The best immortal emperor

Chapter 151 Retreat practice

Chapter 151 Retreat practice
"A clever plan?" The three-eyed musk ox paused and asked, "What clever plan?"

"You can't tell, you will know when the time comes." Li Ming said.

Maybe it's because I've been with Brother Zhu for a long time, Li Ming has also learned Brother Zhu's tricks, playing tricks!

The three-eyed musk ox asked again and again, but Li Ming didn't say anything.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening, and Li Ming was preparing Miss Qin's dinner.

Li Ming didn't tell anyone, not even Brother Zhu, about the fact that Miss Qin looked exactly like the Ah Jiu he had imagined during his experience in the Illusory Forest.

It's not that Li Ming believed in Brother Zhu, it was because Brother Zhu seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep since he went to the Illusory Forest for training. No matter how Li Ming called, he didn't answer.

After dinner was ready, Li Ming sent it to Bai Yufeng.

Miss Qin's dinner time is usually relatively late, Miss Qin asked Li Ming to hand over the evening to a female disciple, and then let him go back to the cowshed.

The purpose is self-evident, to make Li Ming stare at the three-eyed musk ox all the time.

Li Ming left Bai Yufeng, did not go back to the cowshed, but went to the mission hall.

Now, Li Ming already has a waist card and can take over the mission of the sect.

He chose a task with a low degree of difficulty and hunted and killed ten second-rank monsters.

The second-grade monsters are not of much value, and tasks such as the way of the task hall are entirely because of the food hall.

You know, the food hall needs four to fifty thousand monsters every day, and as many as more than one hundred thousand.

After all, there are tens of thousands of elite disciples.

On average, each person produces one monster a day, and there are tens of thousands!
Moreover, monks have an astonishingly large appetite.Some monks have to eat several heads in one meal!
Such a huge demand, if purchased completely, is a very large expenditure.

And if the task is assigned for the low-level disciples to sharpen, the cost will be greatly reduced, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!
With Li Ming's current strength, it is more than enough to deal with the second-rank monsters, and there is no challenge at all!

Moreover, the reward for hunting is not very much, only three thousand middle-grade spirit stones!

For ordinary low-level disciples, three thousand middle-grade spirit stones is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

But to Li Ming, it was nothing.

You know, after becoming Miss Qin's Sword Servant, Li Ming can receive [-] middle-grade spirit stones from the Moon Walking Hall every month.

Therefore, three thousand middle-grade spirit stones are hardly attractive!
Li Ming took this task for another purpose!

After accepting the task, it was already dark.

Li Ming is not in a hurry to leave the sect to complete the mission, now is the time when monsters are rampant.

Back in the cowshed, Li Ming said hello to the three-eyed musk ox, and began to practice in seclusion!
Today I feel that I just got [-] middle-grade spirit stones from Elder Sun, which can be used to attack the late stage of foundation establishment.

Li Ming has an impeccable body, and his body has been baptized by golden thunder and lightning. The speed and weight of absorbing spirit stones is far faster than others.

After practicing for a night, Li Ming felt that the true energy in his body became more abundant, and his cultivation was further advanced!
The price was that a full 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones had been consumed!
Only people like Li Ming are willing to use spirit stones in this way. For other low-level disciples, they must be careful and careful!Use every piece of Lingshi wisely.

In the early morning, Li Ming prepared breakfast and lunch early and handed them over to the female disciple from yesterday.

Then, the God of Medicine Sect came out, ready to complete the task.

When he came to the gate of the sect, Li Ming showed his waist badge, indicating his identity and the purpose of leaving the sect.

Now, Li Ming is only Miss Qin's sword attendant, and even some of the elders of the side hall want to please them. How dare these gatekeeper disciples have any embarrassment and let them go!

You know, no matter where you go, there is a dark side, even if it's just a disciple who guards the mountain gate.

 It's five o'clock, and I feel like my hand is going to break when I write it at the end!Thank you for the children's shoes who voted for the recommended monthly ticket yesterday and today!Heroes will break out from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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