The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1069 The capital of Wushan County?

Chapter 1069 The capital of Wushan County?
After leaving the burrow, the monk was still in a trance and kept yelling, "Don't, don't... kill me, kill me, please kill me."

Li Ming released his primordial spirit to spy on the monk's physical condition. He was not optimistic, his complexion was sallow, his meridians were almost damaged, and his internal organs were entangled with black air.

Obviously, I have been subjected to inhuman torture for the past three years, otherwise it would not have become like this.

After a slight pause, Li Ming injected a beam of true energy into the monk's body to expel the black energy from his internal organs.

However, the black air seems to have been integrated with the internal organs, and it cannot be expelled at all.

If you do it forcefully, your internal organs will be severely injured.

With the current physical fitness of this monk, it is absolutely unbearable.

After pondering for a while, Li Ming took out a bottle of spiritual water and gave it to the monk.

For Li Ming, Lingshui is not worth mentioning, as much as you want.

However, the value of spiritual water itself cannot be ignored because of this.

Li Ming wanted to know more information about the outsider, so he could use the method of soul-stirring and read the memory of this person forcibly.

However, Li Ming did not do this!

No matter what, this is a life after all!

Li Ming fed this person with spiritual water, and after a while, the powerful effect of the spiritual water was gradually revealed.

I saw that the severely damaged meridians healed almost instantly, and the severely depleted internal organs also rejuvenated, and the blurred mind slowly returned to normal.

The monk collected himself and looked around.

However, when he saw Li Ming, he broke into a cold sweat.

I only heard that Li Ming said in relief: "Don't be afraid, I am a monk from the star world just like you. This appearance is just a disguise to facilitate things."

With that said, Li Ming released his true essence.

True essence cannot be disguised or imitated, it is a unique existence.

When the monk saw Zhen Yuan, he immediately believed Li Ming's words, then secretly breathed out, and said, "Thank you senior for saving your life, I will never forget it, and I will repay you in the future."

"It's a trivial matter, don't worry about it." Li Ming said in relief, and then asked: "What's your name?"

"Back to senior, this junior is called Zhang Tianyang." The monk replied.

Li Ming recalled the memory of the monk who was beheaded by him in Yushe Township. Among the explorers, there really was one named Zhang Tianyang, so he should be him.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Zhang Xiaoyou, I want to ask you about someone."

"Senior, please speak." Zhang Tianyang said respectfully.

"Have you ever seen this monk?" Li Ming drew a portrait of Tan Siming out of thin air.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianyang paused and said, "Senior, you are asking Yan Xizao."

"Yan Xizao?" Li Ming was startled, a little surprised.

"Isn't his name Yan Xizao?" Zhang Tianyanghu asked.

Only then did Li Ming realize that Yan is the radical of the word "Xu", and the words "Xi" and "Zao" are superimposed on top of each other. Isn't it Tan's surname?

I only heard Li Ming say: "Yes, have you seen him before?"

"Yes, we have been good brothers for many years, and we ventured into the star world together. Later, during an expedition, we came to this ghost place inexplicably. There is no aura of heaven and earth, no spirit stones, no spirit herbs, and the pills and spirit stones on our bodies are used After they are exhausted, they can only be slaughtered." Zhang Tianyang said angrily.

"Do you still remember where the last time you met?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"In the capital of Wushan County." Zhang Tianyang replied.

"The capital of Wushan County?" Li Ming paused, recalling the map he bought, but Wushan County was not marked on it.

(End of this chapter)

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