Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 98 098 Heart Eater Ant!

Chapter 98 098 Heart Eater Ant!
Qiangwei didn't answer Chen Zhou's words, but looked at him calmly.

"My surname is Lin, if you really want to know how my elder brother disappeared, just make a deal with me." Chen Zhou said to Lin Mo with a grin.

"You've been knocked out of your mind, right? You still want to make a deal after all this?"

The gangster smiled sarcastically after hearing his words, and poked him a few times with the iron rod.

Chen Zhou was unbearable to be bullied, and spat at the gangster.

"I'm going to fuck your mother, you're a fairy, don't you want to cut me!"

The gangster was also irritated by Chen Zhou's actions, and he was about to strike with the iron rod, but was stopped by Qiangwei's eyes when he saw that he was about to strike.

"Sister Wei, you have also seen that this old boy is dishonest." The gangster explained to Qiangwei with a flattering smile.

"go away."

Qiangwei scolded the gangster coldly.


The gangster quickly backed away and went to a corner beside him.

"My surname is Lin, if you have the ability, let this bastard beat me to death, otherwise you will never want to know about that in your life."

Chen Zhou looked at Lin Mo with a distorted expression. Even in this state, he did not forget to speak hard, and raised his head and smiled.

"President Chen, why bother?"

Lin Mo smiled helplessly. Facing Chen Zhou's special request, he waved over to recruit the gangster again.

"Mr. Lin, what are your orders?" The gangster nodded and bowed quickly when he saw Lin Mo calling him.

This person in front of him was someone that even Sister Qiangwei didn't dare to offend, so the gangster naturally didn't dare to be disrespectful.

"Did you hear what he said just now?" Lin Mo looked at the gangster and asked calmly.

"I heard everything, just give orders."

The gangster nodded, and was very upset about Chen Zhou calling him a little bastard just now.

If Qiangwei hadn't blocked him before, he would have made Chen Zhou speechless long ago.

"Go and satisfy him."

"Are you sure?"

After hearing Lin Mo's order, the gangster looked at him in disbelief, and then looked at Qiangwei.

Qiangwei didn't change anything this time, she stood quietly beside Lin Mo, and didn't intend to stop the gangster.

"Mr. Chen, I will try my best to satisfy your request."

Lin Mo ignored the gangster, but said something to Chen Zhou with a smile, and then signaled the gangster to do it.

"Dare to scold labor and capital as a bum, I'll beat you to death." After receiving Lin Mo's instructions, the gangster didn't have any scruples, and just punched and kicked Chen Zhou.

"Mr. Lin, if this continues, he may be killed." Qiangwei reminded Lin Mo worriedly after seeing Chen Zhou's half-dead appearance.

It would be a pity if Chen Zhou was beaten to death by the gangster like this, at least he had to ask something out of his mouth.

"Anyway, I can't ask anything from him, it doesn't matter." Lin Mo shrugged indifferently.

Chen Zhou's value is not great to him, the only remaining value now is the news about Chen Xinyu's father's disappearance.

But Chen Zhou made a mistake, he didn't have to know.

"Mr. Lin, if you leave him to me, I have a way to make him speak." Qiangwei thought for a while and said to Lin Mo.


After hearing Qiangwei's words, Lin Mo looked a little surprised and looked at her curiously.


Qiangwei nodded, looking straight at Chen Zhou.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Lin Mo said to Qiangwei immediately.

"Ah Biao, stop."

With Lin Mo's acquiescence, Qiangwei stopped the gangster again, then walked to Chen Zhou and looked at him.

"Okay, Miss Wei."

The gangster who vented his anger also lost interest in torturing Chen Zhou, he obeyed Qiangwei's words and stopped punching and kicking him.

At this time, Chen Zhou had already been beaten up by the gangster, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Mr. Chen, I'll give you a chance to tell the truth." Qiangwei said to the half-dead Chen Zhou.

"Don't waste your efforts, I'm surnamed Lin to tell you the truth, even if I die, I won't tell what happened back then."

The corner of Chen Zhou's mouth twitched a few times without any fear at all.

His hatred for Lin Mo has been forged since the board of directors. If it weren't for Lin Mo's appearance, he would be the president of the Chen Group now.

How many years he had been preparing for this day, but because of Lin Mo's appearance, all his years of waiting were wiped out.

"People's will is limited, you have to think about it clearly." Qiangwei looked at Chen Zhou coldly and reminded.

"Give it up."

Chen Zhou smiled disdainfully, he didn't take Qiangwei's words to heart at all, he is not even afraid of death, so is he afraid of torture?

The gangster beat him for so long just now, it's different that he didn't say a word, not to mention Qiangwei, a woman, can do anything.

It's a pity that he was wrong. Compared with the gangster, Qiangwei has a more cruel way to make him speak up.

The gangster's method is only to destroy and torture him physically, but Qiangwei is not. Her method is to torture Chen Zhou's spirit endlessly.

There is a saying that life is better than death, and Chen Zhou is in this situation now.

Qiangwei took out a small pill and stuffed it into Chen Zhou's mouth.

Chen Zhou, who had just swallowed the medicine, didn't take it seriously, and still looked at Qiangwei with disdain, until the moment the medicine took effect, his face changed drastically.

"What did you eat for me?"

Chen Zhou frowned, feeling as if his body was starting to itch.

There seemed to be countless ants crawling around him, and the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

He really wanted to scratch the itch with his hands, but his body was tied up with a rope, and he couldn't move at all, so he could only endure the pain.

This is even more difficult than just now. Being beaten up by a gangster can be over, but this feeling destroys Chen Zhou's will all the time.

"Mr. Lin, no one can resist the medicine of the heart-eating ants. He will open his mouth in a short time." Qiangwei looked at Chen Zhou's changes at this time, and then retreated to Lin Mo's side and said.

No matter how strong Chen Zhou's willpower was, he couldn't resist the medicine of the heart-eating ants.

"Mr. Chen, don't go too fast, be patient." Lin Mo looked at Chen Zhou with interest.

Chen Zhou ignored Lin Mo, his expression became more and more ugly, and the itching feeling on his body became more and more intense.

Until he tried the feeling of being devoured by thousands of ants, Chen Zhou always collapsed, and shouted to Lin Mo, "Untie me, and I will tell you what happened back then."

"It's really boring, how long has it been?"

After seeing Chen Zhou's compromise, Lin Mo shook his head in disappointment, and then signaled Qiangwei to untie Chen Zhou's rope.

Soon, Qiangwei used her butterfly knife to help Chen Zhou loosen the hemp rope.

After regaining his freedom, he didn't choose to run away immediately, but kept scratching his skin, and he didn't intend to stop.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo couldn't help but asked Qiangwei, "Where did you get this pill?"

"I made it myself." Qiangwei didn't hide anything, and told Lin Mo directly.

"you made it yourself?"

Lin Mo looked at her in surprise after listening to Qiangwei's answer.

"If you want, you can find me at any time." Qiangwei smiled and said to Lin Mo.

As for Chen Zhou, he lay his whole body on the ground and kept rubbing, trying to relieve the itching in this way.

To be continued

ps: please subscribe!

I heard that on rainy days, chocolate and music go together better!
(End of this chapter)

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