Chapter 1166

In an instant, more than [-] broken planets were forcibly captured by Li Ming and built into a fortress.

There is no doubt that Li Ming is in the center of this fortress.

Afterwards, Li Ming took out the red lotus bone.

Immediately, the surrounding area became hot, and Li Ming also felt warm all over.

However, the cold energy in his body felt a little uncomfortable, running wildly in his veins.

Under the suppression of Li Ming's powerful Yuanshen, Han Yuan finally settled down.

Li Ming urged Hunyuan to drive into the red lotus bone.

Then, I saw the red lotus bone slowly blooming!

With the red lotus in full bloom, the power of the red lotus karmic fire is slowly revealed, and the surroundings are like falling into hell.

Li Ming's expression was extremely painful, but he couldn't put away the red lotus bone, because the cold wave was coming soon!
After a while, the cold snap really came!
The cold current was like a flood, slapping on the fort that Li Ming built.

I just felt an outrageous shock, without any sound.

However, the star was like paper, it burst into pieces and turned into dust.

Four or five planets in a row turned into ashes, and the force of the cold current weakened slightly.

However, the chill did not weaken at all.

Li Ming only felt that the blood in his whole body was about to freeze, but luckily he had the Red Lotus Fire in his hand.

Otherwise, at that moment just now, Li Ming would have been frozen into an iceman!
The momentum of the cold snap slowed down, but the surrounding temperature continued to drop.

Even if Li Ming held the red lotus karma fire in his hand, it was difficult for him to resist the cold air.

Li Ming said secretly: "The chill is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, sooner or later, I will still be frozen to death."

After a slight pause, Li Ming took a deep breath, ready to try to refine the red lotus fire.

Li Ming opened his mouth and breathed in, and a wisp of red lotus karmic fire entered Li Ming's body.

Following this, the blood that was about to coagulate suddenly became active, and the coldness down to the bone gradually weakened.

Seeing this, Li Ming was overjoyed, and said to himself, "That's right, the Red Lotus Yehuo really can keep out the cold."

Immediately, Li Ming tried to integrate the red lotus fire into the lightning of the phoenix itself.

Earlier, Li Ming tried many times, but all ended in failure.

But it's different now, Li Ming has learned the "Hunyuan Divine Art", and it seems that he can take its essence and use it on thunder and lightning and red lotus fire!
Li Ming carefully controlled the thunder and lightning in the Phoenix itself, and slowly merged with the red lotus fire.

Thunderbolt and Red Lotus Karma have a lot to do with each other, after all, they are two different substances.

However, under the Hunyuan Divine Art, the conflict was significantly weakened.

The power of the red lotus fire radiated throughout the body, and the chill brought by the cold current became weaker and weaker, but Li Ming didn't feel any discomfort at all.

In fact, by merging the red lotus karmic fire, one's own meridians and bones will suffer great damage, and it will definitely turn into a piece of scorched earth!
However, because of the cold environment he was in at this time, and there was a wisp of cold energy in Li Ming's body.

Therefore, I can't feel the damage caused by the red lotus fire at all!
For a moment, Li Ming, who was originally in a desperate situation, felt like a spring breeze, very comfortable.

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed, and the cold current has basically calmed down, but the surrounding temperature has dropped to a very terrifying level.

However, at this time, Li Ming's thunder and lightning phoenix had melted into a ray of red lotus fire, so he was not as afraid of the cold as before.

Li Ming came out of the fortress, looking around, the surrounding planets were basically reduced to ashes, only a few planets remained.

Looking at the black hole of the world in the extreme depths of the cold region, and the reversed stars, Li Ming decided to investigate further!
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(End of this chapter)

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