Chapter 1068

But to see what Night Star City mainly does.

City Lord Yexing captured this person and deliberately imprisoned him here, he must have a plan.

Otherwise, why bother?Just cut it off.

As soon as City Lord Yexing appeared, the monks in the iron cage showed panic and kept hitting the iron cage, trying to break free.

However, this person's true energy has already been exhausted, how can he break through it just by relying on his physical body?

"Don't, don't..." the monk in the iron cage said with extreme fear.

"Haha." However, City Master Yexing sneered and said, "It's been three years, you should have gotten used to it by now, anyway, I won't kill you, so why are you so frightened?"

"Don't, don't..." the monk in the iron cage said in horror.

"Come here!" City Master Ye Xing's face turned cold, and he shot out of the iron cage, and then flicked his fingers, shooting out a black rope.

The black iron rope wrapped around the iron cage cultivator's neck and forcibly dragged him to City Lord Yexing.

Then, City Master Ye Xing turned his palm and took out something.

That thing looks like silkworms and maggots, white and tender.

Seeing this thing, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, he knew this thing, it was a Gu worm!

"Don't, don't..." Seeing the white and tender Gu worms, the cultivator trembled and struggled non-stop.

However, being tightly imprisoned by City Master Yexing, he couldn't resist at all!
I saw City Master Yexing forcefully pried open the monk's mouth, but there was not a single tooth in that mouth.

Apparently, City Master Yexing pulled out all his teeth deliberately to prevent him from biting his tongue to commit suicide.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned even more, and said to himself: "This City Lord Ye Xing is so cruel! Killing people is nothing but nods, and he tortured this person like this, what exactly is his intention?"

"Kill me, kill me, please kill me!" the monk struggled and begged bitterly.

"Kill you? Haha." City Master Ye Xing laughed and said, "You are my treasure, how could I be willing to kill you? Do you know how much my cultivation has improved in the past three years? If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it will take at least ten years."

Hearing this, Li Ming raised his eyebrows.

At this point, Li Ming has fully understood the purpose of City Lord Yexing. He is using the monk's life as a cauldron to conceive and raise Gu worms, so that the Gu worms can absorb the monk's essence and use it for himself.

"So vicious!" Li Mingxing's eyes turned cold, and he shot immediately!

The monk looked at the white and tender Gu worm, and wanted to die.

Seeing that the Gu worm was about to be put into his mouth, City Master Yexing suddenly stopped.

The monk was taken aback, perplexed.

At this time, Li Ming came from the dark place.

When the monk saw Li Ming, his face suddenly became terrified.

Li Ming walked up to City Lord Yexing, but he didn't raise his hand to kill him.

Instead, he used the soul-stirring method to forcibly read the memory of City Lord Yexing.

Then, a stream of information poured into Li Ming's brain.

After a while, the Dafa of Desperate Souls was over, and City Lord Yexing died suddenly!

With a wave of his hand, Li Ming shot a fireball, burning the body of City Lord Yexing clean, not even ashes left!

The cultivator looked at Li Ming with horror on his face, trembling all over, and curled up into a ball.

The owner of Yexing City died suddenly, and the poisonous insects, snakes, ants, vampire bats and other poisons in the cave were released.

Suddenly, the cave became a mess.

Li Ming didn't want to make a move, so he summoned the five-flower poisonous python and let it deal with it!
The five-flower poisonous python has been hungry for several days, and its stomach is already rumbling. Seeing so many delicacies in the cave, it immediately opened its bloody mouth and swallowed.

Li Ming carried the monk out of the cave!

(End of this chapter)

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