The best immortal emperor

Chapter 110 Mission

Chapter 110 Mission
Li Ming nodded and said, "I'll go and see it right now." However, Li Ming was very puzzled and asked puzzledly: "There are disciples of the Food Hall in the Food Hall, why would they issue such a task?"

"It is good to have disciples in the Food Hall, but it is inevitable that there will be insufficient numbers. You must know that elite disciples can kill these low-level disciples at will, and the disciples in the Food Hall are the most dead!" said the three-eyed musk ox.

"Why?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"Elite disciples have different tastes, and it is difficult for a cook to cover everything. If an elite disciple with a tricky taste eats food that he doesn't like, that cook will be unlucky, and he will be disabled for life if he doesn't die.

In addition, elite disciples have always been arrogant, and no one obeys anyone.Although the God of Medicine Sect has more restrictions on the elite disciples, they are allowed to discuss each other.

The food hall is the place where the elite disciples gather most, and it is inevitable that there will be big fights because of a disagreement or competition for food.If the low-level disciples fail to dodge in time, they are likely to be affected and die! " explained the three-eyed musk ox.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and said: "In this way, the disciples of the Dining Hall are the most unlucky!"

"No." The three-eyed musk ox shook his head and said, "The most unlucky ones are the disciples of the Spiritual Beast Garden."

"Why?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"There are fights in the world of people and people, and there are fights in the world of demons and demons, and the battles between demons are even more intense. Take this cowshed as an example. If I see a cow that is unhappy, I can easily take it with one tail. Niu Ming. Its owner is here, and I am not afraid of him. Moreover, I am Yin Zheng's mount, and he dare not do anything to me. And he, who is full of anger, will only vent his anger on you in the end I blame you for not caring enough. You can imagine your end." said the three-eyed musk ox.

Li Ming took a deep breath, there was no need to think about the ending, he was sure to die!

"Okay, you go to the mission hall to have a look. If you have any questions, just ask me, don't worry about the cowshed, with me here, no cow demon dares to do anything wrong!" The three-eyed musk ox said majesticly.

"Okay then, I'll go to the mission hall!" Li Ming said.

All the conversations between Li Ming and the three-eyed musk ox were voiced into lines, and the other bull monsters couldn't hear them.

After all, the fact that the three-eyed musk ox has a child in its womb is no small matter, and no one can guarantee that these bull demons will not leak the news.

The three-eyed musk ox, known as the king of cattle, dare not!

Li Ming left the cowshed and went to the mission hall.

The mission hall is very grand, larger than Li Mingjian's household registration hall, meal hall, and ingredients hall.

The mission hall is divided into two floors, the first floor is for missions inside the door, and the second floor is for missions outside the door.In short, the tasks inside the sect are to be completed within the sect, and the tasks outside the sect are to be done outside the sect!
However, regardless of whether it is a mission inside the door or a mission outside the door, a waist card is required to accept the mission.

Li Ming is just going to take a look now to see if there are any missions issued by the food hall.

The mission stone wall of Medicine God Sect is much larger than the mission stone wall of Jushenchi, at least five or six times larger.

It is densely packed with tasks, and many disciples are looking at it.

The inner door tasks are much simpler, they are all handyman tasks, and the rewards are very low, less than one percent of the outer door tasks!

Those who came to see the mission of the inner sect were all low-level disciples like Li Ming!
Elite disciples will never stay on the first floor!
 Off topic, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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