Chapter 1130

The next day, until noon, the fog still didn't dissipate, but got bigger and bigger.

Looking around, I couldn't see anything, my eyes were full of fog.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help laughing.

The heavy fog lasted for three days and three nights without stopping.

It wasn't until the fourth day that it eased up.

Li Ming released Yuanshen and searched the nearby sea area.

This investigation really found something.

Li Ming saw a huge black shadow slowly emerging from the sea thousands of meters away.

Gradually, the black shadow became bigger and bigger, it was nothing but an island.

Seeing this, Li Ming felt a frenzy in his heart, and secretly said: "The sky will not fail me, the sky will not fail me!"

Immediately, Li Ming flew towards the island.

There are singing and dancing on the island, which is very lively.

When Li Ming landed on the island, he saw a group of people with bare upper body and lower body wrapped in animal skins celebrating around a bonfire.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, thinking: "This island is floating out of the sea, how could there be flames?"

These people's costumes are very primitive, and their appearance is strange, as described in the rumors, they look like bird people.

When they saw Li Ming coming, they were not afraid, but warmly greeted him.

An old man who looked like a patriarch said, "Young man, where did you come from?"

Li Ming paused, and replied: "Old man, I lost my way at sea, encountered a thick fog, and came here unknowingly."

"So that's how it is, that's how it is." The old man said, and then introduced: "This is Shenniao Island, we are the descendants of Shenniao, I am the patriarch, welcome to bring us here."

After a slight pause, the patriarch continued: "We are celebrating, you should join in too."

Li Ming was somewhat overwhelmed by their enthusiasm, so he could only smile in embarrassment.

I don't know what they are celebrating. The whole family laughs and smiles, sings and dances, as if there is a big happy event.

Li Ming didn't care about these things, he finally found the descendants of the divine bird, and after their celebration was over, he asked them about the bird with the same name.

Since they claim to be descendants of the divine bird, they should know more than ordinary people, right?

Li Ming followed them, singing and dancing, laughing and smiling.

The celebration lasted from morning to night before taking a break.

The patriarch arranged for Li Ming to stay, and Li Ming saw that they seemed to be exhausted, so he didn't inquire about the duplicate bird.

The place where the Shenniao people live is a bit special, it is actually a tree house.

No, to be precise, it should be a tree nest.

From below, it really looks like a bird to me.

Seeing this, Li Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and thought to himself: "The descendants of this divine bird really regard themselves as birds!"

Do as the Romans do in the countryside, Li Ming is not good at picking fat and thin, so he stays temporarily.

As for the matter of the bird with the same name, we will inquire about it tomorrow.

In the blink of an eye, dawn.

Li Ming woke up from his deep sleep, and the descendants of the divine bird had already started a day of hard work, chopping firewood, making fire, and fishing.

Li Ming jumped down from the tree nest and landed steadily.

"It's amazing." Seeing this, the descendants of the divine bird couldn't help but praise.

Li Ming smiled honestly, didn't care, and asked politely: "Where is the patriarch?"

"The patriarch is over there." A member of the Shenniao clan pointed out the direction for Li Ming.

Li Ming looked over and saw that the leader of the Shenniao clan was instructing the clansmen to build tree nests.

Seeing this, Li Ming really couldn't laugh or cry.

However, I didn't say anything, a family has a family's living habits.

Approaching, the head of the Shenniao clan sensed Li Ming's arrival, and after a few simple instructions, he walked towards Li Ming and asked, "Outsider, what's the matter?"

 There are two more.

(End of this chapter)

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