The best immortal emperor

Chapter 15 Defeated

Chapter 15 Defeated

"Huh? What's going on?" Li Ming frowned, and an ominous feeling came over his heart.

"Boss, it's like this. The old ghost went to Indochina Peninsula two days ago, but he suddenly sent out a set of distress signals this morning, but he couldn't be contacted, and he sent out several sets of distress signals just now, but he still couldn't be contacted. .” Heimei said.

"How could this be?" Li Ming frowned even more tightly.

"Boss, I suspect something has happened to the old ghost. Someone is using his communication device to send out signals, the purpose is to lure us into the bait." The black girl speculated.

"You send me the details of the old ghost's mission this time, including the middleman, where he is staying, and the coordinates of the distress signal."

A trace of cruelty flashed in Li Ming's eyes. The members of Heaven's Punishment love brothers, and he will definitely not sit idly by if something happens to the old ghost.

"Yes, Boss, why don't Brother Tian and the others rush over?" Heimei asked worriedly. It is definitely not easy to subdue the old ghost.

"No, I'll check the situation first and contact you if necessary," Li Ming said.

Immediately, Li Ming hung up the phone and rushed to Indochina Peninsula overnight.

The Indochina Peninsula is not an isolated island. It is only offshore and shaped like an island, which is why it is named Indochina Peninsula.

Smuggling is not difficult for Li Ming. After avoiding more than ten outposts, Li Ming stepped into Indochina Peninsula the next day.

After getting in touch with Heimei to get the coordinates, Li Ming entered them on the electronic coordinate positioning instrument and navigated to the destination. Heimei said that the coordinates were in a primitive forest.

Li Ming has read the details of the old ghost's mission. It stands to reason that even if the old ghost has an accident, the signal for help should be in the city, and should not appear in the primeval jungle. Could it be that the other party transferred the old ghost?
Li Ming was a little confused, but the most urgent thing was to rush to the location where the coordinates were displayed first, and then talk about other things.

Because he wanted to enter the primeval forest, Li Ming went to the supermarket on purpose and bought some compressed food to satisfy his hunger, a camouflage uniform, and ointment against mosquitoes and poisonous snakes.

There is no shortage of water in the jungle, and water vines grow everywhere. If you are thirsty, you can cut off one to quench your thirst, so I didn't buy water.

Half a day later, Li Ming came to the primeval forest, which was an uncultivated virgin land with towering trees and vines and grass everywhere. It was difficult to find a decent road, so he had to cut and walk at a very slow pace.

Far away in the East China Sea, in that coffee club, Lin Ruyu finally met the woman who captivated Li Ming, but she really didn't expect Tan Xiaoling to be so young and so beautiful, not even a little bit worse than her.

Lin Ruyu was in chaos, she felt that she had already lost, but she was really unwilling to admit defeat like this, she didn't believe that Tan Xiaoling was really so young, maybe she just took good care of herself, or she just looked young.

"Miss Tan is so young, I am 26, you are not as old as me?" Lin Ruyu asked with a trembling voice.

"Not too young, the child is already four years old." Tan Xiaoling said shyly.

"Ah? The child is four years old? It doesn't look like you. I thought you were not married?" Lin Ruyu pretended to be surprised, and looked at Tan Xiaoling incredulously, but she already knew it.

"My child was born early, at the age of 20." Tan Xiaoling said.

"Ah." Lin Ruyu was really surprised this time, she gave birth at the age of 20, which meant that Tan Xiaoling was only 24 years old.

Lin Ruyu knew that she had already lost, no matter how good or beautiful she was, age was her fatal wound, men loved young ones, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face.

Seeing the sadness on Lin Ruyu's face, Tan Xiaoling asked, "Miss Lin, what's wrong?"

Lin Ruyu came back to her senses, smiled to cover up her gaffe just now, changed the subject and asked, "Miss Tan, can I ask you a question?"

"Miss Lin, may I ask?" Tan Xiaoling asked.

"Miss Tan, Huaizhong Road is a prime location. Not to mention the business level of the bar, even the storefront has a price per day. As the tide rises, it can be said to be a golden hen. How can Miss Tan be willing to change hands?" Lin Ruyu asked with a hint of surprise.

Tan Xiaoling smiled wryly in her heart, but her face was filled with a smile. After all, when she came out to discuss business, she put on a bitter face and said:
"Miss Lin, it's like this. The child will go to school soon. Because of the new policy, the child will not be able to register in the East China Sea. That's why I plan to finish my studies and return to my hometown. After all, the child is more important."

"It turned out to be like this." Lin Ruyu suddenly realized, but her heart was in a mess. Li Ming was going to stay and fly back to her hometown with her.

"How about it? Miss Lin. If Miss Lin sincerely takes over the bar, the price can be negotiated." Tan Xiaoling said.

"The price is based on the price quoted by Ms. Tan, 900 million, and the transfer can be done tomorrow." Lin Ruyu said with a hint of panic.

"Huh?" Tan Xiaoling was very surprised, so the talk was over?
At this time, the waiter brought up the curry steak and red wine, but Lin Ruyu didn't have an appetite. This time she really shot herself in the foot.

The other party's appearance is not worse than hers, and her figure is also worse than hers, but his age is younger than hers, still two years old.

For a woman, even if she is only two months younger, it means she is two months older, but it is a full two years.

Two years is undoubtedly a gap.

Lin Ruyu was defeated, completely defeated, she claimed to be beautiful, but she couldn't find the slightest sense of superiority in front of the mother of this four-year-old child.

Lin Ruyu hurriedly said a few words about the transfer of the bar, then apologized and left. She didn't want to show the frustration of failure in front of Tan Xiaoling, she wanted to leave the last bit of dignity for herself, so she walked away proudly with her head held high.

Tan Xiaoling looked at Miss Lin who was leaving in a hurry, and frowned slightly. She didn't know if Miss Lin was serious about the conversation just now, and whether the bar was really transferred out smoothly like this?

Tan Xiaoling had no appetite, and she left shortly after Lin Ruyu left. The steak and red wine were left untouched and unpacked.

Lin Ruyu felt a tightness in her chest. She had never been defeated like this before. She was completely defeated. Tan Xiaoling seemed so perfect, mature, intellectual, and young.

The strong wind howling from outside the car window made her feel very comfortable, and she stepped on the accelerator unknowingly, as if it would make her feel better.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out in front of her, Lin Ruyu was so frightened that she panicked, and hurriedly slammed on the brakes, but it seemed that it was still a few minutes late, and the figure fell down directly.

Lin Ruyu got out of the car in a hurry, ran to the front of the car, saw the other party lying on the ground, and asked in a panic: "How are you? Is there something wrong? Should I take you to the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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