Chapter 1067

It happened to be a time when the City Lord's Mansion was recruiting talents, but Li Ming thought about it, but still felt that it was not appropriate.

To apply for a job in such a capacity, one must show something.

There is an essential difference between Wu Yuan and Zhen Yuan, and it cannot be concealed. Once Li Ming makes a move, he will definitely reveal his secrets.

At that time, not to mention listening to the news, even I will get into a lot of trouble.

However, fortunately, the City Lord's Mansion still recruits handymen.

Although the status of a handyman is low, no one cares about it, and he only needs to be diligent in his hands and feet.

Li Ming didn't care about his identity and status, he just wanted to find out about Tan Siming's whereabouts as soon as possible, and if he was a minute late, he would be more dangerous.

In the end, Li Ming sold himself as a handyman, successfully sneaked into the city lord's mansion, and was responsible for feeding the captive snakes in the mansion.

These insects and snakes are not ordinary spirits and monsters, but insects and snakes carefully selected by the City Lord's Mansion to breed Gu insects.

To practice witchcraft, it is necessary to refine Gu, which is the attack method of witches and the simplest way to gain wealth!

A good Gu worm can definitely sell for a sky-high price!
Feeding is not complicated, Li Ming only needs to feed.

However, it is somewhat dangerous, once the Gu eggs are accidentally contaminated, it may become a nutrient for the Gu eggs to hatch.

Of course, this is very insignificant to Li Ming, what is a mere Gu egg?
After feeding the Gu worms, Li Ming secretly monitored the city lord's every move.

If the outsider is still alive, the city lord must have plotted something, and interrogation and inspection must be indispensable.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Sure enough, Li Ming found out that every ten days, the City Lord would leave the city and would not return until the next day.

On this day, it was time for the city lord to go out of the city again. Li Ming put on a disguise and quietly followed behind the city lord.

City Lord Ye Xing left the city, sitting on a blue-faced, long-toothed horse, and headed north.

Li Ming followed him all the way until he came to a verdant mountain range, and City Lord Yexing didn't stop.

Seeing this mountain range, Li Ming couldn't help but wonder in his heart: "Could it be that Lord Yexing imprisoned that cultivator here?"

Sure enough, City Master Yexing entered the mountain range and came to the foot of a mountain peak.

There is an inconspicuous cave at the foot of the mountain. The entrance of the cave is covered by chaotic grass. If you don't know that there is a cave here, you will definitely not be able to see it.

City Master Yexing looked around and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he went down the cave.

Li Ming followed closely behind and also entered the cave.

The cave leads to the ground, and it is dark inside, with no light at all.

Li Ming released Yuanshen to investigate a little.

After this investigation, he was completely taken aback, and his whole body got goosebumps.

I saw countless vampire bats standing upside down above the passage, and the cave walls on both sides were covered with poisonous insects, snakes and ants.

Because of the arrival of City Lord Yexing, vampire bats, poisonous snakes and ants became inexplicably excited.

I only heard the vampire bat making strange noises frequently, and the poisonous insects, snakes and ants also became restless and very active.

City Master Ye Xing scolded impatiently: "Give me peace of mind!"

Hearing this, the passage suddenly became silent, no matter whether it was a vampire bat or a poisonous insect, snake ant, they didn't dare to move at all, as if they were frozen!
City Lord Ye Xing walked deep into the tunnel, and the poison became stronger the further he went.

After turning a few corners, the Lord Night Walk came to an iron cage.

There was a person imprisoned in the cage, with disheveled hair, haggard face, and bruises all over his body.

Li Ming could tell at a glance that this person was a monk from the world of stars!

However, Li Ming was not in a hurry to make a move at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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