Chapter 1197
"Luck is..." Lei Wanli pondered for a long time, but he couldn't come up with an accurate description. He just said: "You can understand it as luck."

"Luck?" Li Ming was taken aback, a little puzzled, how could it be luck?
"En." Lei Wanli nodded, and continued: "Luck is invisible and intangible, but it really exists. Moreover, you can only be chosen by luck, but you cannot actively choose luck. Once luck is added to you, no matter what you do Everything is flat, and even if you encounter difficulties and dangers, you will turn danger into good fortune."

Li Ming nodded slightly, and said: "There is indeed such a saying in my hometown, but I always thought it was nonsense."

"This is not nonsense." Lei Wanli said suddenly and seriously.

Obviously, Lei Wanli firmly believed in the theory of luck.

However, Li Ming was dubious.

After a slight pause, Lei Wanli continued: "In the Star Realm, there has always been a saying that all people will return to their hearts, and good fortune will be added to the body. All Wanyan Honglei is so impatient to win over all sects and sects."

"So that's how it is." Li Ming suddenly realized that mourning the mounts was not just about standing in line, but more about luck.

"However, luck is really elusive, and it is just a rumor that the luck of all people will be added to the body, and no one has proved it." Lei Wanli continued.

Only then did Li Ming understand the intention of the Emperor Qin to lead the transformation of the corpse slaves of the Yin Corpse Sect.

With the world's strong beings trapped, and Qin Huang holding an army of corpse slaves, he could completely crush any sect in the world.

However, Qin Huang did not do this.

Instead, he pretended to unite with the remnants of the world, and directed and acted the battle against the corpse slaves.

This kind of behavior has confused Li Ming for many years, and it is undoubtedly because he is full of food.

Thinking about it now, Emperor Qin was nothing more than trying to win over people's hearts and increase his luck.

However, it was not successful!

Lei Wanli continued: "Qi luck is mysterious and complicated, it is one of the ways of heaven, but it can get rid of the way of heaven."

"Senior Lei, what do you say?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"In this way, you may be able to understand that the way of heaven is impermanent, and all kinds of rules have restrictions on everything, and everything will be reversed. If the way of heaven restricts the existence of gods, but if you can add luck to your body, you can cultivate into gods! This luck is There is no exception!" Lei Wanli described.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that luck is so powerful and domineering, no wonder Qinhuang and Jinhuang wanted to add luck to themselves.

Slightly startled, Li Ming noticed what Senior Lei said, luck is one of the ways of heaven, and the way of heaven comes from the pillars of the way of heaven.In other words, the source of luck comes from the pillar of heaven.

Li Ming couldn't help but think of the fragment of the Heavenly Dao Pillar on his body!

"Come, drink." Lei Wanli invited.

"Drink." Li Ming responded.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them drank up the remaining dozens of jars of Wuliangye original wine.

After some chatting, Li Ming bid farewell and left.

This time, Li Ming wanted to find out about Lei Wanli's tone. After all, the Dajin Dynasty was covetous and might attack at any time. He did not expect to know the theory of luck by accident.

From this point of view, there shouldn't be much action for a while!
After all, no one dares to violate the decree of the Supreme Master!
Sure enough, after mourning the mount, the powerhouses of each sect returned to their respective planets without any unusual actions.

Li Ming entered the retreat room and took out the fragments of the Pillar of Heaven.

This is not the first time Li Ming has observed the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, but the end result is the same, and he failed to find anything.

After a slight pause, Li Ming looked at the fragments of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, and muttered to himself, "Is there luck in these fragments?"

Li Ming didn't know about it, so he just put it away.

Maybe, when I step into the Venerable Realm, I might be able to sense it!

In the blink of an eye, 50 years have passed.

There is peace in the enchantment, no disputes, no disputes, each living his own life!
After 50 years of development and precipitation, the momentum of the Dajin Dynasty gradually overshadowed the Daqin Dynasty.

Now, Wanyan Honglei has an indisputable majesty in the barrier!
Senior Lei said that once luck is added to one's body, everything will go smoothly.

I don't know whether Wanyan Honglei has succeeded in accepting the hearts of the world's sects, and whether he has succeeded in gaining luck?

However, regardless of Wanyan Honglei, Li Ming has already made preparations.

In the past 50 years, half of the Feng Clan has secretly moved out of the enchantment and opened up territories in their new homeland.

Hiding in the enchantment and praying for the protection of the powerful is not a long-term solution. Only being strong is the safest guarantee.

The defensive array of the Feng Clan's new residence has been completed, not to mention that it can withstand all dangers, at least sixty to seventy percent can be filtered.

In addition, all the clansmen who migrated out secretly have practiced Hunyuan Divine Art.

Li Ming has always been curious about the escape routes of the major sects, it is impossible for them not to make plans. Once the enchantment falls apart, what should they do?
However, the spies dispatched secretly found nothing.

On this day, Li Ming meditated in the retreat room.

Suddenly, I felt a shaking, as if the sky was shaking.

Li Ming woke up from meditation, frowned slightly, and said to himself, "What's going on?"

When Li Ming walked out of the retreat room, he saw the elders of the seven tribes rushing over and reported: "Patriarch, something happened."

"Did the Jin Dynasty take action?" Li Ming asked subconsciously.

"No, there are starry sky beasts colliding with the enchantment area guarded by our Feng Clan." Seven Clan Laohui reported.

"What kind of beast is it?" Li Ming asked.

"I haven't had time to investigate yet," said the elder of the Seven Clans.

"Quickly gather the clansmen above the Nascent Soul and prepare for a fierce battle." Li Ming said in a low voice.

"Yes." The elder of the Seven Clans replied.

Li Ming's face was very solemn. Judging from the severity of the collision just now, this fierce beast is definitely not simple!
Within the enchantment, the regions are divided in detail, and each region is guarded by a corresponding sect, down to the smallest detail.

In addition, the four dynasties are in the middle of the coordination.

If any side is in danger of being difficult to resist, other strong men will be called in for reinforcements.

At this time, Li Ming hadn't seen the beast that collided with the barrier, so he couldn't send a signal for help at will!

After leaving the planet of the Feng family, Li Ming came to the enchantment.

Across the barrier, I saw huge beasts impacting the barrier. At a glance, there were at least a hundred of them!
Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and immediately sent out a signal for help.

A hundred ferocious beasts are definitely not something the Feng Clan can resist on their own.

After a little effort, the elders of the Seven Clans gathered the clansmen above the Nascent Soul Realm in the clan, several other clan elders, and senior Kunpeng all came to the scene.

Seeing a hundred ferocious beasts, even Senior Kunpeng, who was in the semi-respected state, couldn't help but gasped, and said: "This is a catastrophe, and it is absolutely impossible to resist with the strength of our Phoenix clan."

"En." Li Ming responded with a nod, and continued: "I have already sent out a call for help, and I believe it will not be long before strong people come to reinforce them."

Senior Kunpeng nodded and felt relieved.

 There are still a few recipients who don't have contact information, please see the list of happy candy under the management of the work.Then contact me privately!Thanks.Well, today is over, and I will continue writing tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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