The best immortal emperor

Chapter 11 Finding a House

Chapter 11 Finding a House

Lin Ruyu was very unhappy, and drove the car very fast. In less than half an hour, she killed her home from the suburbs.

Li Ming didn't know why Lin Ruyu was sulking, and he was thinking that Lin Ruyu might not like him, right?
Although I look pretty good, I definitely can't reach the point where people feel love at first sight.

What's more, in Li Ming's view, beauty and ugliness are just a pair of stinky skins. Whether you are beautiful like a fairy descending to earth, or ugly like a demon reincarnated, you will turn into dust after a hundred years.

Li Ming believes that the love born of appearance is extremely superficial, short-lived, and easy to deteriorate. He prefers the kind of unforgettable, unforgettable love for a lifetime.

The heavy rain washed away the dust all over the city, but it couldn't wash away Lin Ruyu's troubles.

Lin Ruyu herself didn't know why she was angry, she kept asking herself if she liked Li Ming, but no matter from which point of view, she would never like Li Ming, but she was angry, and very angry .

Lin Ruyu couldn't figure it out, how could she not compare to the mother of a four-year-old child?
Appearance, figure?
The heavy rain washed away not only the dust, but also the high temperature, and Lin Ruyu went back to her room angrily.

Li Ming felt a little lost, inexplicably lost, always felt like he had lost something suddenly, but he couldn't tell what it was.

Is it love?
But for people like him, love has already become a luxury.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of the old locust tree, his lost mood disappeared, and he said secretly:

"Now that the eight meridians of the Qi meridian have connected the six meridians, and then the second meridian of Rendu can be opened up. At that time, the qi of the five internal organs can be refined into the sky, and when you step into the first level of qi training, you can use qi talismans and refine defensive magic weapons. Can have certain means of defense.

And when he reaches the third level of Qi training, he can refine a higher-level magic weapon that can withstand bullets. When he is not by her side, even if he is in danger, he will have the means to protect himself. "

All of a sudden, Li Ming felt that love was not so far away.

Originally, it was a very extravagant wish to open up the eight meridians, but when he saw the old pagoda tree, Li Ming felt that this was no longer a luxury. He suspected that there must be ancient trees like the old pagoda tree, or flowers and plants in the world. He even suspected that the dense and purple aura hadn't really dried up, maybe it was hidden in a certain corner of the world.

Li Ming lay on his little bed, looked at the empty big bed next to him, and fell asleep with a trace of loss.

The next day, Li Ming didn't go to the park to meditate, but took a late sleep.

When he woke up, Lin Ruyu had already gone to work.

Li Ming thought about what Lin Ruyu asked him to move out last night, thought carefully, and felt that it was really necessary to move out.

Lin Ruyu Yunying is an unmarried, yellow flower girl, and it is really inappropriate to live with her.

Although Li Ming was a little reluctant to move away, after all, he lived under the same roof as a beautiful woman like Lin Ruyu, and occasionally he could eat some tofu.

But now that Tan Xiaoling is back, if she is told that she is living with Lin Ruyu, there may be a misunderstanding.

Manager Liu said that Tan Xiaoling seemed to have been alone all these years, but her husband had never appeared, and she seemed to be divorced a long time ago.

Li Ming felt that his chance had come. He needed such a chance to make up for the harm caused to Tan Xiaoling by that white lie, and also needed such a chance to fulfill the promise he made many years ago.

Li Ming washed up, ate some breakfast, and searched for rental information on the Internet.

But until noon, I couldn't see a suitable one, so I had to give up for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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