Chapter 18
Li Ming's nerves tensed up, and he walked carefully into the cave without making a sound.

The light in the cave is not very good, only a few rays of sunlight shine in from the entrance of the cave half covered by vines, it is dim.

However, Li Ming's eyesight was extraordinary, and after adapting to the brief darkness, he was able to see clearly what was going on inside the cave.

The soil hole is not wide, very deep, and very wet, with moss growing in large areas.

Li Ming walked a few steps, and the groaning sound became clearer. Judging from the sound quality, it was confirmed that it was indeed an old ghost.

Li Ming's footsteps became faster, and at the same time he took out several silver needles in case of unexpected events.

After turning two corners, the eyes suddenly lit up, and saw a big opening in the earth wall of the cave roof in front, and the bright sunlight shone in, which was very dazzling, and even temporarily blinded.

When his eyes got used to it, Li Ming was shocked and his face was shocked.

He had killed many people, more than he could count, but he had never seen or imagined a mountain of corpses, but at this moment there were piles of bones in front of him.

These skeletons are not complete skeletons. The head, limbs and body are separated, and they don't look like they were cut off, but they were forcibly pulled off.

Li Ming's brows were tightly furrowed, and his expression was a little bad. He couldn't figure out why there were so many skeletons here.

Moreover, there were still flesh and blood left on some of the bones, and the smell of rotting flesh and blood was suffocating, and there were occasional maggots wriggling among them, which made people unbearable to look directly at.

At this time, the groaning sound came again, it seemed that it was behind the pile of bones, Li Ming raised his brows, and walked hurriedly.

Behind the pile of bones is a complete boulder, which is flat, long and rectangular, like a stone bed.

There is a person lying under the stone bed, it is the old ghost of the 'Heaven's Punishment' organization!

Li Ming hurried forward.

The old ghost lying on the edge of the stone bed moaning in pain saw a figure approaching, subconsciously leaned against the edge of the bed, looking a little scared.But his hands and feet were not very agile, and he couldn't move his body.

"Old ghost, it's me." Li Ming whispered under his throat.

The old ghost was stunned, with a surprised expression on his face: "Boss, why are you here?"

"Now is not the time to say this, let's talk after leaving here." Li Ming said.

"Boss, my limbs are all broken and I can't move easily. Leave me alone and leave quickly. The monster will come back soon." The old ghost said anxiously.

"A murderous thing? What kind of murderous thing?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking at the old ghost with some surprise.

"The monster is covered with a cloak, its appearance is invisible, it stands upright like a man, roars like a thunderous beast, its body is brown in color, and its body is very hard, like a wall of copper and iron, even bullets can't touch it," the old ghost explained. Said, "Boss, hurry up and leave me alone."

Li Ming didn't speak, and silently knelt down to check the situation of the old ghost.

After this inspection, the frown became even more severe. The old ghost's injury was really serious.

Seeing that Li Ming was checking his body unhurriedly, the old ghost became even more anxious, and tried to push Li Ming away, but all his limbs were broken, and he couldn't move his body at all, so he could only say: "Boss, that monster went out to look for food, you Hurry up, if you don't leave, you will be in trouble when that beast comes back."

"Okay, don't say anything, brother in the first life, how can I leave you here alone." Li Ming said, squatting down and carrying the old ghost on his back.

"Boss..." The old ghost choked up, feeling very moved.

Although Li Ming didn't know what the ominous thing was, he could imagine the horror of the ominous thing, otherwise the old ghost wouldn't have suffered such serious injuries.

Moreover, this ominous creature seemed to prey on people, once encountered, it would definitely be a fierce battle.

Li Ming stepped out of the cave in a hurry, exhausted his internal energy, and quickly retreated along the previously planned retreat route.

Suddenly, a deafening roar came, and the whole jungle trembled. Li Ming was also startled, and the expression of the old ghost on his back changed drastically, "Boss, it's a murderous creature chasing you. Put me down and run for your life, or you will get hurt!" your."

(End of this chapter)

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