Chapter 97 097 Stubborn!

The next day.

After sending Chen Xinyu to the group, Lin Mo returned to the milk tea shop.

"Mr. Lin, I have taken care of what you ordered last night." Qiangwei called Lin Mo.

"Where is he now?" Lin Mo asked Qiangwei immediately.

Last night while Chen Xinyu was asleep, Lin Mo called Qiangwei and asked her to arrest Chen Zhou.

As for why Chen Zhou was arrested instead of directly "Nai Yi Zu Special", the main reason was that he wanted to ask about the disappearance of Chen Xinyu's father back then.

According to what Quan Zhong said yesterday, the only person who knew the inside story of Chen Xinyu's father's disappearance, besides Chen Guoxiong, was Chen Zhou. Of course, Quan Zhong might also know.

Yesterday Quan Zhong obviously concealed something, he just didn't want to tell Chen Xinyu what happened back then.

He was already very old, about the same age as Chen Guoxiong, Lin Mo didn't want to scare him anymore, so he set his target on the only remaining Chen Zhou.

"It's in an abandoned factory on the outskirts." Qiangwei replied quickly.

"Okay, you come to the milk tea shop to pick me up."

Lin Mo nodded, and then told Qiangwei to come to the milk tea shop to pick him up to the abandoned factory in the suburbs.

"Okay, wait a minute,"

Qiangwei hung up the phone and immediately set off from the clover bar to pick up Lin Mo at the milk tea shop.


Forget about unhappy milk tea shops.

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you want to go like this?"

Seeing Lin Mo without any pretense, Qiangwei took the initiative to remind him.


"Do you have any clue about the person I asked you to find?" Lin Mo nodded, and then asked Qiangwei about finding Ye Yan.

When Lin Mo asked about Ye Yan, Qiangwei's expression became a little dignified, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, so far my people haven't found any trace of him."

"No trace found?"

Lin Mo frowned slightly, a little disappointed with Qiangwei's answer. Ye Yan hadn't been found for so long. Could it be that he really ran back to the capital?
If Ye Yan really ran back to the capital, it is impossible for the Ye family in the capital to remain silent for so long. With their style, they will definitely use all means to target the Lin Group.

"Sorry, Mr. Lin, I will send someone to continue looking for it." Seeing the expression on Lin Mo's face, Qiangwei immediately lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

"Well, if you really can't find it, forget it." Lin Mo nodded, and didn't force Qiangwei to find Ye Yan.

After all, this is just his guess. Whether Ye Yan is still in the Devil City remains to be seen. If he can't find it, it can only mean that he has either returned to the capital, or is hiding in an extremely secluded place to recuperate from his injuries.

Only relying on Qiangwei's subordinates, they couldn't find Ye Yan at all.

"Don't worry, as long as the other party is still in Shanghai, I will find it for you."

Seeing this, Qiangwei immediately assured Lin Mo that although she had assured Lin Mo the same way last time, she did try her best to find Ye Yan.

"Go to the factory." Lin Mo ordered her immediately.

Leave the matter of Ye Yan aside for the time being, and deal with Chen Zhou for now, so don't make Chen Xinyu's second uncle wait too long.


Qiangwei nodded, and opened the car door for Lin Mo, then went to the main driver to drive.


Abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Chen Zhou was firmly tied to a pillar, and his eyes were covered with a black cloth.

In this situation, he didn't yell for help like ordinary people, but listened to the movement very calmly.

"Take that thing off his eye."

Seeing Chen Zhou's distressed appearance, Lin Mo immediately asked Qiangwei to remove the black cloth from his eyes.

"I knew it was you."

When Chen Zhou regained his vision, he found Lin Mo the first time he opened his eyes. He didn't show any surprise, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

"Mr. Chen, we meet again." Lin Mo looked at him and smiled.

"I didn't expect the dignified young master of the Lin Group to have anything to do with these people." Chen Zhou sneered, and glanced at Qiangwei and the others with disdain.

"Fuck, I've given you a face."

Hearing Chen Zhou's words, the gangster at the side was furious and punched him in the stomach viciously.

"Is this all about patience?"

Chen Zhou's expression was obviously ugly after being punched, but he still didn't beg for mercy, but kept mocking the gangster just now.

"I'll go, you're looking for a fight, right?"

Seeing Chen Zhou constantly provoking him, the gangster picked up a wooden stick and slashed at him.

Lin Mo watched quietly from the side, and didn't stop the gangster. Qiangwei didn't get his order, so naturally she didn't stop the gangster.

Just watched Chen Zhou being beaten to death with a wooden stick by a gangster.

It has to be said that Chen Zhou is quite tough, even though he was beaten so violently by the gangster, he still gritted his teeth and didn't yell out.

"Made, the bones are really hard!"

The gangster was also tired after beating for a while, seeing Chen Zhou's silence, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"use this."

Soon, Lin Mo handed the gangster an iron rod, which was much more interesting than a wooden stick. He also wanted to know how hard Chen Zhou's bones were.

Under the surprised gaze of the gangster, he still took the iron rod, and grinned sinisterly.

"I'd like to see if you're really that stubborn."

After finishing speaking, the gangster took the iron rod and hit Chen Zhou's stomach. This time he was not disappointed, and Chen Zhou couldn't help but groaned.

"My surname is Lin, let him beat me to death if you have the ability." Chen Zhou then yelled at Lin Mo with a frenzied expression, without the calmness of before the mountain collapsed without changing his face.

"wanna die?"

"Don't worry, I still have questions to ask you, I won't let you die so happily." Lin Mo smiled dismissively after hearing his words.

"what do you wish to ask?"

Chen Zhou frowned, and stared at Lin Mo with half-closed eyes.

"How did Chen Xinyu's father disappear?" Lin Mo didn't go around with him, and directly asked his question.

"So that's what you wanted to ask."

Chen Zhou reacted immediately after hearing Lin Mo's words, and his expression was quite exciting.

"Speak, I'll listen." Lin Mo then looked at him calmly.

"Why should I tell you?" Chen Zhou sneered.

"Made, you bitch?"

The gangster on the side couldn't hold back, and hit Chen Zhou's stomach again.


Chen Zhou stared coldly at the gangster, and then spat bloody saliva on him.

"Oh, your grandma has a leg, looking for death~"

The gangster looked at Chen Zhou in surprise, his face became more and more gloomy, and when he was about to give Chen Zhou another shot, Qiangwei stopped him.

"Miss Wei, look at him."

After getting Qiangwei's order, the gangster stopped immediately, and then looked at her with a flattering smile.

"Go aside."

Qiangwei ignored the gangster, but looked at the stubborn Chen Zhou, "As long as you tell what Mr. Lin wants to know, I will let you go."

"Mr. Lin?"

"When will the dignified sister Rose be so respectful to an abandoned young lady?"

Chen Zhou didn't take Qiangwei's words to heart, but judging from his words, it was obvious that he knew about Qiangwei.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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