Chapter 17
Indochina Peninsula.

Li Ming held a dagger to open the way in the primitive forest. The dagger was too short, and the efficiency of cutting through thorns and thorns was far inferior to that of a long knife. However, Li Ming still rushed to the destination as fast as possible.

Arrived successfully in the evening.

Li Ming knew that this was most likely a trap, so he didn't rush to approach after arriving near the coordinates, but looked at the surrounding environment first.If this is a trap, how and where to retreat when the time comes.

It took half a quarter of an hour for Li Ming to figure out the surrounding environment, and also made a retreat route.

What made him feel strange was that there was no trace of human activities around here.

If the signal source is a trap, then someone has to come and design the trap, and there will definitely be clues left behind.

But here is not, completely original ecology.

Could it be that the other party's cover-up method is too clever?

However, some paw prints were found on a few nearby trees, and it was unknown whether they were left by apes or birds, so Li Ming didn't care.

Li Ming didn't know what was going on?

Could it be that the old ghost accidentally dropped the communication equipment here while flying a helicopter?The communication equipment broke down because of the fall from a high altitude, which led to the non-stop sending out calls for help?
But in a blink of an eye, Li Ming denied this idea of ​​this small probability event, because it is impossible for the old ghost to pass by here by helicopter.

Besides, if the equipment is damaged due to the fall of the equipment and a distress signal is sent, there will not be a second set of distress signals sent after half a day.

Could it be that the first set of calls for help was sent by the old ghost himself, and the subsequent ones were used by the other party to set up traps?

Li Ming couldn't find a support point for this possibility, because the place where the communication equipment appeared was a little strange, as if it appeared here out of thin air, and he didn't smell a trap.

Li Ming carefully cats toward the signal source, like a cheetah, without making the slightest sound.

Looking at the coordinate positioning navigator in his hand, there was only 20 meters away from the signal source. Li Ming stopped, and there happened to be a broad leaf beside him. Li Ming hid under the broad leaf and quietly observed the signal source.

Because of his practice, his eyesight is so good that he can see the signal source 20 meters away.

Li Ming did not advance rashly. He looked around carefully for a while, and found that the mound less than 100 meters north of the signal equipment was abnormal.

The mound was covered with weeds and vines, and it looked plain, but Li Ming still found something unusual. Behind the lush vines, there seemed to be a hole hidden.

Li Ming didn't go directly to check it, but retreated along the same path, and walked around to the back of the mound.

After descending the mound, Li Ming came to the entrance of the cave which was covered by vines.

Listen carefully, the cave is very quiet, you can't hear anything.

Carefully pushing aside the vines, he glanced inside, but because of the light, he couldn't see anything, so he had to go into the cave.

Li Ming entered the earth cave sideways, but he didn't rush to go deep, but waited for his eyes to adapt to the light in the cave before walking in.

"Ah... ah..."

After walking for a long time, suddenly there was a slight pained moan, and Li Ming's nerves were shocked, "Is there someone? Old ghost?"

(End of this chapter)

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