Chapter 1165
As soon as Li Ming opened his eyes, a thick layer of solid ice shattered from his body.

Seeing this, the cultivator who was exerting force was really taken aback, he leaped back and stared blankly at the cracked ice man in front of him.

It turned out that when Li Ming felt the cold, his body was covered with a layer of solid ice, and he looked like a sect disciple who was frozen to death.

At this time, the ice layer cracked, and Li Ming opened his eyes to look at the other party, but he really shocked the other party!
"He's still alive." The monk said in surprise.

"Huh?" From the boss's point of view, he really is still alive, and this person doesn't look simple.

Li Ming has seen these monks, they are the ones who swept up the remaining treasures of the small sect before.

Startled for a while, I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go."

Li Ming didn't want to embarrass them. After all, there was no grievance or enmity. The other party just thought that he was a disciple of the frozen sect, and he didn't really have any malicious intentions. Besides, he didn't have any harm.

The leading cultivator stared intently, looked Li Ming up and down for a while, and was not sure that he could win this person, so he said, "Let's go."

Then, this person left with a group of men.

Li Ming got up, exercised his muscles, and then left.

The colder the region, the colder it got deeper, and the strange coldness became stronger and stronger.

The name 'cold air' is just what Li Ming called it, and I don't know what it is really called?
A few days later, Li Ming found that the aura around him became thinner and thinner, and was slowly replaced by cold air.

But at this time, as far as Li Ming could see, he could see the broken and broken planet.

Everywhere, Li Ming couldn't help but stop abruptly, looking at the depths of the cold region with some fear.

No matter who it is, it will stop and think when it comes here.

After all, how cold is the cold air that can freeze the planet?
After slightly hesitating, Li Ming finally decided to move on!
But at this time, there was a voice in the interstellar: "Brother, stay a while."

There is no way to transmit sound between the stars, but what method does the monk use?Already ignored this.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but turned around. Seeing that it was the leading elder brother he met before, he couldn't help being stunned, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Brother, in front of you is the depths of the cold region, and there are often cold currents gushing out. The cold current is extremely dangerous, even for monks like you and me, it is difficult to resist. Therefore, I would like to advise you, don't Let’s move on.” The elder brother who took the lead said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, he thought the other party was here to ask for trouble, but he didn't expect it to be a kind persuasion.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I have made up my mind."

"This..." Hearing this, the monk couldn't ask any more questions.

I only heard Li Ming clasped his fists and said, "Just leave now."

Afterwards, Li Ming entered the depths of the cold region.

Seeing this, the monk couldn't help shaking his head slightly, but he didn't say anything. He just led his men to continue searching for the remaining treasures of the small sect.

When Li Ming entered the depths of the cold region, he obviously felt some discomfort in his body.

The cold was no longer cold to the bone marrow, but cold to the soul.

What puzzled Li Ming the most was that his Hunyuan couldn't resist the slightest chill.

Li Ming was trembling all over, and continued to move tremblingly.

At this time, Li Ming came to a broken planet.

Pick up a piece of rock casually, pinch it lightly, and it turns into powder.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and secretly said: "The cold current can change the internal structure of matter?"

Li Ming took a deep breath, and said to himself, "No wonder even cultivators who transform themselves into spirits may not be able to withstand the cold."

After a little investigation, there was no special discovery, so Li Ming continued to move forward.

At this time, Li Ming could vaguely see the reversal of the stars in the extreme depths of the cold region.

In the center of the reversal of the stars is a huge black hole.

Seeing this, Li Ming was horrified in his heart, and secretly said: "A black hole in the world?"

Yes, that is the black hole of the world!

It's just that the world's black holes seldom open automatically, and even if they open, they will close quickly.

However, the black hole in the extreme depths of this cold region shows no signs of closing.

"Could it be related to the reversed stars?" Li Ming thought to himself.

Li Ming had no way of confirming it, but only speculated.

Li Ming moved forward cautiously, guarding against the cold snap that might appear at any time.

There is no way to break through the void here, once the cold current appears, it is really inevitable.

After flying for a day or two, Li Ming found some strange corpses, which were not from the star realm.

"These creatures should have been washed up when the cold current gushed out, but why did they die?" Li Ming thought to himself, checked carefully, but found no injuries.

Unknown, Li Ming temporarily put the corpses of these unknown creatures into the storage ring, and then went back to explore them carefully.

In the depths of this cold region, Li Ming did not see a monk.

Flying closer, Li Ming could fully see the black hole of the world and the reversed stars, and then stopped.

Li Ming recorded the trajectory of the reversing stars, collected some corpses, and went back home.

Along the way, Li Ming kept trying to contact Senior Kunpeng, but there was no response.

I don't know where Senior Kunpeng went?

Li Ming left and flew out of the cold region.

However, at this time, there was a sudden loud noise in the black hole of the world, followed by a gushing cold current.

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled and said, "Make it up!"

Immediately, Li Ming didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately operated Hunyuan to escape from the depths of the cold region as quickly as possible.

The cold current is like a flood, rolling in, and the momentum is overwhelming.

I saw that those planets in the extreme depths of the cold region were directly torn apart or turned into dust under the impact of the cold current.

Li Ming didn't care about other things, escape was the most important thing.

Even planets are vulnerable to this cold current, let alone flesh and blood.

Li Ming ran Hunyuan crazily, increasing the speed to the extreme.

Li Ming turned into an afterimage, traveling across the stars like a shooting star.

This speed can catch up with the stars and the moon, but it is nothing in front of the gushing cold current!
Seeing this, Li Ming's heart suddenly trembled, and he said to himself: "My speed is fast, but compared with this cold current, it is very slow. I am afraid that I will be overtaken by the cold current before I escape the depths of the cold region?"

Realizing this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he asked secretly, "What should I do?"

Li Ming released his Yuanshen and looked around to see if there was any hiding place.

However, apart from the broken planets, there is really nothing else in the interstellar world.

"What should I do?" Li Ming tried his best to calm himself down.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of something, the strange fire left to him by the old man!The red lotus industry is on fire!

I only heard Li Ming secretly said: "At this point, we can only take a risk!"

After all, apart from this method, Li Ming can't think of any countermeasures!
I saw Li Ming exerting his power to forcibly capture the broken stars around him and build them into a fortress.

Li Ming knows that these stars have almost no defense ability, but it is better to have it than not, and hope it will be useful!
 Let’s talk about this month’s update, there are only two updates per day, and we will get married on the 28th at the end of the month. There are many things that need to be prepared by heroes.Sorry.In addition, everyone is welcome to leave your address in the book review, and the hero will send you happy candies!

(End of this chapter)

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