The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1015 Brother Zhu, where are you going?

Chapter 1015 Brother Zhu, where are you going?
"Senior Kunpeng, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't come here. It's thanks to your help." Li Ming said politely.

"You don't need to thank me, I was just paying you back." Kunpeng said bluntly.

Li Ming felt embarrassed by Kunpeng's directness, but Li Ming also knew that Kunpeng's nature was like this, so he didn't mind.

At this time, Brother Zhu said: "Li Ming, Kunpeng was invited by me to sit in the Feng clan, and I will leave soon."

"Leave?" Hearing this, Li Ming was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Brother Zhu, where are you going?"

Brother Zhu paused, and replied: "Li Ming, I have many enemies, and I was forced to show up this time. I can't stay here for a long time, otherwise I'm afraid it will bring disaster to your Feng clan. In addition, I also need to meditate and retreat a period of time."

After a slight pause, Brother Zhu continued: "Kunpeng is already in the state of half-honored, and there is only one step away from becoming a real venerable. With him in charge, your Feng clan can rest easy."

"This..." Hearing Brother Zhu's words, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, very surprised.

Li Ming never thought that Brother Zhu would leave him one day, but now Brother Zhu said so.

Brother Zhu could sense Li Ming's surprise, smiled, and said: "There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever, not to mention that I just went to retreat to practice, and it's not like I won't come back forever."

After a slight pause, Brother Zhu turned his hand and took out something, and said: "This is a small thing I made, if your life is in danger, you can crush this thing, and I will come to rescue you."

Li Ming nodded and accepted the object. It was a white and flawless jade, and there was nothing special about it on the outside.

"Okay, let's say goodbye for now, there will be a later date." Brother Zhu said goodbye, then turned around and tore apart the space to leave.

"Zhu..." Li Ming was dumbfounded, feeling an indescribable loss in his heart, beyond words!
At this time, Brother Zhu's voice came from the cave of space: "Li Ming, I have entrusted Kunpeng with the practice, and he will tell you later."

After all, the hole in the space healed without any abnormality.

Brother Zhu had been gone for a long time before Li Ming came back to his senses, the sense of loss still in his heart.

At this time, only Wen Kunpeng said: "Li Ming, don't be depressed, practice hard, and when you step into the realm of the venerable, you will follow the pace of Brother Zhu. In addition, Brother Zhu once explained the matter of the Shangguan family."

Hearing this, Li Ming was stunned, and so were the elders.

Li Ming asked, "Senior Kunpeng, what did brother Zhu say?"

"Brother Zhu didn't go into details about the Shangguan family. He just said that the Shangguan family is not as powerful as you have seen. Please don't act rashly, at least until you become a venerable." Kunpeng warned.

"En?" Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and thought to himself: "Could it be that there is a peerless master in the Shangguan family?"

However, the head of the Shangguan family is not stronger than the elders of the rich clan.

If it hadn't been for the serious injury caused by the experienced master of the big family that day, it is uncertain who would die.

However, the strength of Dazu Lao is slightly inferior to Kunpeng.

In this way, the elder of the great clan should be at the pinnacle of transforming gods, or at the level of a half-respected person.

Then the head of the Shangguan family should be more Ruo.

However, Brother Zhu had his own intentions in exhorting him like this, and Li Ming didn't want to speculate arbitrarily, he just said: "Senior Kunpeng, don't worry, I won't act foolishly if I'm not completely sure."

"En." Kunpeng nodded, and continued: "As for the rescue method of the elders of the second and third noble families, Brother Zhu has also mentioned it."

(End of this chapter)

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