The best immortal emperor

Chapter 7 Performance Art

Chapter 7 Performance Art
Going to work was very boring, and it was another boring night. Li Ming had nothing to envy when he saw those guests feasting and enjoying themselves, because he was already tired of playing with them.

Manager Liu knew that Li Ming was in financial difficulties, so he gave Li Ming this month's bonus in advance before leaving get off work, and it was rare for Li Ming to take a taxi back one night.

When they got home, Lin Ruyu had already fallen asleep. Li Ming took a shower and tiptoed into the room, fearing to wake Lin Ruyu up.

The air conditioner has not been repaired until today. It is not because the after-sales service is bad, but because there is no one at home for two days, so it can only be delayed until the weekend.

Being in the same room with Lin Ruyu right now, Li Ming couldn't help thinking wildly.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Li Ming walked towards his little bed.It is said to be a small bed, but it is actually a floor made of simple straw mats.

The moon was shining brightly tonight, and I don't know if Lin Ruyu was too tired and forgot to draw the curtains before going to bed, or there were other reasons, the moonlight came in through the glass, although the bedroom was not turned on, she could see clearly.

Sleeping hazily, Lin Ruyu vaguely felt a figure shaking by the bedside, instinctively turned on the bedside lamp, saw that Li Ming had returned, turned over, and continued to sleep.

Li Ming just fell asleep like this, and the two of them had no communication during the whole process.

The next day, Li Ming got up very early, and got up at dawn.

It has been several days since Lin Ruyu settled here. Li Ming is basically familiar with the surrounding environment. There is a slightly dilapidated park not far to the west of the community.

Few people go to the park at ordinary times, not to mention that it was just dawn at this moment. Li Ming who came to the park found an open place, played a set of military boxing, and sat cross-legged on the ground when the hot water boiled all over his body.

Li Ming tried his best to slow down his breathing, and tried his best not to think about anything.

Gradually, Li Ming seemed to enter an ethereal state, the sound of birds chirping in the park, the sound of tires passing by on the road, and even the whistle of ships in the long river.

Li Ming's breathing was even and rhythmic, as if he was in a trance like a worldly master in martial arts TV.

After a long time, there was a loud noise.

"Look, there's a young man sitting on the ground, don't you know what he's doing?"

"I heard that young people nowadays like to be independent. He must be doing some kind of performance art, right?"

"No, I think he looks like an old monk meditating."

Elderly people from the nearby community came to the park for a walk and talked about Li Ming when they saw him meditating.

Sitting Li Ming opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and looked helpless, "After all, the way is simple, if you enter the realm of forgetfulness and selflessness as described in the little yellow book, you will not be disturbed by these gossips at all, right? "

Then, Li Ming laughed at himself for a while, "Li Ming, Li Ming, are you too greedy? One out of 10 people in the Little Yellow Book can master the method of entering meditation, and one out of ten million people can feel the sense of energy. There is only one person in the world who can step into the realm of forgetfulness and selflessness. Now that he can feel the sense of qi, it is the blessing of God in every possible way."

Li Ming is very talented. He has realized the sense of energy a long time ago. This sense of energy is a wonderful feeling caused by the resonance between his five internal organs and the atmosphere of the world. Great power.

"If you can step into the state of forgetfulness and selflessness, I'm afraid that the qi of the five internal organs can really be integrated, and then you can practice Zhou Tian and enter the state of Qi cultivation." Li Ming thought to himself, but this idea is a little bit It's out of reach, how easy is it to cultivate Qi state?
After a long time, Li Ming got up from the ground and walked home.

Everything he did just now is what he learned from the little yellow book. The little yellow book has no name, it is like a notebook, and it is also like a book of experience. Li Ming is too lazy to name it, and always calls it the little yellow book.

Seeing Li Ming approaching, the old men asked curiously, "Young man, why were you sitting on the ground just now? Are you performing performance art? But I have been watching for a long time, sir, but I don't understand what theme you are showing."

"Master, you're overthinking. I'm tired from running, so I'll sit on the ground for a rest." Li Minghan said with a smile.

"It's just like that?" The uncle was surprised, obviously not believing it.

"Really?" Li Ming affirmed.

"Young man, don't you think you're meditating like the masters in martial arts TV?" Another uncle asked.

Li Ming staggered and almost fell off. This old man was really funny, but he was right, he was really meditating.

"Master, I'm tired from running, so I sat on the ground for a rest. As for meditation, it's all about TV dramas and novels. How can there be meditation in real life?" Li Ming emphasized.

"That's right, there are no ghosts and monsters in real life." The uncle chuckled.

Li Ming bid farewell to a few old men who joined in the fun and trotted towards the community, thinking to himself: "I didn't get off work until two o'clock in the morning last night. I'm a little tired, but now I'm meditating for more than 04 minutes, but my energy is radiant, I don't feel tired at all, and the details described in the little yellow book are really mysterious."

There is a bun shop next to the community, and Li Ming bought some buns and soy milk.

Back home, Lin Ruyu had already woken up and was washing in the bathroom. Hearing the sound of the door opening, she knew that Li Ming had returned, and asked in surprise, "Li Ming, why did you go so early?"

"Oh, I went downstairs and bought some steamed stuffed buns and soy milk. After washing up, eat as soon as possible. It will smell fishy when it's cold." Li Ming said casually.

"Oh." Lin Ruyu answered vaguely, muttering in her heart, "This guy is quite caring, and being a boyfriend seems to be a good idea too... Bah bah, what are you thinking? How can it be possible for me and that guy?"

(End of this chapter)

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