Chapter 1129
When sailing on the sea, the most taboo thing is not knowing the direction.

However, Li Ming doesn't even know where the island of the descendants of the divine bird is now. Where did it come from?Can only wander aimlessly in the sea.

Wherever the direction of the wind and the sea breeze take Li Ming, that's where he is!
Li Ming sat on the small fishing boat, looking at the distance quietly, Li Ming believed that no matter how boundless the sea is, there will always be an end.

As long as the descendants of the divine bird really existed, as long as Lan Hai searched all over, they would definitely be able to find them.

So, Li Ming took out the map and began to mark the places he went.

Star Continent.

Tan Siming returned to the Feng Clan exhausted, not daring to delay any more, Li Ming asked the elders of the Feng Clan to come out of the mountains and go to Tianlan World to rescue his father!

The elders of the Feng clan heard that the patriarch was in trouble, so they said nothing, and immediately prepared to go to Tianlan world!

Just when everyone was about to open the black hole of the world, one of them suddenly visited the Feng Clan!
It was none other than Zhang Tianyang.

Zhang Tianyang brought back news of Li Ming and reported his safety.

Tan Siming knew that his father's purpose of staying in Tianlan World must be for the locust poison on his body.

So, let's go to Tianlan world and give up for now.

Tan Siming did not expect that his friend Zhang Tianyang was still alive, and he also met his father.

Only then did Zhang Tianyang know that the relationship between Tan Siming and Li Ming was father and son, and he was very surprised!

Lan Hai.

Every time Li Ming arrived at an island, he marked it on the map.

After sailing on the sea for more than half a year, Li Ming arrived at hundreds of islands one after another.

However, there was none that he was looking for.

Looking at the map in his hand, Li Ming has found half of Lan Hai.

"Could it be that the story of the descendants of the divine bird is really just fabricated out of thin air?" Li Ming couldn't help frowning and said.

Li Ming is not reconciled, and nothing will come out of nowhere. The theory of the divine bird cannot be completely fabricated, with a certain foundation.

Life on the sea is relatively boring, but for Li Ming who has been in seclusion for three to five years, it is nothing.

In these hundreds of years of practice, Li Ming's heart has already been sharpened like a rock, and his character has reached a very happy state.

Will not easily get angry and sad because of foreign objects!
Li Ming analyzed the map and decided to sail south.

Therefore, Li Ming deliberately urged the small fishing boat to sail south.

At this time, the wind direction is northerly, and the small fishing boat can be said to be sailing against the current.

However, even if it is walking against the current, the small fishing boat is like an arrow off the string, traveling hundreds of miles a day.

After all, Li Ming is a master of the God Transformation Realm.

As long as Li Ming is willing, it is not a problem to travel thousands of miles a day.

In a blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

At this time, Li Ming almost searched for the remaining half of Tianlanhai.

However, nothing was found, and the island where the descendants of the divine bird were located was not found.

Helpless, Li Ming could only go back to Lanhai City for the time being, hoping to find out more clues or news.

Li Ming went deep into the harbor and visited almost all the fishermen in the harbor area, but he didn't find anything valuable.

After much deliberation, Li Ming felt that it was necessary to go to the City Lord's Mansion.

Generally speaking, every city will have a chronicle, Lanhai City should have a record of the descendants of the divine bird.

Lanhai City is just a small town on the seaside of Lan, the city lord is no more than a wizard, and there are no other masters in the mansion, so Li Ming sneaked into the city lord's mansion easily.

After some inspections, Li Ming found "Lan Hai Cheng Ji" in the library.

"Lanhai City Tale" is written once every ten years, and there are more than one hundred volumes so far.

It can be seen that Lanhai City has a long history and has been built for thousands of years!
Li Ming looked at ten lines at a glance, and flipped through the hundreds of volumes of "Lan Hai Cheng Ji".

Sure enough, I found some writings about the descendants of the divine bird. Although there were not many, one of them gave Li Ming enough confidence to make Li Ming believe in the descendants of the divine bird.

It turned out that King Xie led the expedition team from the city to go out to sea. It wasn't that they found nothing, but that they really found the island of descendants of the divine bird.

It's just that there is no one on the island, and it's so dilapidated that it doesn't look like it's inhabited at all.

However, a skeleton was found from the island.

The skeleton was somewhat different from that of a human being, it really looked like a birdman.

Thinking of this, Li Ming was determined.

Turning back, it is actually marked with the location where I went to the island of descendants of the divine bird.

Immediately, Li Ming found the location on the map, but he never saw the island.

Li Ming made a mark and left the City Lord's Mansion.

That night, Li Ming went out to sea and hurried to the location of the map.

A few days later, Li Ming arrived successfully.

However, there is nothing here except an empty sea, let alone islands.

Li Ming couldn't help but frowned. At first he thought that there was something missing on the map, but he didn't expect that there was nothing here.

After a slight pause, Li Ming thought to himself: "Could it be that the island has sunk into the bottom of the sea?"

Immediately, Li Ming plunged into the sea.

The sea water is cool and slightly chilly, and the deeper you go, the stronger the chill.

However, this chill was insignificant to Li Ming.

With bright eyes, Li Ming scanned the bottom of the sea.

However, there is nothing to look at except sea life, reefs and hidden reefs, let alone islands.

Li Ming expanded the search area, trying to find a silent desert island in the sea.

However, after searching for a day and a day, nothing was found.

Li Ming returned to the sea in disappointment, frowning, a little upset, but found nothing.

It is said in "The Story of Lanhai City" that later the city lord sent people into the sea to investigate.

However, even the islands were no longer to be found.

Afterwards, it was over.

"Could it be that the island grew wings and flew?" Li Ming was stunned. "Or did a huge monster pass by here and accidentally smashed the island to pieces?"

Li Ming hesitated and frowned.

After a slight pause, Li Ming remembered one thing. Whether it was King Xie, or King Xie led the expedition team in the city, and found the way of the descendants of the divine bird twice, they all mentioned that they encountered heavy fog.

"Could it be related to the fog?" Li Ming was slightly startled and decided to wait here.

Anyway, now Li Ming has no better place to go.

Wind and rain are common at sea, but fog is not.

Li Ming waited here for three months, but he never saw a thick fog.

Helpless, can only continue to wait.

Gradually, to winter.

The fishermen stopped their boats to rest their fishes and rest their bodies.

The sea does not freeze even in winter.

However, there is fog.

Li Ming has encountered two fogs, but they are not considered heavy fogs, just small fogs, which dissipate as soon as the sun comes out.

However, Li Ming was very confident that he could see the fog, and he believed that there would definitely be a thick fog if he waited any longer.

Sure enough, a wind suddenly blew up at sea in the middle of the night.

The wind is not strong, but it is very cold.

Then, there was a fog.

Li Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on the sea, suddenly became clever, and told Li Ming intuitively that what he was waiting for was coming soon!

Sure enough, the fog was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting thicker and thicker.

(End of this chapter)

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