Chapter 9
"Let's not talk about that, let him get over the past and go back to the bar first." Tan Xiaoling's voice was also hoarse and deep.

Tan Xiaoling didn't know why Li Ming left suddenly at the beginning, and she didn't know why Li Ming came back this time, otherwise she would never have been so indifferent just now, let alone let Li Ming misunderstand that she was married to someone else and her child was four years old .

At the beginning when the old Lin sent the news, Tan Xiaoling was heartbroken when she heard that Li Ming had married a new lover and moved overseas. She once thought about committing suicide, but later found out that she was actually pregnant, and it was almost a month ago.

Undoubtedly, the child belonged to Li Ming, because she only had a boyfriend, Li Ming.

At first, Tan Xiaoling thought about using her child as capital to blackmail Li Ming back, but she didn't have Li Ming's contact information, and she couldn't find the person who summoned him.

After a lot of struggle and confrontation, Tan Xiaoling finally decided to give birth to the child, named Siming, hoping that one day Li Ming would come back and change her mind. She was only 19 years old that year.

This day seems to have come, but Tan Xiaoling is not sure yet, has Li Ming really changed his mind?
In the taxi, Tan Xiaoling kept her head down and covered her face with the brim of her hat, because her makeup was stained by tears, and she didn't want Li Ming to see her ugly side.

There was some traffic jam on the road, and it was already eight o'clock when we arrived at the Blue Flame Bar, which was at its peak business hours.

Today, the business of the bar is exceptionally good, but it is basically consumed with consumption vouchers, which are obviously employees of Lin Ruyu's company.

Tan Xiaoling went into the bathroom, put on her makeup, and walked to Manager Liu's office.

Li Ming didn't know what to do now, he wanted to reconnect with Tan Xiaoling in his old dream when he came back, but he didn't expect that Tan Xiaoling already had a child.

However, he did not resign and leave the bar.

A few days later, when Li Ming was taking a walk after get off work at night, he found a giant tree.

It was an old locust tree, with luxuriant branches and leaves, towering to the sky, and I don't know how many years it has grown.

Li Ming looked from afar, and by the moonlight, he could see the majestic crown of the old locust tree, which shaded the sky and lifted the sky, and its roots were like dragon claws grasping the ground, and he felt a little joy in his heart.

After Li Ming got the little yellow book, he felt more and more that he had touched a piece of history buried in the long river of time. Maybe flying to the sky and escaping the earth is not a legend, maybe Lingxiao Wonderland is not a legend, maybe the King of Hades is hooking up at the desk right now. According to the book of life and death, maybe the Tang Dynasty really had Xuanzang's four masters and apprentices.

However, Li Ming has no way of ascertaining these histories buried by time, but he believes that they must exist, otherwise there would be no little yellow book left in the world, let alone the present self.

If this towering elm tree can become a spirit and speak out people's words, it may be able to tell one or two of them based on the years it has experienced. Unfortunately, at this moment, this elm tree is just an elm tree after all, and it is not like the ghost in Liaozhai that can manifest human form.

Thinking of this, Li Ming felt a little melancholy, lost, and lonely. Maybe he is the only person in this world who has touched the mysterious world of gods, ghosts, and ghosts?

The rhizome of the old locust tree is strong, like a dragon's claws grasping the ground deeply. The trunk is so thick that it takes six or seven people to embrace it. The branches and leaves cover the sky. It is a real giant.

Li Ming looked at the old locust tree at close range. Although it was night, but the moonlight was bright, Li Ming could still clearly see the texture of the tree.

Li Ming put one hand on the trunk of the old locust tree, closed his eyes, and quietly felt the breath from the old locust tree.

Li Ming fell into samadhi and sank into it wholeheartedly.

After a while, Li Ming opened his eyes, with a look of astonishment, and murmured: "Aura, such a strong aura! It's really a magical old locust tree."

Immediately, Li Ming sat down under the old locust tree, put his palms between his knees, as if meditating.

Meditating and concentrating, abandoning all thoughts, Li Ming soon fell into samadhi again.

Breathing in and out, the strong aura emitted by the old locust tree entered Li Ming's internal organs, and Li Ming immediately felt refreshed all over.

"Could this be the aura described in the little yellow book? But isn't the aura already exhausted, and the aura described in the little yellow book is dense and purple. Although this aura is strong, it is definitely not aura. As for what it is, I can't tell. But absorb In addition to refreshing the whole body, it also feels that the qi in the five internal organs is pure, and the qi and blood in the whole body have become more vigorous, and I am afraid that it can also use it to open up the remaining meridians and acupoints." Li Ming was secretly excited.

The eight meridians of the human body, more than 300 need to be learned, now Li Ming has opened up six meridians, more than 200 points, if he can open up the remaining two tendons, he will be able to circulate the energy of the five internal organs and embark on the journey of refining Qi The way to become a true monk.

When Li Ming saw the old locust tree for the first time, he felt that this tree was not simple, but he still didn't expect it to be so magical.

He has been to many places and seen many ancient trees, but none exudes such a wonderful aura.

Li Ming stopped thinking about it and meditated quietly. He didn't expect to have such an opportunity tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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