The best immortal emperor

Chapter 109 Distributing missions from the meal hall?

Chapter 109 Distributing missions from the meal hall?
Li Ming shrugged and said helplessly, "The cheapest one costs three hundred middle-grade spirit stones, and I only have one hundred."

"It's okay, save more spirit stones and come back next time." Wang Hua said.

"Is it every day?" Li Ming asked.

"It happens every day, but it doesn't happen every day that there are such fourth-grade monster ribs." Wang Hua said.

Just now, the rib of the fourth-grade monster suddenly entered Wang Hua's hands!

After a slight pause, Li Ming said goodbye: "Senior Brother Wang, I'll take a step first and go back to the Spirit Beast Garden."

"See you later." Wang Hua replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming left.

However, Li Ming didn't go back to the Spirit Beast Garden, but secretly followed the escort team from the Meal Hall.

In the middle, there is no stop until the gate of the mountain.

Yaoshenzong needs to register when entering and exiting the mountain gate, as well as related reasons.

The disciples of the Food Hall followed the usual practice, so they didn't need a reason, they just showed their badges, and they left the mountain gate smoothly!
Li Ming is a disciple who has just entered the school, and has not yet issued his waist badge and robes.

When Li Ming has a waist card, he can go to the mission hall to accept the mission.

At that time, you will be able to leave the mountain gate in a legitimate way!
The three-eyed musk ox is a fourth-rank monster, and its rank is extraordinary. The child it gives birth to is likely to be a fourth-rank monster, even if it degenerates, it is at least a third-rank monster.

Even if it is a third-rank monster, its value is not small, it is impossible to be taken out of the mountain gate in such a grandiose manner!

Therefore, if you want to get the little three-eyed musk ox that is about to be born, you need to use foreign objects!

For example, the large bucket cart used by the Meal Hall to escort leftovers.

But, how to put the soon-to-be born three-eyed musk ox into the big bucket?
The big water bucket was installed before departure from the food hall, and there was no stop along the way, so there was no other way but to put the soon-to-be-born three-eyed musk ox into the big water bucket in the food hall.

However, Li Ming is not qualified to enter the dining hall!
After thinking hard, Li Ming didn't even think of a countermeasure.

At this time, the escort team had already left the mountain gate.

Li Ming can only go back to the Spirit Beast Garden first.

The next day, Li Ming fed the cattle early and went to the food hall.

Li Ming is not qualified to enter and can only observe outside.

However, apart from seeing the elite disciples coming in and out, Li Ming had nothing to gain.

In the past few days, the three-eyed musk ox saw his brows furrowed tightly, so he asked, "Li Ming, what problem did you encounter?"

"A few days ago, I went to the food hall to investigate and found that the big bucket they used to escort the leftovers can transport the child in your belly out of the mountain gate." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-eyed musk ox was overjoyed, "There is such a thing?!"

"Yes, but there is a problem." Li Ming said.

"What's the problem?" the three-eyed musk ox asked immediately.

"The leftovers are put into buckets in the food hall. After leaving the food hall, the escort team will go straight until they leave the mountain gate. However, I don't even have the qualifications to enter the food hall, let alone your belly Take the children in the middle of the house into the dining hall and hide them in the bucket." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-eyed musk ox couldn't help but fell silent.

After a while, the Three-Eyed Musk Ox suddenly thought of something, and said, "Li Ming, you can go to the mission hall to have a look, maybe the meal hall has dispatched missions."

"The Food Hall dispatched a mission? What mission?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Such as cleaning the food hall, or cooking, etc., I can't tell you the specifics. You can go to the mission hall to see it yourself." The three-eyed musk ox said.

 Off topic, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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