The best immortal emperor

Chapter 13 Strangeness

Chapter 13 Strangeness
Sitting cross-legged under the old locust tree, Li Ming became sedated in a moment, and then greedily absorbed the strange aura emanating from the old locust tree.

The strange air enters from the pores of the whole body and settles in the internal organs.

Slowly spit it out later, and the impurities in the body will flow out.

Li Ming only felt refreshed, and his body seemed to be a little lighter.

Accompanied by exhalation, the impurities blocked in the Renmai tendons gradually decrease, and the unobstructed feeling becomes more obvious.

Suddenly, a long-lost sense of familiarity came, which was a natural feeling.


Li Ming let out a long breath of turbid air, opened his eyes like stars, and finally opened up the seventh Ren Channel.

After a long time, Li Ming murmured: "Although the seventh path of Ren Meridian has been opened, it is only as thin as a hair, and the energy of the five internal organs has to be used to strengthen the cultivation. However, the sky is already bright at this moment, so we have to leave this place first."

After returning home, Li Ming closed the door of the small courtyard and sat by the flower bed to consolidate his cultivation.

The little yellow book says that when a person is just born, the meridians are unobstructed, which is regarded as innate.But in the process of growing up the day after tomorrow, the body will inhale many impurities, which will gradually block the meridians. Some people's meridians are completely blocked, and some people's meridians are only partially blocked.

The process of exhaling and nourishing qi is to expel the impurities in the body and return to the innate body.

Li Ming calmed down, manipulating the qi of the five internal organs to consolidate the newly opened Ren meridian.

If the newly opened Ren Meridian is thin and weak, if it is not strengthened in time, it is likely to be blocked by impurities in the body again.

The light blue air of the five internal organs flows into the Ren meridian, and the Ren meridian becomes crystal clear, and a layer like wax oil is formed on the four walls.

After a long time, the qi of the five internal organs condensed into wax oil was completely consolidated, and the Ren meridian will never be blocked since then.

However, the meridians still need to be widened, and the Ren meridian with thin and thin hair can't practice Zhou Tian at all, it needs to be widened by at least half the thickness of a finger.

Broadening the meridians does not happen overnight, Li Ming is not in a hurry, and cultivation is not something that can be rushed.

At this moment, the sun was high and the summer sun was scorching the earth, and the cicadas on the trees were unbearably hot, but Li Ming didn't feel the heat, and he didn't sweat even though he was sitting under the sun.

Although I didn't sweat on my body, when the Ren meridians were opened up, a lot of impurities were discharged. At the moment, it was sticky and sticky to my body, so I still had to take a bath.

Lin Ruyu didn't sleep well for several days in a row, and she looked haggard, which couldn't be concealed even with heavy makeup.

Zhang Xiaoru saw that Lin Ruyu was in a daze, and Fox asked, "Ruyu, what happened to you these two days? You look very bad, did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"

"No, I'm fine." Lin Ruyu surprisingly didn't argue today, she seemed to have lost the strength to argue.

"Oh. By the way, the Blue Flame Bar is going to be transferred. Their manager called today and said that they can refund the unused coupons." Zhang Xiaoru said.

"The Blue Flame Bar is going to be transferred?" Lin Ruyu was stunned for a moment with a dull expression, but then she felt bitter in her heart, and secretly said: "They want to leave the East China Sea together? Haha, are you staying and flying together?"

"Ruyu, what's wrong with you? You look weird." Zhang Xiaoru frowned and asked.

"It's nothing." Lin Ruyu said calmly, but her heart was overwhelmed, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Lin Ruyu's sad eyes, as if she had made up her mind, she said seriously: "Xiaoru, please help me make an appointment with the owner of Lanyan Bar, just say that I intend to take over her bar .”

"Ruyu, what is this?" Zhang Xiaoru looked at Lin Ruyu suspiciously, not understanding why she made such a decision.

"Okay, Xiaoru, don't ask, I've already decided on this matter." Lin Ruyu said seriously.

"Okay, I'll make an appointment with their boss for you, how is tonight?" Zhang Xiaoru asked.

"Yes. No, tomorrow night."

Lin Ruyu's eyes were full of wisdom. She hadn't had a good rest for two days and looked haggard.If she went to see that woman like this, she would definitely be at a disadvantage, so she had to sleep well, sleep well, and then see that woman again, so it was scheduled for tomorrow night.

If she wanted to compare her, it would be best for Li Ming to come tomorrow and let him know that he is blind, who is more beautiful.

Tan Xiaoling also didn't sleep well in the past two days, she was very haggard, but she answered the phone just now.

The call was made by a child, and she secretly told herself to be strong, and she couldn't go on like this, she still had a child.

Li Ming didn't leave her anything but this child, she vowed to raise this child well and educate him well.Wait until Li Ming is a day old, and then tell him that he has a child, but he just won't let the child call him father, making him feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Tan Xiaoling took a hot bath and had a good night's sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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