The best immortal emperor

Chapter 10 Cultivation

Chapter 10 Cultivation
The weather in summer is capricious, like a child's face changing as soon as it changes. Just now the moon and stars were sparse. At this moment, a flash of lightning pierced the night, followed by a muffled thunder, and with a bang, heavy rain came one after another.

The heavy rain came very quickly, very loudly, like a whole river pouring down.

However, the old locust tree was full of branches and leaves, like a big umbrella that was opened, and Li Ming didn't get wet.

It's just that at this moment, Li Ming frowned and was a little depressed, and the thunderstorm just now woke him up from his sedation.

Now, the muffled thunder is rumbling, one after another, I am afraid that it is impossible to re-enter meditation, and in the end I can only give up the idea of ​​​​cultivation.

The rain was heavy, falling down like beans. Li Ming didn't get up and went back to the cell. He would definitely be drenched when he went back now, and traces would be left along the way.

At this moment, the rain gradually subsided, and the thunder faded away. Li Ming planned to continue practicing, but after being startled by the thunder, he could no longer enter concentration.

Li Ming left the old locust tree, disappeared into the night like a civet, and then prepared to go home.

Walking on the road, he happened to meet Lin Ruyu who had just got off work.

Therefore, Li Ming took Lin Ruyu's car as a matter of course.

In the car, Li Ming's phone rang, and it was Tan Xiaoling calling, which surprised Li Ming.

Lin Ruyu, who was driving the car, asked casually, "Who are you calling so late?"

Li Ming paused and replied, "It's a friend."

"Friend?" Lin Ruyu was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help asking: "That friend? She's back?"

"Well, I just came back." Li Ming said.

"Then when will you move out?" Lin Ruyu asked coldly.

Li Ming was stunned, Lin Ruyu's thinking was too out of bounds, and at the same time, he felt faintly disappointed, was he going to be kicked out so soon?
After a slight pause, Li Ming said flatly: "As soon as possible!"

"Asshole." Lin Ruyu scolded through gritted teeth.

Li Ming didn't know what kind of anger she was getting. He had already promised her to move out, so why should he be angry?Simply lean on the seat and close your eyes to meditate, without speaking.

But the more Li Ming was like this, the more angry Lin Ruyu was, and the gas pedal under his feet unconsciously stepped on the bottom, but fortunately, it was late at night, and he was in the suburbs, and there was no one on the road, so it didn't matter if he drove so fast.

"Bastard, bastard, super big bastard." Lin Ruyu cursed in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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