The best immortal emperor

Chapter 16 Corrupted

Chapter 16 Corrupted
"How did you drive? Did you wear your eyes? Didn't you see anyone in front of you? See if you hit my dad, it's going to kill you."

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties rushed over, pointed at Lin Ruyu and sweared at him.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Uncle, don't worry, let's take him to the hospital first, and I will pay for the medical expenses." Lin Ruyu said with a panicked expression.

"Don't be so troublesome, you pay 10 yuan, and I will take my father to the hospital by myself." The middle-aged uncle said with a pale face.

"Huh?" Lin Ruyu paused, looking at the middle-aged uncle in front of him in surprise.

"What? You don't want to? Do you want to be irresponsible for bumping into someone? Come on, come and see, someone hit someone and wants to be irresponsible." The middle-aged uncle yelled.

"Uncle, that's not what I meant, I..." Lin Ruyu knew she was wrong, so she didn't have the confidence to argue with the other party.

"Then you lose money, not less than 10 yuan a piece." The middle-aged uncle yelled.

"Uncle, hurry up and send me to the hospital, he looks like he's seriously injured." Lin Ruyu said anxiously, the man who was hit looked very bad, his face was sallow, and he was dying.

"Of course the injury is not serious, otherwise would he lie still? Lose money, lose money quickly. After losing money, I will take my father to the hospital by myself." The middle-aged uncle yelled loudly.

At this time, some busybodies gathered and saw the old man lying motionless on the ground, pointing and saying:

"How did the little girl drive? Look at the old man who was hit by someone, who was dying, and why don't you hurry up and pay for it, and want to make a fuss?"

"The little girl has pretty features. She didn't expect to drive so recklessly, and she wanted to be irresponsible. Everyone blocked the road, so she couldn't let her slip away."

"Little girl, hurry up and pay the money, and delay the elder's going to the hospital, but you will die. If you die, the matter will become serious, and you may even go to jail."

"Losing money, losing money, losing money quickly."

The middle-aged uncle's arrogance became even more arrogant at the moment, and he grabbed Lin Ruyu's arm desperately to ask for money.

Lin Ruyu's eyes were red, and she didn't know if it was because of the pain in the middle-aged uncle's arm, or because of everyone's accusations.

"Hurry up and lose money, or my father will die and you will be killed." The middle-aged uncle roared.

"Little girl, hurry up and pay the money."

"That's right, little girl, big things have been turned into small things, so pay some money and get over it quickly."

Lin Ruyu tried to break free from the middle-aged man's big hand, but failed several times.

10 yuan, although it is a lot, is not much to Lin Ruyu, it is just the money for a few sets of cosmetics.

But she felt that this matter was a bit weird. Although she was very distracted just now and she was responsible, the other party's behavior was very strange.

Could it be made of porcelain?

"Losing money, lose money quickly." The middle-aged uncle roared fiercely with tiger eyes.

"Little girl, don't hesitate any longer, hurry up and pay for this matter."

"Yes, little girl, you have to pay for hitting someone."

Seeing the performance of these people, Lin Ruyu thought more and more that something was wrong. She broke free from the middle-aged uncle's hand, took out her mobile phone and said, "Let the traffic police handle this matter. I will never evade my responsibility. I don't care how much I should pay." Not less than one point."

"Don't call the police."

The middle-aged uncle snatched Lin Ruyu's cell phone, slammed it to the ground, stomped his feet twice, and the cell phone was instantly torn apart.

At this time, Lin Ruyu was even more sure that something was wrong, and she must have encountered Pengci.

But at this moment, the only communication device she used for help was broken by the other party, and surrounded by so many people, she couldn't escape at all.

Lin Ruyu felt very helpless, and finally realized what it means to be ineffective every day.

If Li Ming was by his side at this time, it would definitely not be like this.

However, Li Ming was not there.

Lin Ruyu felt some blame in her heart, but more of it was bitterness and helplessness, because she realized that she had no right to blame Li Ming at all, because she was not as good as that woman.

Lin Ruyu felt depressed and wronged, and wished she could cry a lot.

"Losing money, lose money quickly, my father has an accident, you can't afford it." The middle-aged uncle yelled.

Lin Ruyu is very helpless, even though she is a strong woman in the eyes of others and earns millions a month, she has no way to deal with these people.

In the end, Lin Ruyu could only admit that she was unlucky, swallowed the bitterness, gritted her teeth and said, "I will pay."

"It's good to lose money, not less than 10 yuan." The middle-aged uncle softened his face when he saw Lin Ruyu agreed to lose money.

Lin Ruyu had already resigned to her fate and decided to take this dumb loss, but how could she have a hundred thousand cash?He could only say, "I don't have any cash with me, so I'll get it to you at the bank ahead."

"No, you are not allowed to leave unless you lose money. If you run away, who will I call?" the middle-aged uncle said with a grimace.

"But I don't have that much cash with me." Lin Ruyu was annoyed by the middle-aged uncle and raised her voice several times, and she had already agreed to lose money.

"Call your friend to deliver it." The middle-aged uncle said with a livid face.

"You dropped my mobile phone, how can I make a call?" Lin Ruyu shouted angrily.

"You give the number, I'll call, don't tell me you can't remember the number." The middle-aged uncle took out his mobile phone and said with a grimace.

"I..." Lin Ruyu paused, she really didn't remember many numbers, except for her parents, grandpa and the company, there were not many others.

Lin Ruyu couldn't help but a number popped up in her mind, which was Li Ming's cell phone number.

Lin Ruyu didn't deliberately remember Li Ming's number, she only dialed it a few times, and she didn't know how to remember it.

She didn't want to worry her parents and grandpa, and she didn't want Zhang Xiaoru to know, so she reported Li Ming's number. In fact, she subconsciously wanted Li Ming to come and rescue her.

She still remembered that Li Ming said that he would protect her well, and she was willing to believe that Li Ming would protect her well, so she gave Li Ming's number naturally.

She had some expectations in her heart, looking forward to Li Ming's arrival, coming on colorful auspicious clouds like the Monkey King who put everything in his eyes, and beat the bastards in front of him to the ground, seeking justice for herself.

The middle-aged uncle pressed the number reported by Lin Ruyu, beeped twice, and saw the middle-aged uncle frowned, and said with a gloomy face: "Little girl, you beat me, right? It turned out to be an empty number!"

"Empty number? How is it possible?" Lin Ruyu was surprised. She only talked to Li Ming on the phone two days ago. How could it be an empty number?Could it be that I remembered it wrong?
Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for me to remember wrongly.

Lin Ruyu found that she had overlooked an important detail, that woman was going back to her hometown, and Li Ming might have canceled her cell phone number in advance.

Ha ha, what a double stay and fly.

Lin Ruyu laughs more far-fetched than ever, but she wants to laugh like this, laughing at her own stupidity, laughing at her own stupidity, laughing at her own sentimentality, and at this moment she still thinks that he will come to save her, so let this smile break the last trace worry about it.

"What are you laughing at? I'm about to lose money, my father is about to die." The middle-aged uncle roared.

The old man lying on the ground groaned twice in unison, with that pained expression, the look of breathing in and out, as if he was really about to die.

Lin Ruyu could only admit that she was unlucky and lost a sum of money.

(End of this chapter)

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