Chapter 12
After lunch, Li Ming continued to look for a house. He was lucky in the afternoon, and he actually found it. The landlord happened to be meritorious, so he made an appointment at two o'clock to look at the house.

So, Li Ming went to the bank to withdraw some money, and then went to the address given by the landlord.

Li Ming is very satisfied with the house. There are three old houses with a small courtyard. There is a flower bed in the yard, but there are no flowers growing, instead it is a flower bed of grass.

According to the landlord, the grass was left by the previous tenant, and it seems to be some famous grass.

The landlord said that if he didn't like it, he could clean it up. Li Ming saw that the yard was full of greenery except for this flower bed, so he decided to keep them.

After paying half a year's rent, Li Ming went back to Lin Ruyu's place to move things.In fact, there is nothing to move, just a few clothes.

Li Ming called Lin Ruyu and told him that he had moved out.

Lin Ruyu who received the call was a little dazed, and it took him a while to recover. Has he moved out?
Originally Lin Ruyu was in a good mood today, one was that the company signed a big contract, and the other was that Li Ming didn't go to accompany that woman last night, but now she couldn't be happy because Li Ming was going to move out.

She wanted to keep him, but she couldn't find any reason, let alone speak.

She knew that he was going to accompany that woman, because he came back from abroad for that woman.

Lin Ruyu felt that she had failed so badly that she didn't even know the girl's name until now.

Zhang Xiaoru saw Lin Ruyu lost his mind, Fox asked, "Ruyu, what's wrong? You won't be dumped by your boyfriend, right?"

"Fuck you, how many times have I told you that he is not my boyfriend anymore." Lin Ruyu said angrily, but she was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

"By the way, did you know? Su Mengyu has gone to Yang's Group, and happened to be in charge of the business cooperation with our company. This time, you will be in full bloom." Zhang Xiaoru said with a smile.

"Oh." Lin Ruyu responded without taking it seriously.

In the past, when she heard such news, she would definitely lose her composure with excitement, but at this moment, she couldn't be excited because Li Ming moved out.

Lin Ruyu felt as if she had lost an important treasure, and her heart was empty.

In the evening, Li Ming did not go to the Blue Flame Bar again, and he would never go there again.

Being alone for a long time, Li Ming has long been used to the taste of loneliness, and now he doesn't feel much alone in the small courtyard, but occasionally thinking of Tan Xiaoling, he feels a faint pain in his heart.

The sun is setting and the moon is rising, the stars are dotted, it is not very hot, there is a breeze, it is a good night.

However, Lin Ruyu couldn't sleep on such a beautiful night.

Lin Ruyu returned home, opened the door and habitually glanced at the small floor bed, but the small floor bed was gone, and Li Ming really left.

Lin Ruyu sat on the bed, feeling indescribably sad, disappointed and jealous.

In the middle of the night, Li Ming quietly came under the old locust tree, and in less than half a moment, he fell into a samadhi and began to practice.

When the sun rose the next day, Li Ming left quietly.

He has been here, without taking anything away, and also without leaving any traces.

Back in the small courtyard, Li Ming did not have breakfast as usual, but did a set of punches.After a few days of meditation, the qi in the five internal organs in Li Ming's body became more and more pure, and the seventh vein was faintly about to open.

After finishing a set of punches, Li Ming was full of energy and feeling extremely comfortable, ready to go back to the house for dinner.

Lin Ruyu sat on the bed for a whole night, and also stayed in a daze for a whole night, Li Ming moved out like this.

Sunshine came in through the window, Lin Ruyu walked to the window sill, let the sun shine on her body, it was warm, and the gloom in her heart seemed to be relieved a bit, but whenever she thought of Li Ming, she felt a little depressed and uncomfortable.

Lin Ruyu suddenly remembered a small modern poem that she had read somewhere, and felt that it was very suitable for her mood at the moment.

The little poem reads:
sunshine is good
morning is good
breakfast is good,
Everything in the house is fine.

However, you suddenly want to tell me a very bad thing,

I think these good ones belong to others.

There is no doubt that Li Ming is the very bad thing in Lin Ruyu's heart, and it is a very bad thing.

This morning, there is no Li Ming, no breakfast.

Lin Ruyu, who had been stunned all night, washed up and tried her best not to think about that bad thing. She bought a breakfast for herself, assuming it was Li Ming who bought it for her.

In this way, Lin Ruyu told herself a lie and went to the company with a self-deceiving smile.

Tan Xiaoling woke up overnight, her energy was still low, and she looked listless. She felt that she was no longer fit to stay in this city, or maybe she couldn't find a reason to stay.

Do you want her to meet Li Ming holding that woman's hand while shopping or eating one day, and then say blessings with a smile on her face?

It must be the most painful thing in the world.

So, Tan Xiaoling called Manager Lin and asked her to post the transfer information at the door of the shop.

She wants to leave, the farther away the better.

After breakfast, Li Ming took out the little yellow book. Although he had read it many times, he would have different feelings every time he read it. To the practice experience recorded in the little yellow book.

In the afternoon, Li Ming decided to go out for a walk to see if there were any strange vegetation like the old locust tree in the East China Sea.

Li Ming went to several places and saw several towering ancient trees, including a thousand-year-old ginkgo, but it did not exude the strange aura of an old locust tree.

Everything pays attention to fate, if you can't find it, Li Ming doesn't force it, meeting the old locust tree is already a great fortune, how dare you ask for it too extravagantly?

In the middle of the night, Li Ming went to the detention center again. He felt that he was about to get through the seventh Ren meridian.

(End of this chapter)

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