The best immortal emperor

Chapter 19 The Peerless Fierce Ape

Chapter 19 The Peerless Fierce Ape
Li Ming was shocked in his heart, the roar of the tiger was nothing more than this, the roar of that ominous creature was so majestic, it shocked the whole forest, even Li Ming himself was shocked by Qi, it seems that this ominous thing is not simple.

However, no matter what, Li Ming would not leave his brother behind and run for his life alone!

In the primeval jungle, the trees are towering, and weeds and vines are everywhere. Li Ming's retreat speed is not very fast, and he is carrying the old ghost on his back.

At this time, a figure shuttled like an ape, easily jumped from one ancient tree to another, and soon caught up with Li Ming and the others.

"Boss, the monster is coming." The old ghost panicked.

Li Ming turned back slightly, and indeed a ghostly figure was chasing after him. With an idea, he channeled all the energy in his body, and with a sudden force from his feet, his body shot out like an arrow from the string, and landed on the ground with ease. On an ancient tree, he jumped forward like a monster.

Li Ming has never tried this way of jumping forward before. If he didn't have the amazing explosive power of internal energy, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Li Ming is not an ape, and he is inexperienced in jumping through the woods. He almost fell down several times when he landed, but in the end he was safe and sound.

Seeing that Li Ming was following his way of running away, the murderous creature who was chasing him was startled slightly. He didn't expect this man to have such a powerful outburst. You must know that he was carrying a strong man weighing at least 150 kilograms on his back.

The ominous thing paused for a short while and chased after him, and the speed was actually a bit faster.

Li Ming felt that the ominous thing was getting closer and closer to him, and when he turned back, the ominous thing was only two ancient trees away from him. The speed of this ominous thing was really astonishing.

Li Ming's heart suddenly jumped, and he accidentally fell down.

Fortunately, it was only three or four meters high. Li Ming adjusted his posture in time and finally landed safely. However, his legs were hit by a huge impact and became so numb that he couldn't stand up for a while.

At this time, the murderous creature who was chasing after him turned over with a kite and landed directly in front of Li Ming, blocking his way.

The short-term numbness of his legs recovered quickly. Li Ming stood up, but the murderous creature blocked his way and could not escape at all. He couldn't help but look at the murderous creature in front of him.

The murderous creature was wearing a cloak, so he couldn't see his face, but he could see a pair of scarlet eyes under the cloak, which was extremely frightening, like a demon crawling out of hell.

The murderous creature also looked at Li Ming, its scarlet eyes rolled up and down, as if thinking about something.

Li Ming noticed that the murderous creature's hands were thick and broad, with long brown hairs, not human hands but more like apes.

Could this ominous thing be an ominous ape?

Suddenly, the monster opened its mouth and screamed, revealing four long and sharp fangs.

The muscles of Li Ming's whole body were tense, holding the dagger in one hand and the silver needle in the other, ready to deal with the surprise attack of the monster at any time. This monster is definitely stronger than him!

The monster let out a long roar, and did not launch a surprise attack on Li Ming, but took two steps back, as if he had some scruples, as if there was something he was afraid of in Li Ming.

Li Ming was a little strange, he didn't understand what this murderous thing meant?
However, at this moment, the murderous creature took off his cloak, revealing a head.

Undoubtedly, it was a fierce ape.

I saw a long scar on the face of this ape, extending from the left temple to the right jaw. The bridge of the nose crossing it was cut short, which was obviously cut off when the scar was left.

The scar is very ferocious, coupled with the pair of scarlet eyes and the four bared fangs, it is really a peerless monster.

At this time, the fierce ape opened its mouth, its throat trembled slightly, as if it was about to roar, but it didn't roar.

Just when Li Ming felt strange, the fierce ape said a word: "Who are you?"

Although the fierce ape spoke inarticulately, he really said it.

Both Li Ming and the old ghost trembled, how could the fierce ape spit out human words?It's just incredible!
Li Ming stared blankly at the fierce ape, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Who... are you?" The fierce ape opened his mouth again, his throat trembling for a long time, and the words came out again, but this time with a little anger, the long scar on his face wrinkled, and his face It looks even more hideous.

Li Ming recovered from the shock, and replied: "My servant, Li Ming, if you take the liberty of disturbing senior, I hope you will forgive me."

At this time, Li Ming remembered a passage about the monsters of plants and trees recorded on the last page of the little yellow book.

Plants and trees all have spirituality. If you can understand something and open your spiritual wisdom, you can breathe out, absorb the essence of heaven and earth to refine your own energy, and when you reach a certain level of refinement, you can also transform into a human form. It is also said that if an animal is psychic, it can refine the horizontal bone , will be able to speak out.

Could it be that this vicious ape refined the crossbone?

But looking at his hesitation and slurred speech, it must be that Henggu has not been completely refined, but at least half of it has been refined.

Give him a little more time, maybe he will be able to talk to others.

Li Ming always thought that demons and ghosts were nonsense, but then he picked up the little yellow book, met the old elm tree, and now saw this fierce ape again, that strange world of grotesques and flying immortals seems to really exist .

Even if it is shattered now, at least it once existed, otherwise there would be no little yellow book left in the world, there would be no strange old elm tree, and there would be no such vicious ape who speaks out!
"Who... are you?" The fierce ape asked again with his throat trembling as he squirmed as if he didn't understand Li Ming's meaning.

Li Ming paused, and replied again: "My lord, Li Ming, if you take the liberty of disturbing senior, I hope you will forgive me."

"What is Li Ming?" The fierce ape asked, stuttering.

"Li Ming is me, I am Li Ming." Li Ming pointed to himself and said.

" mine." The fierce ape pointed at the old ghost on Li Ming's back and asked angrily.

"Senior, he is my friend, please let us go." Li Ming begged, but he didn't know if the fierce ape could understand.

"Eat... him." The fierce ape said with his mouth crooked.

"He is a human being, not food, and cannot be eaten." Li Ming said.

" delicious." The fierce ape pointed at the old ghost and said.

"You can't eat it, he's human." Li Ming emphasized again.

"Hungry." The fierce ape took a step forward, staring at Li Ming with scarlet eyes.

"No, he is human and cannot be eaten." Li Ming emphasized again.

"Hungry!" The fierce ape was so angry that he beat his chest and stomped his feet, unable to listen to Li Ming's words.

"No." It is absolutely impossible for Li Ming to hand over the old ghost.

"Hungry." The fierce ape roared and rushed towards Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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