Chen Xinyu with a guilty conscience:
"She and I are just ordinary friends, not even friends. Since we divorced, we have no contact."

Of course, these are just deceiving Chen Xinyu, the relationship between him and Jiang Li is very delicate, one must know that the initial task of the system is to make Jiang Li fall in love with him completely.

"It's really just an ordinary friendship, isn't there a broken relationship?"

Chen Xinyu immediately looked at Lin Mo with a questioning look, always not believing that he and Jiang Li were just ordinary friends.

"Where are you going, you just hope that I have something to do with her?" Lin Mo grabbed Chen Xinyu's face with his hands, and then said to her angrily.

If you keep asking this question, the ghost knows what else can come out of Chen Xinyu's mouth, so Lin Mo intends to end this topic.

"Hmph, I just don't believe you." Chen Xinyu curled her lips arrogantly. From this moment on, she will not trust Lin Mo easily.

"You don't believe me so soon?" Lin Mo smiled after hearing what she said.

"Hmm, you're a bad guy."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and said to Lin Mo with a sincere face, you are a bad person, don't mention how cute you look.

"Do you want to experience how bad guys bully people?"

Lin Mo then looked at her with a smile, and hugged her waist tightly, not giving her any chance to run away.

"Miss Ben doesn't want to know, you can't!"

Chen Xinyu blushed slightly, and said something to Lin Mo in a very disgusted tone, but her eyes widened in the next second.


Chen Xinyu patted Lin Mo resistingly, and then tried to push him away, but his body gradually weakened and he lost his strength.

"That's what it feels like."

The more Chen Xinyu resisted, the more Lin Mo's interest was aroused, just like Jiang Rong and Jiang Li back then.

But it's a pity, Chen Xinyu just resisted a little bit, and then began to cater to Lin Mo, even more proactive than Lin Mo.

"Bad guy, you can only be mine for the rest of your life, you are not allowed to provoke other girls." Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Momo and said sincerely.

Then he bit his shoulder hard, without the slightest politeness, and he didn't even let go of the bleeding in the end.

This kind of harm is naturally nothing to Lin Mo, and he quietly looked at Chen Xinyu lying in his arms.

After a long time, Chen Xinyu let go of his mouth in satisfaction and looked up at Lin Mo. As if feeling something, he blushed and said, "Bad guy, don't you?"

Their love story has just begun.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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