The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1016 Is he my father?

Chapter 1016 Is he my father?
Li Ming and the elders of the clan were always thinking about saving the elders of the second and third clans, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do.

Hearing this now, Li Ming and several clan elders were startled, and hurriedly asked: "How to rescue?"

Immediately, Senior Kunpeng said what he knew.

Hearing this, Li Ming and several clan elders were startled, and said in disbelief: "I never thought that there is a secret passage leading to the dungeon of the Shangguan Palace in the Tang Palace!"

The elders of the four clans frowned and said, "But how can we sneak into the Tang Palace? How can we get out?"

The Feng Clan is no longer what it used to be, and even the right to sell pills has been handed over to Daqin, which shows the current situation of the Feng Clan.

Don't talk about visiting Datang, even going to Datang secretly, I'm afraid it won't work!

After all, Li Ming quoted a sky-high price for the Qihuang Stone at the beginning, and he has not been able to settle the remaining money so far.

Several clan elders pondered for a while, but no one had a better idea.

At this time, Senior Kunpeng said: "You guys discuss it first, I'll go back first, if you need help, just tell me."

"Okay, senior." Li Ming replied politely.

Kunpeng likes freedom, otherwise he would not have deliberately returned to Star Continent.

Now, Kunpeng is willing to sit in charge of the Feng Clan and protect the Feng Clan.

That's because brother Zhu promised great benefits, otherwise how could it be so?
After Kunpeng left, Li Ming discussed with several clan elders.

However, I didn't figure it out for a long time.

However, when everyone was at a loss, Li Ming suddenly thought of someone.

Immediately, Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he murmured: "Maybe this is feasible."

"What kind?" The elders of the four clans hurriedly asked.

Immediately, Li Ming whispered his strategy.

Hearing this, several clan elders couldn't help but frowned, shook their heads one after another, and said, "Isn't this inappropriate?"

"Is there any other better way?" Li Ming asked back.

Several clan elders were silent for a while, they really had no better way.

At this time, only the elders of the four clans said: "This plan is pending for the time being, let everyone discuss it again and see if there is a better way."

Several other clan elders nodded in agreement.

Li Ming himself is not [-]% sure, after all, people are so close to each other, who knows whether the other party will quit at the critical moment.

Once this happens, their Feng Clan will be completely wiped out!

After a little discussion, there was no better way, so they dispersed first and thought about it separately.

Li Ming went to visit Tan Xiaoling and Lin Ruyu.

Fengluan has already moved into the courtyard where Tan Xiaoling and Lin Ruyu lived.

After several years of Li Ming's absence, Xiao Yulai had already grown slim, like a big girl.

At this moment, it happened to hit a head-on!

If it wasn't for Xiao Yulai's resemblance to her mother, it would have been difficult for Li Ming to recognize her for a while.

Yu Lai had no impression of Li Ming at all. After all, Yu Lai was still very young at the time and hadn't started to remember anything.

Wen Yulai pointed to Li Ming and asked, "Who are you? How dare you come to our yard? Don't you know the rules here? The people living here are the eldest lady, the second wife, and my mother!"

"My mother is a descendant of the Phoenix clan!" Yu Lai emphasized.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, a little dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say.

But at this time, there was a light reprimand from not far away: "It's raining, don't be rude, don't hesitate to admit your mistake to your father."

"What? He's my father?" Yu Lai was taken aback, looking very surprised.

The person to blame is none other than Yu Lai's mother, Feng Luan!
 I came back late, today is still the third watch, and the rest of the watch will be later.I will rest tomorrow, there will be four shifts, and I will continue to make up what I owed before.

(End of this chapter)

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