The best immortal emperor

Chapter 149 What should I do now?

Chapter 149 What should I do now?
Even Miss Qin might know that the Three-Eyed Musk Ox is pregnant, let alone Yin Zheng.

Li Ming vaguely felt that he was involved in a certain dispute, and this dispute was a dispute between the proud sons of the God of Medicine Sect. If he was a little careless, he might die miserably!

However, it is impossible for Li Ming to get out now!
In fact, since Li Ming entered the Medicine God Sect and was sent to the bullpen, the current situation was already doomed!
On the way, Li Ming thought a lot, and felt that the three-eyed musk ox should have something to hide from him.

After a while, Li Ming returned to the bullpen.

Seeing Li Ming's return, the three-eyed musk ox looked unhappy and asked, "What happened?"

Li Ming sat in front of the three-eyed musk ox, stared at it for a while, and then asked, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Is there something I'm hiding from you?" The Three-Eyed Musk Ox paused, looking flustered.

Seeing this, Li Ming knew that something must be wrong, so he said directly: "Miss Qin just had dinner, and suddenly asked if you were pregnant."

"There is such a thing!" The three-eyed musk ox was really surprised.

"Does your master Yin Zheng also know that you are pregnant?" Li Ming asked immediately.

Mentioning this, the three-eyed musk ox was silent for a while.

Li Ming's heart sank, and he secretly said: "It's not good!"

After a long time, the three-eyed musk ox said: "He should have guessed Yin Zheng, but he is not 100% sure."

Hearing this, Li Ming really took a deep breath.

At first, I was naive enough to believe the words of the three-eyed musk ox, thinking that Yin Zheng didn't know.

Unexpectedly, it was entirely because I thought things were simple!

In retrospect, it is also true, how can a proud son like Yin Zheng who is about to worship under the lord of the Medicine God Sect fail to see the clues of his mount?
Li Ming had a headache for a while, and asked, "What should we do now?"

The three-eyed musk ox was silent for a while before saying, "Sorry."

Li Ming shook his head and said, "Now is not the time to say sorry, but to think about how to send your unborn child out of the Medicine God Sect."

"Are you still willing to help me?" The three-eyed musk ox was really taken aback, and looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

Li Ming smiled wryly, and said, "I am Miss Qin's sword servant now, and she asks me to keep an eye on your movements all the time, even if I don't want to pay attention to it, I can't do it."

Hearing this, the three-eyed musk deer suddenly felt threatened.

Originally, I thought it would be enough to hide the seal from the master.

Unexpectedly, Miss Qin also paid attention to her.

Compared with Yin Zheng, the three-eyed musk ox is more afraid of Miss Qin.

The princess of the Great Qin Dynasty is no joke!

Li Ming was also silent for a while, thinking to himself.

Suddenly, Li Ming realized a problem, and Hu asked: "Niuhuang, why does Miss Qin care about you? Although fourth-grade monsters are not common, they are not considered treasures. Miss Qin is the princess of Daqin, and I don't know how many rare ones I have seen Even though you are in the God of Medicine Sect at this time, you shouldn't be too concerned about this matter. Or is there another reason?"

The three-eyed musk ox felt helpless, and yelled, "I still can't hide it from you."

Then, the three-eyed musk ox murmured: "Two years ago, I was still free, and I married a holy spirit cow. Later, I was discovered by a few geniuses from the God of Medicine Sect and was hunted down. Among them, There is my master, and Miss Qin. In order to protect me, my husband, the holy cow, dealt with those geniuses alone. Although my husband is powerful, he was outnumbered and was killed in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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