The best immortal emperor

Chapter 8 White Lies

Chapter 8 White Lies
As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the bar, Li Ming saw Manager Liu smiling at him mysteriously, as if there was some happy event.

Li Ming asked curiously: "Manager Liu, why are you smiling so happily? You won't win the lottery, right?"

"I'm happy for you." Manager Liu still smiled.

"For me?" Li Ming paused, scratching the back of his head, not knowing why.

"Well, Boss Tan called me just now and said that he came back early. He just got on the plane and arrived at 06:30. He asked me to send someone to pick her up." Manager Liu said with a smile.

"Xiao Ling is back?" Li Ming paused, feeling extremely excited.Immediately understood Manager Liu's smile, "Manager Liu, leave the task of taking over Boss Tan to me, and I promise to complete it satisfactorily."

"Go to the airport early, don't miss it." Manager Liu confessed that Boss Tan used to travel frequently, but he never called her to send someone to pick her up. It is obvious that he came back early this time to Li Ming. .

"Understood." Li Ming replied, and took a taxi directly to the airport without entering the bar, but halfway through the trip, Li Ming felt that he was not serious enough, and there was a fingernail-sized oil spot on his undershirt, which was when cooking at noon. It was accidentally splashed, so Li Ming went back home and changed into the dress that Lin Ruyu bought for him.

The dress was a bit stuffy to wear, and there was a little sweat on his forehead after he had just walked a few steps, which was very uncomfortable, but Li Ming didn't care at all, because he was going to pick up Tan Xiaoling.

The plane at 06:30, Li Ming arrived at 05:30, sat in the waiting hall and waited patiently, without any impatience.

When the radio sounded that the flight had landed safely, Li Ming went straight to the passenger exit passage.

At this time, a young young woman stepped off the plane, wearing a sun hat, sunglasses, tight short sleeves, and tight jeans. She was looking good, with a small bag in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

She is none other than Tan Xiaoling.

Tan Xiaoling was a little excited and a little nervous, but more worried and nervous, so her steps were sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and she was even a little distracted, and accidentally bumped into other passengers.

Standing at the exit, Li Ming was equally excited, nervous, and even anxious, which was an emotion that rarely appeared in him.

Li Ming is nearly 1.8 meters tall, and he can see the faces of the passengers in the aisle standing up, but at this moment he still stands on tiptoe, trying to see everyone clearly.

There are a lot of tourists, and the exit is full of people at first glance, but Li Ming still finds the woman who makes him dream from the crowd at a glance. Even though she is wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, even though she has not seen her for several years, Li Ming still He recognized her immediately.

At this moment, Li Ming was somewhat grateful for the training and training of his dragon group. If he hadn't gone through rigorous training, it would be absolutely impossible for him to recognize Tan Xiaoling at a glance.

Tan Xiaoling in the passage also saw Li Ming at a glance, not because she had also undergone rigorous training, but because Li Ming was taller than the other friends and relatives, and the dress was very conspicuous.

Tan Xiaoling's heart was pounding, she suddenly changed her travel plan and hurried back to Donghai, all because of this handsome boy in front of her.

He didn't look much different, he just looked more mature than before, and he wasn't wearing a military uniform.

In fact, if the four-year-old child was not dragging her down, Tan Xiaoling would even rush back the day she received Manager Liu's call, because she really loved him, otherwise she would never have given birth to a child for him and raised the child alone, but he Did not know all this.

Tan Xiaoling walked towards Li Ming apprehensively. She was afraid that all this was an illusion caused by her missing Li Ming too much, so she secretly pinched her arm with her fingers and found it hurt, and then she was sure that everything was real.

But she was still very nervous, she was afraid that Li Ming would leave her quietly again.

Li Ming walked towards Tan Xiaoling, who was always articulate, couldn't open his mouth at this moment, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence, "Are you back?"

"Hmm." Tan Xiaoling couldn't help trembling when she heard such a familiar voice, her plump upper body heaved up and down behind her.

After a simple question and answer, the scene fell into silence and the atmosphere became very awkward.

In the end, Tan Xiaoling was the first to break the embarrassment and said, "Let's go to the bar."

After a brief moment of embarrassment, Li Ming recovered, took the suitcase from Tan Xiaoling's hand naturally, and walked out of the airport with her.

"Xiaoling, I'm sorry." These five words suddenly popped out of Li Ming's mouth, and Tan Xiaoling's whole body trembled again, and her whole body froze.

Tan Xiaoling's eyes were moist, and she felt extremely wronged in her heart. She wished she could throw herself into Li Ming's arms on the spot, cry heartily, and confide all the grievances she had suffered over the years.

However, Tan Xiaoling finally resisted the grievance, resisted the urge to cry, and asked in a very indifferent tone: "Li Shao, where did you start?"

"Xiaoling, I'm really sorry." Li Ming had thousands of words in his heart, but he just couldn't utter them. He only said the three words 'I'm sorry'.

"Li Shao, I don't dare to be a little girl. I don't know what kind of tricks Li Shao is playing this time? I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm already the mother of a four-year-old child. If you want to find flowers and ask Liu, I'm afraid you've found the wrong one." Tan Xiaoling The words were harsh, but when she finished saying that she was the mother of a four-year-old child, all the strength in her body seemed to be exhausted, and there was only fear in her heart, fearing that Li Ming would get angry because of these words, and even leave her. .

Li Ming didn't pester the four-year-old child, and said in a hoarse, deep, and even bitter voice: "Xiao Ling, I was the one who was wrong at the beginning, and I was the one who was sorry for you."

At the beginning, when I ran into trouble, I had to go overseas, thinking that I would never come back in this life. I didn't want to hurt Tan Xiaoling, so I asked Mr. Lin to lie for himself, telling Tan Xiaoling that he had a new love and moved overseas.

This was a white lie, but in less than half a year, Li Ming regretted it, and even regretted it.

Li Ming found the little yellow book from a cave, and his strength took a qualitative leap.

In the past, Li Ming was formidable, but he was still unable to defeat one hundred enemies, but after learning the exercises in Xiao Huang's book, one enemy one hundred has become commonplace. After his strength improved, Li Ming easily eliminated his former enemies.

However, due to special reasons, I have not been able to return to China until recently.

But what he didn't expect was that Tan Xiaoling already had a child.

(End of this chapter)

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