Chapter 150

Speaking of which, tears came out of the third eye of the three-eyed musk ox, neighed, and continued: "Later, I was also captured by them. At that time, Yin Zheng seemed to have seen that I was pregnant and took me as a mount. "

"Later, the other geniuses were bewildered and kept placing eyeliners in the Spirit Beast Garden. However, they were all eliminated by Yin Zheng."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart. He didn't expect that besides Miss Qin, there were other people staring at the three-eyed musk ox.

At the same time, some sympathized with the experience of the three-eyed musk ox.

"Wait, you said your husband is the Holy Spirit Bull?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Yes." The three-eyed musk ox replied.

"The holy spirit cow is a fifth-grade monster!" Li Ming said in surprise.

"Indeed, it's a pity that my husband suffered a serious injury when he was young, which affected his foundation, and he has been stagnant since his strength improved to the late stage of Jindan. Otherwise, how could those guys do anything to my husband!" The three-eyed musk ox said said with regret.

Li Ming remained silent. As long as the fifth-rank monsters develop normally, they can definitely step into the Nascent Soul Realm!No wonder even Miss Qin stared at the three-eyed musk ox.

After a while of silence, Li Ming took the lead to break it and asked, "Niuhuang, what were your original plans?"

"Originally, I planned to break through the Spirit Beast Garden when it was about to be born, to see if I could escape from the God of Medicine Sect. If I could escape, it would be good. If not, then I would take my unborn child and die together!" Three Eye musk ox said firmly.

"Desperate." Li Ming took a deep breath.

"Yes." The three-eyed musk ox replied.

"Then what are your plans now?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"It's up to you." The three-eyed musk ox confessed.

Li Ming smiled wryly, and said, "I'm just a low-level disciple, and my strength is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment. With so many talents staring at me, I'm afraid I can't help much."

"Don't underestimate yourself, and I won't let you do this for nothing. The cave where my husband and I lived before contained many treasures. If you do me this favor, I will tell you the address of the cave." The three-eyed musk ox said .

This is renegotiation.

Li Ming thought for a while, and said, "I can only say my best."

"Thank you." The three-eyed musk ox thanked.

"It's not too late to thank you when things are done," Li Ming said.

To be honest, Li Ming was very moved by the cave mentioned by the three-eyed musk ox!If he can get the treasure inside, his strength will definitely increase greatly.

However, this fact is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you may die without a place to bury yourself!
After a long silence, Li Ming suddenly had an idea and said, "If you want to safely send your child out of the God of Medicine Sect, the only way is to divert the attention of all parties first, and then find a way to let it out of the God of Medicine Sect."

"How to divert the attention of all parties?" The three-eyed musk ox asked immediately.

"Steal the dragon and turn the phoenix!" Li Ming said, his eyes full of wisdom.

"Stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix?" The three-eyed musk ox paused, his face full of confusion.

Li Ming murmured: "Those genius disciples pay so much attention to the child in your womb because it is likely to be a fifth-rank monster. If we tell them that the child in your womb is only a third-rank monster, Even second-grade monsters. I believe that they will never have any interest in it."

"Third-rank monster, second-rank monster?" The three-eyed musk ox paused and looked at Li Ming in surprise.

"Yes, monsters have blood mutations, evolution and degeneration." Li Ming said.

"There is such a thing, but we tell them, they will not believe it!" The three-eyed musk ox said strangely.

Li Ming smiled evilly and said, "I have my own plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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