The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1198 The Treasure of Qi Machine

Chapter 1198 The Treasure of Qi Machine
Li Ming joined forces with the clansmen above the Nascent Soul Realm to hold on to the barrier, waiting for support.

These hundreds of fierce beasts are menacing and unstoppable.

The fierce beast rushing to the front had already hit the barrier, and the trembling feeling spread throughout the barrier.

I believe that even if Li Ming doesn't send a signal for help, all the strong will know it.

Li Ming couldn't recognize these ferocious beasts one by one. Some were well-known, some had been seen several times, but they didn't know what species they were, and some had never been seen before.

At this time, there was only a click sound, and a hole was cracked in the barrier like glass.

Li Ming and his clan had been prepared for a long time, and at the moment when the barrier broke, they dealt shocking damage.

Even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned ferocious beast screamed in pain and ran away with its head in its arms.

However, Li Ming didn't dare to be careless. According to Senior Kunpeng, at least seven or eight of the hundred beasts were as strong as him.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable. I only hope that reinforcements will arrive as soon as possible.

The beasts poured in from the hole in the barrier, but fortunately the hole was not big, and Li Ming and the others tried their best to block it, but fortunately no beast could cross the barrier.

However, these ferocious beasts were not stupid, seeing that they could not rush in from the holes, fortunately they continued to hit the barrier, trying to hit a few more holes.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face became very serious. With the strength of the Feng Clan, it is already very difficult to defend one hole, let alone two, or even multiple.

I only heard that senior Kunpeng said anxiously: "Li Ming, hurry up, send another signal for help."

Li Ming came back to his senses and immediately sent another signal for help.

It's just that after the signal was issued, Li Ming suddenly lost his confidence.

The barrier wasn't too big. With such a big commotion and a signal for help, it stands to reason that reinforcements should have arrived long ago, but up to now there is still no reinforcements.

Li Ming suddenly realized something, his face became very ugly, and he said, "Back, back quickly!"

Everyone was startled and looked at Li Ming inexplicably.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Reinforcements won't come, everyone withdraw quickly!"

Hearing that reinforcements would not come, everyone felt chilled and at the same time extremely puzzled.

I only heard Li Ming urging: "Quick retreat, quick retreat!"

At this time, everyone came back to their senses and retreated immediately.

Losing the persistence of the Feng Clan, the fierce beasts got in directly from the hole in the barrier.

The Feng family has retreated to the planet of the Feng family, preparing for a fierce battle.

Once the ferocious beast entered the barrier, it began to do evil without restraint.

Seeing that the ferocious beast was about to come to the planet of the Phoenix Clan, the old man of the Seven Clans asked unwillingly: "How could this happen?"

"Golden Emperor." Li Ming spat out two words with difficulty through his teeth.

Although Li Ming couldn't figure out the reason of the matter, all of this definitely has something to do with the Golden Emperor!
I only heard Li Ming ordering in a low voice: "The people of the Feng clan obey the order."

"Yes." Everyone from the Feng Clan responded.

"When the ferocious beast comes, everyone, don't fight recklessly. It's important to save your life. When all the white-headed beasts have entered the barrier, everyone will find a way to escape from the barrier and go to our new home of the Phoenix Clan!" Li Ming said solemnly.

"Yes!" Everyone in the Feng Clan responded.

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan were a little apprehensive, but they didn't say it out of their mouths. Now that things have happened, they don't care so much. It is important to save the lives of the clansmen!

In the blink of an eye, the ferocious beast had killed the Phoenix clan planet.

Li Ming, senior Kunpeng, the elders of the second clan, and the elders of the third clan went forward to buy time for the disciples of the Feng clan to transfer.

The elders of the four clans, the elders of the fifth clan, the elders of the sixth clan, and the elders of the seventh clan are responsible for transferring the disciples of the Feng clan.

The ferocious beast is tyrannical, and no grass grows wherever it goes.

However, fortunately, not all the beasts flocked to the Phoenix Clan, some went to other nearby planets.

This is a bloody day, not only for the Feng Clan, but also for the sects around the Feng Clan.

Li Ming and his party tried their best to mediate with the beast, but they were outnumbered and could not stop the advance of the beast after all.

The disciples of the Feng clan were affected, and in just a few breaths, thousands of members of the clan fell.

Li Ming's eyes turned red, and at the same time he blamed himself very much. As the patriarch of the Feng clan, he failed to protect his people.

"Golden Emperor!" Li Ming gritted his teeth and shouted, this feud is over!Never die!
The ferocious beast wiped out half of the barrier, and the calls for help from various sects were sent out again and again.

However, it has been a long time since the Four Emperors and Zhu Qiang appeared.

Everyone gave up their hearts. In front of the powerful and domineering beast, all thoughts were lost!

In an instant, half of the planet of the Phoenix Clan was destroyed, and the other weak sects in the surrounding area were directly exterminated. Several clan elders led their clansmen to evacuate from the barrier in a panic.

However, at this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly descended from the sky and exploded with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, a strong man covered in lightning appeared.

This person is none other than Lei Dao Supreme, Lei Wanli!
Seeing Lei Wanli, Li Ming felt a little relieved.

As soon as Lei Wanli appeared, most of the beasts were frightened and trembling with fright.

However, there were also a few who dismissed them with provocative faces.

Lei Wanli came to the planet of the Feng clan to strangle the wanton beasts.

Suddenly, the situation changed drastically.

After a little effort, Qin Huang also rushed to join the battlefield.

After a while, Emperor Tang and Emperor Ming arrived one after another.

The last is the Golden Emperor!
The four emperors arrived, and the wanton ferocious beast was instantly suppressed.

Li Ming looked at Jinhuang from a distance, without saying a word, but the anger in his heart was already overwhelming, and he had the urge to swallow Jinhuang alive!
Hundreds of beasts died, and a hole in the barrier was repaired.

However, the Feng Clan suffered heavy casualties.

Originally, it could have been avoided!

The crisis approached, and the Golden Emperor led the crowd to leave.

Qin Huang hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Lei Wanli came to Li Ming's side, patted Li Ming's shoulder, and said in relief, "My condolences will change."

Li Ming's calm face couldn't help but twitched, and he asked unwillingly: "Senior Lei, what's going on? Why are there so many sects calling for help, but the reinforcements are so late?"

Lei Wanli took a deep breath and said, "The secrets of heaven have been hoodwinked."

"Have the secrets been deceived?" Li Ming was startled, and couldn't help frowning.

Lei Wanli nodded and said, "It took me a long time to come to my senses, and then I rushed over immediately."

"Who deceived the secret?" Li Ming asked in a deep voice.

However, Lei Wanli shook his head.

"Golden Emperor?" Li Ming asked.

"I'm not sure either," Lei Wanli said.

After a slight pause, Lei Wanli said again: "My intuition tells me that it shouldn't be Wanyan Honglei."

"It's not him?" Li Ming was startled, and Fox asked, "Why?"

"He still doesn't have the strength to deceive so many strong people, unless..." Lei Wanli hesitated to speak.

"Unless what?" Li Ming asked.

Lei Wanli thought for a while and said, "Unless there is a treasure of Qi that defies the sky."

"The treasure of Qi?" Li Ming was startled, but he had never heard of such a treasure.

 Readers who want happy candies, please leave the recipient, contact information, and delivery address.One of the three is indispensable, and without one, the express delivery cannot be sent out.Tomorrow the hero will go home early in the morning, those who want candy should hurry up, and those who lack information should contact the hero as soon as possible.After returning home tomorrow, after sending out the wedding candy, the matter of the wedding candy will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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